Source code for TELF.pre_processing.Beaver.beaver

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
© 2022. Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
This program was produced under U.S. Government contract 89233218CNA000001 for Los Alamos
National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Triad National Security, LLC for the U.S.
Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. All rights in the program are
reserved by Triad National Security, LLC, and the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear
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    from mpi4py import MPI
    MPI = None

import os
import sys
import warnings
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from numbers import Integral
import sparse
from tqdm import tqdm
import scipy.sparse as ss
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer

from .tenmat import fold, unfold
from .vectorize import tfidf
from .vectorize import count
from .cooccurrence import co_occurrence
from .sppmi import sppmi
from typing import Union

[docs] class Beaver(): SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS = { 'scipy', # spicy.sparse.csr 'pydata', # sparse.coo } def __init__(self, n_nodes=1, n_jobs=1) -> None: self.n_nodes = n_nodes self.n_jobs = n_jobs # create a dictionary of supported output formats to their callable output functions prefix = '_output_' spacing = len(prefix) self.output_funcs = { name[spacing:]: getattr(self, name) for name in dir(self) if name[spacing:] in Beaver.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS and prefix in name and callable(getattr(self, name)) } # create a dictionary of supported output formats to their callable save functions prefix = '_save_' spacing = len(prefix) self.save_funcs = { name[spacing:]: getattr(self, name) for name in dir(self) if name[spacing:] in Beaver.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS and prefix in name and callable(getattr(self, name)) }
[docs] def get_vocabulary(self, dataset: pd.DataFrame, target_column: str=None, max_df: Union[int, float]=1.0, min_df: int=1, max_features: int=None, save_path: str=None, **kwargs) -> list: """ Builds the vocabulary Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the target columns. target_column : str, optional Target column name in dataset DataFrame. max_df : int or float, optional When building the vocabulary ignore terms that have a document frequency strictly higher than the given threshold (corpus-specific stop words). If float in range [0.0, 1.0], the parameter represents a proportion of documents, integer absolute counts. The default is 1.0. min_df : int or float, optional When building the vocabulary ignore terms that have a document frequency strictly lower than the given threshold. This value is also called cut-off in the literature. If float in range of [0.0, 1.0], the parameter represents a proportion of documents, integer absolute counts. This parameter is ignored if vocabulary is not None. The default is 1. max_features : int, optional If not None, build a vocabulary that only consider the top max_features ordered by term frequency across the corpus. The default is None. save_path : str, optional If not None, saves the outputs. The default is None. Returns ------- List of tokens in the vocabulary. """ assert target_column in dataset, "Target column is not found!" # get the target data data = dataset[target_column].values.tolist() vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(**{"max_df":max_df, "min_df":min_df, "max_features":max_features}, **kwargs) X = vectorizer.fit_transform(data) vocabulary = vectorizer.get_feature_names_out() if save_path: np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Vocabulary.txt"), vocabulary, fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") return vocabulary
[docs] def coauthor_tensor(self, dataset: pd.DataFrame, target_columns: tuple=("authorIDs", "year"), split_authors_with: str=";", verbose: bool=False, save_path: str=None, n_nodes: int=None, n_jobs:int =None, joblib_backend: str="multiprocessing", authors_idx_map: dict={}, time_idx_map: dict={}, return_object: bool=True, output_mode: str='pydata', ) -> tuple: """ Create co-author tensor. Returns tuple of tensor, authors, and time. Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the target columns. target_columns : tuple, optional Target column names in dataset DataFrame. The default is ("authorIDs", "year"). When assigning names in this tuple, type order should be preserved, e.g. time column name comes second. split_authors_with : str, optional What symbol to use to get list of individual authors from string. The default is ";". verbose : bool, optional Vebosity flag. The default is False. save_path : str, optional If not None, saves the outputs.. The default is None. n_nodes: int, optional Number of nodes to use. Default is the Beaver default. n_jobs: int, optional Number of jobs to use. Default is the Beaver default. joblib_backend: str, optional Joblib parallel backend. Default is multiprocessing. authors_idx_map : dict, optional Author to tensor dimension index mapping. Default is {}. If not passed, it is created. time_idx_map : dict, optional Time to tensor dimension index mapping. Default is {}. If not passed, it is created. return_object : bool, optional Flag that determines whether the generated object is returned from this function. In the case of large tensors it may be better to save to disk without returning. Default is True. output_mode : str, optional The type of object returned in the output. See supported options in Beaver.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS. Default is 'pydata'. Returns ------- tuple Tuple of tensor, author vocabulary, and time vocabulary. """ if n_nodes is not None: self.n_nodes = n_nodes if n_jobs is not None: self.n_jobs = n_jobs if self.n_nodes > 1 and MPI is None: sys.exit("Attempted to use n_nodes>1 but MPI is not available!") assert target_columns[0] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[0]} not found' assert target_columns[1] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[1]} not found' # validate mode if output_mode not in self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported mode '{output_mode}'. Modes include {self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS}") elif output_mode == 'scipy': raise ValueError('Scipy does not support sparse tensors. Please use "pydata"') if save_path is None and not return_object: warnings.warn('Function does not return object yet no save path has been provided!', RuntimeWarning) # create authors map all_authors = dataset[target_columns[0]].values.tolist() if len(authors_idx_map) == 0: idx = 0 for curr_authors_str in sorted(all_authors): curr_authors_list = curr_authors_str.split(split_authors_with) for aa in curr_authors_list: if aa not in authors_idx_map: authors_idx_map[aa] = idx idx += 1 # create time map times = dataset[target_columns[1]].values.tolist() if len(time_idx_map) == 0: time_idx_map = {year: i for i, year in enumerate(sorted(dataset[target_columns[1]].unique()))} # handle for multiple nodes n_nodes = self.n_nodes if n_nodes > 1: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() time_node_chunks = np.array_split(times, n_nodes) all_author_node_chunks = np.array_split(all_authors, n_nodes) times = time_node_chunks[rank] all_authors = all_author_node_chunks[rank] else: comm = None rank = -1 # split the data into n_jobs chunks n_chunks = self.n_jobs n_chunks = min(n_chunks, len(all_authors)) time_chunks = np.array_split(times, n_chunks) all_author_chunks = np.array_split(all_authors, n_chunks) tensor_dicts_all = Parallel(n_jobs=n_chunks, verbose=verbose, backend=joblib_backend)(delayed(self._coauthor_tensor_helper) (time_idx_map=time_idx_map, authors_idx_map=authors_idx_map, all_authors=curr_doc_authors, times=curr_times, split_authors_with=split_authors_with) for curr_doc_authors, curr_times in zip(all_author_chunks, time_chunks)) shape = (len(authors_idx_map), len(authors_idx_map), len(time_idx_map)) X = self._dist_parallel_tensor_build_helper(tensor_dicts_all=tensor_dicts_all, verbose=verbose, n_nodes=n_nodes, comm=comm, rank=rank, n_chunks=n_chunks, shape=shape) X = self.output_funcs[output_mode](X) if save_path: np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Authors.txt"), list(authors_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Time.txt"), list(time_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") self.save_funcs[output_mode](X, os.path.join(save_path, "coauthor.npz")) if return_object: return (X, list(authors_idx_map.keys()), list(time_idx_map.keys()))
[docs] def cocitation_tensor(self, dataset: pd.DataFrame, target_columns: tuple=("authorIDs", "year", "paper_id", "references"), split_authors_with: str=";", split_references_with: str=";", verbose: bool=False, save_path: str=None, n_nodes: int=None, n_jobs: int=None, joblib_backend: str="multiprocessing", authors_idx_map: dict={}, time_idx_map: dict={}, return_object: bool=True, output_mode: str='pydata', ) -> tuple: """ Creates an Authors by Authors by Time tensor. An non-zero entry x at author i, author j, year k means that author j cited author i x times in year k. Note that x is normalized. This means that for two papers a and b where a cites b, the n authors of a, and a single author from b, the author from b receives 1/n citations from each author on paper a. Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the target columns. target_columns : tuple, optional Target column names in dataset DataFrame. The default is ("authorIDs", "year", "paper_id", "references"). When assigning names in this tuple, type order should be preserved, e.g. time column name comes second. split_authors_with : str, optional What symbol to use to get list of individual authors from string. The default is ";". split_references_with : TYPE, optional What symbol to use to get list of individual references from string. The default is ";". verbose : bool, optional Vebosity flag. The default is False. save_path : str, optional If not None, saves the outputs. The default is None. n_nodes: int, optional Number of nodes to use. Default is is the Beaver default. n_jobs : int, optional Number of parallel jobs. The default is the Beaver default. authors_idx_map : dict, optional Author to tensor dimension index mapping. Default is {}. If not passed, it is created. time_idx_map : dict, optional Time to tensor dimension index mapping. Default is {}. If not passed, it is created. return_object : bool, optional Flag that determines whether the generated object is returned from this function. In the case of large tensors it may be better to save to disk without returning. Default is True. output_mode : str, optional The type of object returned in the output. See supported options in Beaver.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS. Default is 'pydata'. Returns ------- tuple Tuple of tensor, author vocabulary, and time vocabulary. """ if n_nodes is not None: self.n_nodes = n_nodes if n_jobs is not None: self.n_jobs = n_jobs if self.n_nodes > 1 and MPI is None: sys.exit("Attempted to use n_nodes>1 but MPI is not available!") # validate mode if output_mode not in self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported mode '{output_mode}'. Modes include {self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS}") elif output_mode == 'scipy': raise ValueError('Scipy does not support sparse tensors. Please use "pydata"') if save_path is None and not return_object: warnings.warn('Function does not return object yet no save path has been provided!', RuntimeWarning) assert target_columns[0] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[0]} not found' assert target_columns[1] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[1]} not found' assert target_columns[2] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[2]} not found' assert target_columns[3] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[3]} not found' # create authors map all_authors = dataset[target_columns[0]].values.tolist() if len(authors_idx_map) == 0: idx = 0 for curr_authors_str in sorted(all_authors): curr_authors_list = curr_authors_str.split(split_authors_with) for aa in curr_authors_list: if aa not in authors_idx_map: authors_idx_map[aa] = idx idx += 1 # create time map times = dataset[target_columns[1]].values.tolist() if len(time_idx_map) == 0: time_idx_map = {year: i for i, year in enumerate(sorted(dataset[target_columns[1]].unique()))} # document to authors map all_doc_ids = dataset[target_columns[2]].values.tolist() document_authors_map = {} for idx, docID in tqdm(enumerate(all_doc_ids), disable=not verbose, total=len(all_doc_ids)): document_authors_map[docID] = all_authors[idx].split(split_authors_with) # document to references map all_references = dataset[target_columns[3]].values.tolist() documents_references_map = {} for idx, docID in tqdm(enumerate(all_doc_ids), disable=not verbose, total=len(all_doc_ids)): curr_references = all_references[idx] curr_references = curr_references.split(split_references_with) if not pd.isna(curr_references) else [] documents_references_map[docID] = curr_references # handle for multiple nodes n_nodes = self.n_nodes if n_nodes > 1: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() time_node_chunks = np.array_split(times, n_nodes) all_doc_node_chunks = np.array_split(all_doc_ids, n_nodes) times = time_node_chunks[rank] all_doc_ids = all_doc_node_chunks[rank] else: comm = None rank = -1 n_chunks = self.n_jobs n_chunks = min(n_chunks, len(all_doc_ids)) time_chunks = np.array_split(times, n_chunks) document_ids_chunks = np.array_split(all_doc_ids, n_chunks) tensor_dicts_all = Parallel(n_jobs=n_chunks, verbose=verbose, backend=joblib_backend)(delayed(self._cocitation_tensor_helper) (all_doc_ids=curr_doc_ids, times=curr_times, documents_references_map=documents_references_map, time_idx_map=time_idx_map, document_authors_map=document_authors_map, authors_idx_map=authors_idx_map) for curr_doc_ids, curr_times in zip(document_ids_chunks, time_chunks)) # numpy COO format to Sparse tensor format shape = (len(authors_idx_map), len(authors_idx_map), len(time_idx_map)) X = self._dist_parallel_tensor_build_helper(tensor_dicts_all=tensor_dicts_all, verbose=verbose, n_nodes=n_nodes, comm=comm, rank=rank, n_chunks=n_chunks, shape=shape) X = self.output_funcs[output_mode](X) if save_path: np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Authors.txt"), list(authors_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Time.txt"), list(time_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") self.save_funcs[output_mode](X, os.path.join(save_path, "cocitation.npz")) if return_object: return (X, list(authors_idx_map.keys()), list(time_idx_map.keys()))
[docs] def participation_tensor(self, dataset: pd.DataFrame, target_columns: tuple=("author_ids", "paper_id", "year"), dimension_order: list=[0, 1, 2], split_authors_with: str=";", save_path: str=None, n_nodes: int=None, n_jobs: int=None, joblib_backend: str="multiprocessing", verbose: bool=False, return_object: bool=True, output_mode: str='pydata', ) -> tuple: """ Creates a boolean Authors by Papers by Time tensor. An non-zero entry at author i, paper j, year k means that author i published paper j in year k Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the target columns. target_columns : tuple, optional Target column names in dataset DataFrame. The default is ("author_ids", "paper_id", "year"). When assigning names in this tuple, type order should be preserved, e.g. time column name comes last. dimension_order: list, optional Order in which the dimensions appear. For example, [0,1,2] means it is Authors, Papers, Time and [1,0,2] means it is Papers, Authors, Time. split_authors_with : str, optional What symbol to use to get list of individual elements from string of target_columns[0]. The default is ";". save_path : str, optional If not None, saves the outputs. The default is None. n_nodes: int, optional Number of nodes to use. Default is the Beaver default. n_jobs: int, optional Number of jobs to use. Default is the Beaver default. joblib_backend: str, optional Joblib parallel backend. Default is multiprocessing. verbose : bool, optional Vebosity flag. The default is False. return_object : bool, optional Flag that determines whether the generated object is returned from this function. In the case of large tensors it may be better to save to disk without returning. Default is True. output_mode : str, optional The type of object returned in the output. See supported options in Beaver.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS. Default is 'pydata'. """ if n_nodes is not None: self.n_nodes = n_nodes if n_jobs is not None: self.n_jobs = n_jobs if self.n_nodes > 1 and MPI is None: sys.exit("Attempted to use n_nodes>1 but MPI is not available!") # validate mode if output_mode not in self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported mode '{output_mode}'. Modes include {self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS}") elif output_mode == 'scipy': raise ValueError('Scipy does not support sparse tensors. Please use "pydata"') if save_path is None and not return_object: warnings.warn('Function does not return object yet no save path has been provided!', RuntimeWarning) # quick validation of column names assert target_columns[0] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[0]} not found' assert target_columns[1] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[1]} not found' assert target_columns[2] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[2]} not found' # create authors map idx = 0 authors_idx_map = {} authors_list = dataset[target_columns[0]].values.tolist() for curr_authors_str in sorted(authors_list): curr_authors_list = curr_authors_str.split(split_authors_with) for auth in curr_authors_list: if auth not in authors_idx_map: authors_idx_map[auth] = idx idx += 1 # create papers map papers_list = dataset[target_columns[1]].values.tolist() papers_idx_map = {paper: i for i, paper in enumerate(sorted(dataset[target_columns[1]].unique()))} # create time map time_list = dataset[target_columns[2]].values.tolist() time_idx_map = {year: i for i, year in enumerate(sorted(dataset[target_columns[2]].unique()))} # handle for multiple nodes n_nodes = self.n_nodes if n_nodes > 1: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() # using MPI, grab data intended for current rank authors_list = np.array_split(authors_list, n_nodes)[rank] papers_list = np.array_split(papers_list, n_nodes)[rank] time_list = np.array_split(time_list, n_nodes)[rank] else: comm = None rank = -1 # determine how many parallel processes are required n_chunks = self.n_jobs n_chunks = min(n_chunks, len(papers_list)) # compute non-zero coordinates on local node authors_chunks = np.array_split(authors_list, n_chunks) papers_chunks = np.array_split(papers_list, n_chunks) time_chunks = np.array_split(time_list, n_chunks) tensor_dicts_all = Parallel(n_jobs=n_chunks, verbose=verbose, backend=joblib_backend)(delayed(self._participation_tensor_helper) (dimension_order=dimension_order, authors_idx_map=authors_idx_map, papers_idx_map=papers_idx_map, time_idx_map=time_idx_map, authors_list=curr_authors, papers_list=curr_papers, time_list=curr_time, split_authors_with=split_authors_with) for curr_authors, curr_papers, curr_time in zip(authors_chunks, papers_chunks, time_chunks)) # numpy COO format to Sparse tensor format map_lens = [len(authors_idx_map), len(papers_idx_map), len(time_idx_map)] shape = tuple([map_lens[x] for x in dimension_order]) X = self._dist_parallel_tensor_build_helper(tensor_dicts_all=tensor_dicts_all, verbose=verbose, n_nodes=n_nodes, comm=comm, rank=rank, n_chunks=n_chunks, shape=shape) X = self.output_funcs[output_mode](X) if save_path: np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Authors.txt"), list(authors_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Paper.txt"), list(papers_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Time.txt"), list(time_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") self.save_funcs[output_mode](X, os.path.join(save_path, "participation.npz")) if return_object: return (X, list(authors_idx_map.keys()), list(papers_idx_map.keys()), list(time_idx_map.keys()))
[docs] def citation_tensor(self, dataset: pd.DataFrame, target_columns: tuple=("author_ids", "paper_id", "references", "year"), dimension_order: list=[0, 1, 2], split_authors_with: str=";", split_references_with: str=";", save_path: str=None, n_nodes: int=None, n_jobs: int=None, joblib_backend: str="loky", verbose: bool=False, return_object: bool=True, output_mode: str='pydata', ) -> tuple: """ Creates an Authors by Papers by Time tensor. An non-zero entry x at author i, paper j, year k means that author i cited paper j x times in year k Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the target columns. target_columns : tuple, optional Target column names in dataset DataFrame. The default is ("author_ids", "paper_id", "references", "year"). When assigning names in this tuple, type order should be preserved, e.g. time column name comes last. dimension_order: list, optional Order in which the dimensions appear. For example, [0,1,2] means it is Authors, Papers, Time and [1,0,2] means it is Papers, Authors, Time. split_authors_with : str, optional What symbol to use to get list of individual elements from string of target_columns[0]. The default is ";". split_references_with : str, optional What symbol to use to get list of individual elements from string of target_columns[2]. The default is ";". save_path : str, optional If not None, saves the outputs. The default is None. n_nodes: int, optional Number of nodes to use. Default is the Beaver default. n_jobs: int, optional Number of jobs to use. Default is the Beaver default. joblib_backend: str, optional Joblib parallel backend. Default is multiprocessing. verbose : bool, optional Vebosity flag. The default is False. return_object : bool, optional Flag that determines whether the generated object is returned from this function. In the case of large tensors it may be better to save to disk without returning. Default is True. output_mode : str, optional The type of object returned in the output. See supported options in Beaver.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS. Default is 'pydata'. """ if n_nodes is not None: self.n_nodes = n_nodes if n_jobs is not None: self.n_jobs = n_jobs if self.n_nodes > 1 and MPI is None: sys.exit("Attempted to use n_nodes>1 but MPI is not available!") # validate mode if output_mode not in self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported mode '{output_mode}'. Modes include {self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS}") elif output_mode == 'scipy': raise ValueError('Scipy does not support sparse tensors. Please use "pydata"') if save_path is None and not return_object: warnings.warn('Function does not return object yet no save path has been provided!', RuntimeWarning) # quick validation of column names assert target_columns[0] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[0]} not found' assert target_columns[1] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[1]} not found' assert target_columns[2] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[2]} not found' # create authors map idx = 0 authors_idx_map = {} authors_list = dataset[target_columns[0]].values.tolist() for curr_authors_str in sorted(authors_list): curr_authors_list = curr_authors_str.split(split_authors_with) for auth in curr_authors_list: if auth not in authors_idx_map: authors_idx_map[auth] = idx idx += 1 # create papers map papers_list = dataset[target_columns[1]].values.tolist() papers_idx_map = {paper: i for i, paper in enumerate(sorted(dataset[target_columns[1]].unique()))} # create paper to authors map assert len(authors_list) == len(papers_list), "Authors & Papers lists cannot be different lengths" document_authors_map = {papers_list[i]: authors_list[i].split(split_authors_with) for i in range(len(papers_list))} # create document to references map references_list = dataset[target_columns[2]].values.tolist() assert len(references_list) == len(papers_list), "References & Papers lists cannot be different lengths" document_references_map = {papers_list[i]: references_list[i].split(split_references_with) for i in range(len(papers_list)) if references_list[i]} # create time map time_list = dataset[target_columns[3]].values.tolist() time_idx_map = {year: i for i, year in enumerate(sorted(dataset[target_columns[3]].unique()))} # handle for multiple nodes n_nodes = self.n_nodes if n_nodes > 1: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() # using MPI, grab data intended for current rank papers_list = np.array_split(papers_list, n_nodes)[rank] time_list = np.array_split(time_list, n_nodes)[rank] else: comm = None rank = -1 # determine how many parallel processes are required n_chunks = self.n_jobs n_chunks = min(n_chunks, len(papers_list)) # compute non-zero coordinates on local node papers_chunks = np.array_split(papers_list, n_chunks) time_chunks = np.array_split(time_list, n_chunks) tensor_dicts_all = Parallel(n_jobs=n_chunks, verbose=verbose, backend=joblib_backend)(delayed(self._citation_tensor_helper) (dimension_order=dimension_order, authors_idx_map=authors_idx_map, papers_idx_map=papers_idx_map, time_idx_map=time_idx_map, papers_list=curr_papers, time_list=curr_time, document_authors_map=document_authors_map, document_references_map=document_references_map) for curr_papers, curr_time in zip(papers_chunks, time_chunks)) # numpy COO format to Sparse tensor format map_lens = [len(authors_idx_map), len(papers_idx_map), len(time_idx_map)] shape = tuple([map_lens[x] for x in dimension_order]) X = self._dist_parallel_tensor_build_helper(tensor_dicts_all=tensor_dicts_all, verbose=verbose, n_nodes=n_nodes, comm=comm, rank=rank, n_chunks=n_chunks, shape=shape) X = self.output_funcs[output_mode](X) if save_path: np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Authors.txt"), list(authors_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Paper.txt"), list(papers_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Time.txt"), list(time_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") self.save_funcs[output_mode](X, os.path.join(save_path, "citation.npz")) if return_object: return (X, list(authors_idx_map.keys()), list(papers_idx_map.keys()), list(time_idx_map.keys()))
[docs] def cooccurrence_matrix(self, dataset: pd.DataFrame, target_column: str="abstracts", cooccurrence_settings: dict={}, sppmi_settings: dict={}, save_path: str=None, return_object: bool=True, output_mode: str='scipy', ) -> tuple: """ Generates co-occurance and SPPMI matrix. Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the target columns. target_column : str, optional Target column name in dataset DataFrame. The default is "abstracts". Target column should be for text data, where tokens are retrived via empty spaces. cooccurrence_settings : dict, optional Settings for co-occurance matrix. The default is dict. Options are: vocabulary, window_size=20, dense=True, verbose=True, sentences=False sppmi_settings : dict, optional Settings for SPPMI matrix. The default is dict. Options are: shift=4 save_path : str, optional If not None, saves the outputs. The default is None. return_object : bool, optional Flag that determines whether the generated object is returned from this function. In the case of large tensors it may be better to save to disk without returning. Default is True. output_mode : str, optional The type of object returned in the output. See supported options in Beaver.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS. Default is 'scipy'. Returns ------- tuple Tuple of co-occurance and SPPMI matrix. """ # Default settings if "window_size" not in cooccurrence_settings: cooccurrence_settings["window_size"] = 100 # validate mode if output_mode not in self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported mode '{output_mode}'. Modes include {self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS}") if save_path is None and not return_object: warnings.warn('Function does not return object yet no save path has been provided!', RuntimeWarning) assert target_column in dataset, "Target column is not found!" # get the target documents documents = dataset[target_column].values.tolist() # Create the matrices M = co_occurrence(documents=documents, **cooccurrence_settings) SPPMI = sppmi(M, **sppmi_settings) # convert to pydata sparse for consistency across all beaver methods M = sparse.COO.from_scipy_sparse(M) SPPMI = sparse.COO.from_scipy_sparse(SPPMI) M = self.output_funcs[output_mode](M) SPPMI = self.output_funcs[output_mode](SPPMI) if save_path: self.save_funcs[output_mode](M, os.path.join(save_path, "cooccurrence.npz")) self.save_funcs[output_mode](SPPMI, os.path.join(save_path, "SPPMI.npz")) if return_object: return (M, SPPMI)
[docs] def documents_words(self, dataset: pd.DataFrame, target_column: str="abstracts", options: dict={"min_df": 5, "max_df": 0.5}, highlighting: list=[], weights: list=[], matrix_type: str="tfidf", verbose: bool=False, return_object: bool=True, output_mode: str='scipy', save_path: str=None) -> tuple: """ Creates document-words matrix. Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the target columns. target_column : str, optional Target column name in dataset DataFrame. The default is "abstracts". Target column should be for text data, where tokens are retrived via empty spaces. options : dict, optional Settings for when doing vectorization. The default is {"min_df": 5, "max_df": 0.5}. matrix_type : str, optional TF-IDF or Count vectorization. The default is "tfidf". Other option is "count". verbose : bool, optional Vebosity flag. The default is False. highlighting : list, optional The vocabulary or list of tokens to highlight. The default is []. Other option is "count". weights : list or float or int, optional Weights of the highlighted words. The default is []. save_path : str, optional If not None, saves the outputs. The default is None. return_object : bool, optional Flag that determines whether the generated object is returned from this function. In the case of large tensors it may be better to save to disk without returning. Default is True. output_mode : str, optional The type of object returned in the output. See supported options in Beaver.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS. Default is 'scipy'. Returns ------- tuple Tuple of matrix and vocabulary. """ assert matrix_type in ["tfidf", "count"], "Unknown matrix type!" assert target_column in dataset, "Target column is not found!" assert isinstance(highlighting, list) or isinstance( highlighting, np.ndarray), "highlighting should be type list or array!" # validate mode if output_mode not in self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported mode '{output_mode}'. Modes include {self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS}") if save_path is None and not return_object: warnings.warn('Function does not return object yet no save path has been provided!', RuntimeWarning) if isinstance(weights, list) or isinstance(weights, np.ndarray): assert len(weights) == len( highlighting), "length of weights does not match length of highlighting!" elif isinstance(weights, int) or isinstance(weights, float): weights = [weights] * len(highlighting) # get the target documents documents = dataset[target_column].values.tolist() # merge the vocabulary with highliting words if (len(highlighting) > 0) and ("vocabulary" in options): vocab_options = options["vocabulary"].copy() vocab_options = dict(zip(vocab_options, [1]*len(vocab_options))) added = False for token in highlighting: if token not in vocab_options: vocab_options[token] = 1 added = True if added: options["vocabulary"] = sorted(list(vocab_options.keys())) warnings.warn("Vocabulary was extended!") # vectorize if matrix_type == "tfidf": X, vocabulary = tfidf(documents, options) else: X, vocabulary = tfidf(documents, options) if len(highlighting) > 0: for widx, token in tqdm(enumerate(highlighting), disable=not verbose): idxs = np.where(vocabulary == token)[0] if len(idxs): X[idxs[0]] = X[idxs[0]] * weights[widx] # convert to pydata sparse for consistency across all beaver methods X = sparse.COO.from_scipy_sparse(X) X = self.output_funcs[output_mode](X) if save_path: np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Vocabulary.txt"), vocabulary, fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") self.save_funcs[output_mode](X, os.path.join(save_path, "documents_words.npz")) if return_object: return (X, vocabulary)
[docs] def something_words(self, dataset: pd.DataFrame, target_columns: tuple=("authorIDs", "abstracts"), split_something_with: str=";", options: dict={"min_df": 5, "max_df": 0.5}, highlighting: list=[], weights: list=[], verbose: bool=False, matrix_type: str="tfidf", return_object: bool=True, output_mode: str='scipy', save_path: str=None) -> tuple: """ Creates a Something by Words matrix. For example, Authors-Words. Here something is specified by first index of variable target_columns. Individual evelements of target_columns[0] is seperated by split_something_with. For example "autho1;author2" when split_something_with=";". Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the target columns. target_columns : tuple, optional Target column names in dataset DataFrame. The default is ("authorIDs", "abstracts"). When assigning names in this tuple, type order should be preserved, e.g. text data column name comes second. split_something_with : str, optional What symbol to use to get list of individual elements from string of target_columns[0]. The default is ";". options : str, optional Settings for when doing vectorization. The default is {"min_df": 5, "max_df": 0.5}. highlighting : list, optional The vocabulary or list of tokens to highlight. The default is []. Other option is "count". weights : list or float or int, optional Weights of the highlighted words. The default is []. verbose : bool, optional Vebosity flag. The default is False. matrix_type : str, optional TF-IDF or Count vectorization. The default is "tfidf". Other option is "count" save_path : TYPE, optional If not None, saves the outputs. The default is None. return_object : bool, optional Flag that determines whether the generated object is returned from this function. In the case of large tensors it may be better to save to disk without returning. Default is True. output_mode : str, optional The type of object returned in the output. See supported options in Beaver.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS. Default is 'scipy'. Returns ------- tuple Tuple of matrix, vocabulary for somethings (target information specified in target_columns[0]), and the vocabulary for words. """ assert matrix_type in ["tfidf", "count"], "Unknown matrix type!" assert target_columns[0] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[0]} not found' assert target_columns[1] in dataset, f'Target column {target_columns[1]} not found' # validate mode if output_mode not in self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported mode '{output_mode}'. Modes include {self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS}") if save_path is None and not return_object: warnings.warn('Function does not return object yet no save path has been provided!', RuntimeWarning) # get the target documents somethings = dataset[target_columns[0]].values.tolist() documents = dataset[target_columns[1]].values.tolist() somethings_documents_map_temp = defaultdict(lambda: []) for doc_idx, curr_something in enumerate(sorted(somethings)): individual_curr_something = curr_something.split(split_something_with) for individual in individual_curr_something: somethings_documents_map_temp[individual].append(documents[doc_idx]) somethings_documents_map = {} somethings_documents_map_temp = dict(somethings_documents_map_temp) for key, value in somethings_documents_map_temp.items(): somethings_documents_map[key] = " ".join(value) somethings = list(somethings_documents_map.keys()) X, vocabulary = self.documents_words(dataset=pd.DataFrame(list(somethings_documents_map.values())), target_column=0, options=options, highlighting=highlighting, verbose=verbose, weights=weights, matrix_type=matrix_type, output_mode=output_mode, ) if save_path: np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, f'{target_columns[0]}.txt'), somethings, fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Vocabulary.txt"), vocabulary, fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") self.save_funcs[output_mode](X, os.path.join(save_path, f'{target_columns[0]}_words.npz')) if return_object: # object has already been cast to appropriate mode with call to documents_words return (X, somethings, vocabulary)
[docs] def something_words_time(self, dataset: pd.DataFrame, vocabulary: list, target_columns: tuple=("authorIDs", "abstracts", "year"), split_something_with: str=";", save_path: str=None, tfidf_transformer: bool=False, unfold_at=1, verbose: bool=False, dimension_order: list=[0, 1, 2], return_object: bool=True, output_mode: str='pydata', ) -> tuple: """ Creates a Something by Words by Time tensor. For example, Authors-Words-Time. Here something is specified by first index of variable target_columns. Individual evelements of target_columns[0] is seperated by split_something_with. For example "autho1;author2" when split_something_with=";". Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the target columns. vocabulary : list Token vocabulary to use. target_columns : tuple, optional Target column names in dataset DataFrame. The default is ("authorIDs", "abstracts", "year"). When assigning names in this tuple, type order should be preserved, e.g. time column name comes last. split_something_with : str, optional What symbol to use to get list of individual elements from string of target_columns[0]. The default is ";". save_path : str, optional If not None, saves the outputs. The default is None. tfidf_transformer : bool, optional If True, performs TF-IDF normalization via unfolding over dimension unfold_at. The default is False. unfold_at : int, optional Which dimension to unfold the tensor for TF-IDF normalization, when tfidf_transformer=True. The default is 1. verbose : bool, optional Vebosity flag. The default is False. dimension_order: list, optional Order in which the dimensions appear. For example, [0,1,2] means it is Something, Words, Time. and [1,0,2] means it is Words, Something, Time. return_object : bool, optional Flag that determines whether the generated object is returned from this function. In the case of large tensors it may be better to save to disk without returning. Default is True. output_mode : str, optional The type of object returned in the output. See supported options in Beaver.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS. Default is 'scipy'. Returns ------- tuple Tuple of matrix, vocabulary for somethings (target information specified in target_columns[0]), the vocabulary for words, and the vocabulary for time. """ # validate mode if output_mode not in self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported mode '{output_mode}'. Modes include {self.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS}") elif output_mode == 'scipy': raise ValueError('Scipy does not support sparse tensors. Please use "pydata"') if save_path is None and not return_object: warnings.warn('Function does not return object yet no save path has been provided!', RuntimeWarning) # create time map times = dataset[target_columns[2]].values.tolist() time_idx_map = {year: i for i, year in enumerate(sorted(dataset[target_columns[2]].unique()))} # create vocabulary map word_idx_map = {} for idx, ww in enumerate(vocabulary): word_idx_map[ww] = idx # create something map idx = 0 something_idx_map = {} somethings = dataset[target_columns[0]].values.tolist() for something in sorted(somethings): curr_somethings = something.split(split_something_with) for ss in curr_somethings: if ss not in something_idx_map: something_idx_map[ss] = idx idx += 1 # create tensor in dicitonary COO format documents = dataset[target_columns[1]].values.tolist() tensor_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for idx, doc in tqdm(enumerate(documents), disable=not verbose): curr_time = times[idx] curr_time_idx = time_idx_map[curr_time] curr_somethings = somethings[idx].split(split_something_with) curr_words = documents[idx].split() for word in curr_words: # word is not in the vocabulary if word not in word_idx_map: continue curr_word_idx = word_idx_map[word] for ss in curr_somethings: curr_something_idx = something_idx_map[ss] coo_str = ";".join( list(map(str, np.array([curr_something_idx, curr_word_idx, curr_time_idx])[dimension_order]))) tensor_dict[coo_str] += 1 # turn dictionary to real COO tensor_dict = dict(tensor_dict) nnz_coords = [] nnz_values = [] for key, value in tqdm(tensor_dict.items(), disable=not verbose): indices_str = key.split(";") indices = list() for idx in indices_str: indices.append(int(idx)) nnz_coords.append(indices) nnz_values.append(value) nnz_coords = np.array(nnz_coords) nnz_values = np.array(nnz_values) # get the shape shape = list() dims = len(nnz_coords[0]) nnz_coords_arr = np.array(nnz_coords) for d in range(dims): shape.append(nnz_coords_arr[:, d].max() + 1) # Sparse COO format X = sparse.COO(nnz_coords.T, nnz_values, shape=tuple(shape)) if tfidf_transformer: X1 = unfold(X, unfold_at) X_count = X1.T.tocsr() X_tfidf = TfidfTransformer().fit_transform(X_count) X_tfidf = sparse.COO(X_tfidf) X = fold(X_tfidf.T, unfold_at, (shape[0], shape[1], shape[2])) X = self.output_funcs[output_mode](X) if save_path: np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, f'{target_columns[0]}.txt'), list(something_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Words.txt"), list(word_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") np.savetxt(os.path.join(save_path, "Time.txt"), list(time_idx_map.keys()), fmt="%s", encoding="utf-8") self.save_funcs[output_mode](X, os.path.join(save_path, f'{target_columns[0]}_words_time.npz')) if return_object: return (X, list(something_idx_map.keys()), list(word_idx_map.keys()), list(time_idx_map.keys()))
def _dist_parallel_tensor_build_helper(self, tensor_dicts_all: list, verbose: bool, n_nodes: int, comm, rank, n_chunks, shape ): """ Helper to put together distributed and/or parallel tensors into single tensor Parameters ---------- tensor_dicts_all : list List of tensor in dictionary COO format. verbose : bool Verbosity flag. n_nodes : int Number of nodes to use. comm : MPI.comm MPI communication object. rank : int Current node. n_chunks : int Number of chunks. shape : tuple Shape of the tensor. Returns ------- X : sparse.COO Tensor in sparse COO format. """ if verbose and rank <= 0: print('preparing dictionaries for communication') tensor_data_comm = [] for curr_tensor_dict in tqdm(tensor_dicts_all, disable=not verbose, total=len(tensor_dicts_all)): for key, value in curr_tensor_dict.items(): coords = key.split(";") coords = [float(i) for i in coords] tensor_data_comm.extend(coords) tensor_data_comm.append(float(value)) tensor_data_comm = np.array(tensor_data_comm, dtype=float) # multi-node opreation gather if n_nodes > 1: # wait for everyone if multiple nodes comm.Barrier() # chunk the list first so that we can communicate the size n = 1000000 tensor_data_chunks = [tensor_data_comm[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(tensor_data_comm), n)] # wait for everyone if multiple nodes comm.Barrier() chunk_sizes = np.array(comm.allgather(len(tensor_data_chunks))) maximum_chunk_size = max(chunk_sizes) while len(tensor_data_chunks) < maximum_chunk_size: tensor_data_chunks.append(np.array([], dtype=float)) if rank == 0: all_chunks = [] for ii, chunk in enumerate(tensor_data_chunks): # gather the sizes first sendcounts = np.array(comm.gather(len(chunk), root=0)) if rank == 0: recvbuf = np.empty(sum(sendcounts), dtype=float) else: recvbuf = None comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=chunk, recvbuf=(recvbuf, sendcounts), root=0) if rank == 0: all_chunks.extend(recvbuf) # wait for everyone if multiple nodes comm.Barrier() if rank == 0: tensor_data_comm = all_chunks else: sys.exit(0) # combine the tensors if verbose and n_chunks > 1: print("Combining the tensors...") # first combine all elements into single tensor dictionary tensor_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for x, y, z, value in tqdm(zip(*[iter(tensor_data_comm)]*4), disable=not verbose, total=len(tensor_data_comm)/4): tensor_dict[(int(x), int(y), int(z))] += value # numpy COO format to Sparse tensor format X = sparse.COO(dict(tensor_dict), shape=shape) return X def _cocitation_tensor_helper(self, all_doc_ids: list, times: list, documents_references_map: dict, time_idx_map: dict, document_authors_map: dict, authors_idx_map: dict) -> dict: """ Helper function to self.cocitation_tensor, allows parallel tensor creation. Parameters ---------- all_doc_ids : list list of all document ids to process. times : list list of years (time) corresponding to the all_doc_ids. documents_references_map : dict document id to references mapping. time_idx_map : dict index mapping for time. document_authors_map : dict document to authors mapping. authors_idx_map : dict author index mapping. Returns ------- sparse.COO COO tensor from sparse library. """ # create dictionary coo tensor_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for idx, docID in enumerate(all_doc_ids): curr_references = documents_references_map[docID] time = times[idx] time_idx = time_idx_map[time] # if not citing anyone, skip if len(curr_references) == 0: continue curr_authors = document_authors_map[docID] # for each author in the current document for author in curr_authors: # for each paper the current document is referencing for reference in curr_references: # if reference is not in the corpus, skip if reference not in document_authors_map: continue referenced_authors = document_authors_map[reference] tensor_entry = 1 / len(referenced_authors) author_idx = authors_idx_map[author] for ref_author in referenced_authors: collab_idx = authors_idx_map[ref_author] coo_str = f'{author_idx};{collab_idx};{time_idx}' tensor_dict[coo_str] += tensor_entry return dict(tensor_dict) def _coauthor_tensor_helper(self, time_idx_map: dict, authors_idx_map: dict, all_authors: list, times: list, split_authors_with: str) -> dict: """ Helper function to self.coauthor_tensor, allows parallel tensor creation. Parameters ---------- time_idx_map : dict Index mapping for time. authors_idx_map : dict Index mapping for authors. all_authors : list List of all authors for each document seperated by split_authors_with. times : list List of corresponding times for documents, following all_authors. split_authors_with : str The delimiter for each element in all_author to be used in .split operation. Returns ------- X : COO.sparse COO tensor from sparse library. """ # build tensor COO dict tensor_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # for each document for idx, curr_authors in enumerate(all_authors): curr_authors_list = curr_authors.split(split_authors_with) curr_time = times[idx] curr_time_idx = time_idx_map[curr_time] # for each author in the paper for curr_author in curr_authors_list: for collaborator in curr_authors_list: # remove self if curr_author != collaborator: author_idx = authors_idx_map[curr_author] collab_idx = authors_idx_map[collaborator] coo_str = f'{author_idx};{collab_idx};{curr_time_idx}' tensor_dict[coo_str] += 1 return dict(tensor_dict) def _participation_tensor_helper(self, dimension_order: list, authors_idx_map: dict, papers_idx_map: dict, time_idx_map: dict, authors_list: list, papers_list: list, time_list: list, split_authors_with: str) -> dict: """ Helper function to self.participation_tensor, allows parallel tensor creation. Parameters ---------- dimension_order : list How to order authors, papers, time authors_idx_map : dict Index mapping for authors. papers_idx_map : dict Index mapping for papers. time_idx_map : dict Index mapping for time. authors_list : list List of all authors corresponding to each document seperated by split_authors_with. papers_list : list List of corresponding document unique identifiers time_list : list List of corresponding times for documents split_authors_with : str The delimiter for each element in all_author to be used in .split operation. Returns ------- tensor_dict : dict Dictionary with keys as coordinates and values representing entries in the tensor """ assert len(authors_list) == len(papers_list) == len(time_list), \ "Authors, Papers, Time lists cannot be different lengths" # iteratively compute the coordinates fornon-zero values in the tensor tensor_dict = {} for curr_authors, curr_paper, curr_time in zip(authors_list, papers_list, time_list): paper_index = papers_idx_map[curr_paper] time_index = time_idx_map[curr_time] for curr_author in curr_authors.split(split_authors_with): author_index = authors_idx_map[curr_author] # create coordinate string using the specified dimension order indices = [author_index, paper_index, time_index] coo_str = ';'.join([str(indices[x]) for x in dimension_order]) tensor_dict[coo_str] = 1 return dict(tensor_dict) def _citation_tensor_helper(self, dimension_order: list, authors_idx_map: dict, papers_idx_map: dict, time_idx_map: dict, papers_list: list, time_list: list, document_authors_map: dict, document_references_map: dict) -> dict: """ Helper function to self.citation_tensor, allows parallel tensor creation. Parameters ---------- dimension_order : list How to order authors, papers, time authors_idx_map : dict Index mapping for authors. papers_idx_map : dict Index mapping for papers. time_idx_map : dict Index mapping for time. papers_list : list List of corresponding document unique identifiers time_list : list List of corresponding times for documents document_authors_map : dict document to author list mapping. document_references_map : dict document id to reference list mapping. Returns ------- tensor_dict : dict Dictionary with keys as coordinates and values representing entries in the tensor """ # create dictionary coo tensor_dict = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for curr_paper, curr_time in zip(papers_list, time_list): curr_references = document_references_map.get(curr_paper) if curr_references is None: # if not citing anyone, skip continue time_index = time_idx_map[curr_time] curr_authors = document_authors_map[curr_paper] for curr_auth in curr_authors: # for each author in the current document for curr_ref in curr_references: # for each paper the current document is referencing paper_index = papers_idx_map.get(curr_ref) if paper_index is None: continue author_index = authors_idx_map[curr_auth] # create coordinate string using the specified dimension order indices = [author_index, paper_index, time_index] coo_str = ';'.join([str(indices[x]) for x in dimension_order]) tensor_dict[coo_str] += 1 # update value in dict return dict(tensor_dict) def _chunk_list(self, l: list, n: int) -> list: """ Yield n number of striped chunks from l. Parameters ---------- l : list list to be chunked. n : int number of chunks. Yields ------ list chunks. """ for i in range(0, n): yield l[i::n] def _output_pydata(self, x): """ Return tensor as a sparse.coo object. This is a reflective function Parameters ---------- x : sparse.coo Tensor object. Returns ------- x : sparse.coo """ return x def _output_scipy(self, x): """ Return matrix as a scipy.sparse.csr object Parameters ---------- x : sparse.coo Matrix object. Returns ------- x : scipy.sparse.csr """ x = x.to_scipy_sparse() # convert to scipy coo x = ss.csr_matrix(x).astype("float32") # convert to scipy csr return x def _save_pydata(self, x, path: str): """ Save a pydata sparse tensor x to path Parameters ---------- x : sparse.coo Tensor object. path : str path to save x Returns ------- None """ sparse.save_npz(path, x) def _save_scipy(self, x, path: str): """ Save a scipy sparse matrix x to path Parameters ---------- x : scipy.sparse.csr object Matrix object. path : str path to save x Returns ------- None """ ss.save_npz(path, x) # Getters and Setters @property def n_nodes(self): return self._n_nodes @property def n_jobs(self): return self._n_jobs @n_nodes.setter def n_nodes(self, n_nodes: int): if not isinstance(n_nodes, int) or n_nodes <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported value for n_nodes: '{n_nodes}'") self._n_nodes = n_nodes @n_jobs.setter def n_jobs(self, n_jobs: int): cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if not isinstance(n_jobs, int): raise ValueError(f'n_jobs must be an int') limit = cpu_count + n_jobs if (n_jobs == 0) or (limit < 0) or (2 * cpu_count < limit): raise ValueError(f'n_jobs must take a value on [-{cpu_count}, -1] or [1, {cpu_count}]') if n_jobs < 0: self._n_jobs = cpu_count - abs(n_jobs) + 1 else: self._n_jobs = n_jobs def __get_ngrams_helper(self, text, n): ngrams = [] tokens = text.split() num_tokens = len(tokens) for index in range(num_tokens): ngram = [] for i in range(n): # build ngram if index + i < num_tokens: ngram.append(tokens[index+i]) # test ngram len_ngram = len([x for y in ngram for x in y.split('-')]) if len_ngram == n: ngrams.append(' '.join(ngram)) break elif len_ngram < n: continue else: break return ngrams
[docs] def get_ngrams( self, dataset: pd.DataFrame, target_column: str=None, n: int=1, limit: int=None, save_path: str=None) -> list: """ Generates n-grams from a column in a dataset Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the target columns. target_column : str, optional Target column name in dataset DataFrame. The default is "abstracts". Target column should be for text data, where tokens are retrived via empty spaces. n : int Number of tokens in a gram to generate limit : int Restrict number of top n-grams to return save_path : str, optional If not None, saves the outputs as csv using the column names 'Ngram', 'Count'. The default save_path is None. Returns ------- list Top ngrams as a list of tuples containing the ngram then count. """ assert target_column in dataset, "Target column is not found!" # get the target data corpus = dataset[target_column].values.tolist() all_ngrams = [] for text in corpus: ngrams = self.__get_ngrams_helper(text, n) all_ngrams.extend(ngrams) counter = Counter(all_ngrams) top_ngrams = counter.most_common(limit) if save_path: counter_df = pd.DataFrame(list(counter.items()), columns=['Ngram', 'Count']) counter_df.to_csv(os.path.join(save_path, "top_ngrams.txt"), index=False) return top_ngrams