Source code for TELF.pre_processing.Beaver.cooccurrence

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Nov 22 18:38:26 2021

@author: maksimekineren
    from mpi4py import MPI
    MPI = None
from collections import defaultdict
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import sparse
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing
import sys

def _chunk_list(l, n):
    Yield n number of striped chunks from l.

    l : list
        list to be chunked.
    n : int
        number of chunks.


    for i in range(0, n):
        yield l[i::n]

def _co_occurance_parallel_helper(documents, verbose, window_size, sentences, V_map):
    Parallel helper for counting word occurances

    documents: list
        List of documents. Each entry in the list contains text.
        if sentences=True, then documents is a list of lists, where
        each entry in documents is a list of sentences.
    verbose: bool, optional
        Print progress or not.
    window_size: int, optional
        Number of consecutive words to perform counting.
        If sentences based analysis used, window size indicate the number of sentences.
    sentences: bool, optional
        If True, documents are list of lists, where each entry in documents
        is a list of sentences from that document. 
        In this case, window size is used as number of sentences, and the matrix is build 

        word occurance counts.

    d = defaultdict(int)
    for document in tqdm(documents, total=len(documents), disable=not (verbose)):

        # document sentence based analysis
        if sentences:
            curr_sentences = document
            curr_sentences_combined = []
            tmp = []

            # combine sentences based on window size
            for sent_idx, sent in enumerate(curr_sentences):
                if (len(tmp) == window_size) or (sent_idx + 1 == len(curr_sentences)):
                    curr_sentences_combined.append(" ".join(tmp))
                    tmp = []

            # iterate over sentences
            for sent in curr_sentences_combined:
                tokens = sent.split()

                # iterate over words
                for ii in range(len(tokens)):
                    token = tokens[ii]
                    next_token = tokens[ii + 1: len(tokens)]

                    for t in next_token:
                            r = V_map[t]
                            c = V_map[token]
                        except Exception:
                        key = tuple(sorted([r, c]))
                        d[key] += 1

        # document window size based analysis
            tokens = document.split()

            # iterate over words
            for ii in range(len(tokens)):
                token = tokens[ii]
                next_token = tokens[ii + 1: min(ii + 1 + window_size, len(tokens))]
                for t in next_token:
                        r = V_map[t]
                        c = V_map[token]
                    except Exception:
                    key = tuple(sorted([r, c]))
                    d[key] += 1
    return d

[docs] def co_occurrence(documents, vocabulary, window_size=20, verbose=True, sentences=False, n_jobs=-1, n_nodes=1, parallel_backend="multiprocessing"): """ Forms co-occurance matrix. Parameters ---------- documents: list List of documents. Each entry in the list contains text. if sentences=True, then documents is a list of lists, where each entry in documents is a list of sentences. window_size: int, optional Number of consecutive words to perform counting. If sentences based analysis used, window size indicate the number of sentences. vocabulary: list List of unqiue words present in the all documents as vocabulary. verbose: bool, optional Print progress or not. sentences: bool, optional If True, documents are list of lists, where each entry in documents is a list of sentences from that document. In this case, window size is used as number of sentences, and the matrix is build based on the sentences. When False, window size is used, and documents is a list of documents. Returns ------- M: np.ndarray or sparse CSR matrix Co-occurance matrix. """ # turn the vocab into a hashmap for O(1) lookup V_map = dict() for ii, word in enumerate(vocabulary): V_map[word] = ii if n_nodes > 1 and MPI is None: sys.exit("Attempted to use n_nodes>1 but MPI is not available!") assert n_nodes > 0, "Number of nodes must be 1 or higher!" # handle for multiple nodes if n_nodes > 1: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() documents_node_chunks = np.array_split(documents, n_nodes) documents = documents_node_chunks[rank] else: comm = None rank = -1 # calculate number of chunks if n_jobs <= 0: n_chunks = multiprocessing.cpu_count() n_chunks -= (np.abs(n_jobs) + 1) else: n_chunks = n_jobs # chunk the documents to get list of jobs document_chunks = list(_chunk_list(documents, n_chunks)) # run counting in parallel list_results = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, backend=parallel_backend)( delayed(_co_occurance_parallel_helper)(documents=chunk, verbose=verbose, sentences=sentences, V_map=V_map, window_size=window_size) for chunk in document_chunks) # free memory del document_chunks del documents cols = list() rows = list() values = list() M = list() matrix_dict = defaultdict(int) while tqdm(list_results, disable=not (verbose)): # free memory, get next d = list_results.pop(0) for key, value in tqdm(d.items(), disable=not (verbose)): r = key[0] c = key[1] # if diogonal if c == r: value = value * 2 # sparse matrix_dict[(r, c)] += value # non diogonal if r != c: matrix_dict[(c, r)] += value # free memory del list_results # if distributed if n_nodes > 1: # prepare COO data for communication tensor_data_comm = [] for key, value in tqdm(matrix_dict.items(), disable=not verbose, total=len(matrix_dict)): curr_cords = [float(key[0]), float(key[1])] tensor_data_comm.extend(curr_cords) tensor_data_comm.append(float(value)) tensor_data_comm = np.array(tensor_data_comm, dtype=float) # wait for everyone if multiple nodes comm.Barrier() # chunk the list first so that we can communicate the size n = 1000000 tensor_data_chunks = [tensor_data_comm[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(tensor_data_comm), n)] # wait for everyone if multiple nodes comm.Barrier() chunk_sizes = np.array(comm.allgather(len(tensor_data_chunks))) maximum_chunk_size = max(chunk_sizes) while len(tensor_data_chunks) < maximum_chunk_size: tensor_data_chunks.append(np.array([], dtype=float)) if rank == 0: all_chunks = [] for ii, chunk in enumerate(tensor_data_chunks): # gather the sizes first sendcounts = np.array(comm.gather(len(chunk), root=0)) if rank == 0: recvbuf = np.empty(sum(sendcounts), dtype=float) else: recvbuf = None comm.Gatherv(sendbuf=chunk, recvbuf=(recvbuf, sendcounts), root=0) if rank == 0: all_chunks.extend(recvbuf) # wait for everyone if multiple nodes comm.Barrier() if rank == 0: tensor_data_comm = all_chunks else: sys.exit(0) # first combine all elements into single element from all nodes matrix_dict = defaultdict(int) for x, y, value in tqdm(zip(*[iter(tensor_data_comm)]*3), disable=not verbose, total=len(tensor_data_comm)/3): matrix_dict[(int(x), int(y))] += int(value) # sparse matrix from coordinate and values if verbose: print("Building sparse matrix from COO matrix...") M = sparse.COO(matrix_dict, shape=(len(V_map), len(V_map))) M = M.tocsr() return M