Using Ports of Call

Ports of call is a header-only library that provides a bit of flexibility for performance portability. At the moment it mainly provides a one-header abstraction to enable or disable Kokkos in a code. However other backends can be added. (If you’re interested in adding a backend, please let us know!)

To include Ports of Call in your project, simply include the directory (e.g., as a submodule) in your include path.

  1. PORTABLE_FUNCTION: decorators necessary for compiling a kernel function

  2. PORTABLE_INLINE_FUNCTION: ditto, but for when functions ought to be inlined

  3. PORTABLE_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION: forces the compiler to inline

  4. PORTABLE_LAMBDA: Resolves to a KOKKOS_LAMBDA or to [=] depending on context

  5. _WITH_KOKKOS_: Defined if Kokkos is enabled.

  6. _WITH_CUDA_: Defined when Cuda is enabled

  7. Real: a typedef to double (default) or float (if you define SINGLE_PRECISION_ENABLED)

  8. PORTABLE_MALLOC(), PORTABLE_FREE(): A macro or wrapper for kokkos_malloc or cudaMalloc, or raw malloc.

At compile time, you define PORTABILITY_STRATEGY_{KOKKOS,CUDA,NONE} (if you don’t define it, it defaults to NONE). The above macros then behave as expected. In particular, PORTABLE_FUNCTION and friends resolve to __host__ __device__ decorators as appropriate.

There are to be two headers in this library, for different use cases.


portability.hpp provides the above-mentioned macros for decorating functions. Also provides loop abstractions that can be leveraged by a code. These loop abstractions are of the form:

void portableFor(const char *name, int start, int stop, Function Function)

where Function is a template parameter and should be set to a functor that takes one index, e.g., an index in an array. For example:

portableFor("Example", 0, 5,
    printf("hello from thread %d\n", i);

start is inclusive, stop is exclusive. Up to five-dimensional portableFor loops are available. For example:

template <typename Function>
void portableFor(const char *name, int startb, int stopb, int starta, int stopa,
  int startz, int stopz, int starty, int stopy, int startx,
  int stopx, Function function) {

We also provide portableReduce, however the functionality is very limited. The syntax is:

template <typename Function, typename T>
void portableReduce(const char *name, int starta, int stopa, int startz,
  int stopz, int starty, int stopy, int startx, int stopx,
  Function function, T &reduced) {

where Function now takes as many indices are required and reduced as arguments.


portable_arrays.hpp provides a wrapper class, PortableMDArray, around a contiguous block of host or device memory that knows stride and layout, enabling one to mock up multidimensional arrays from a pointer to memory. The design is heavily inspired by the AthenaArray class from Athena++.

One constructs a PortableMDArray by passing it a pointer to underlying data and a shape. For example:

#include <portability.hpp>
#include <portable_arrays.hpp>
constexpr int NX = 2;
constexpr int NY = 3;
constexpr int NZ = 4;
Real *data = (Real*)PORTABLE_MALLOC(NX*NY*NZ*sizeof(Real));
PortableMDArray<Real> my_3d_array(data, NZ, NY, NX);


PortableMDArray is templated on underlying data type.


PortableMDArray is column-major-ordered. The

slowest moving index is z and the fastest is x.

You can then set or access an element by reference as:

// z = 3, y = 2, x = 1
my_3d_array(3,2,1) = 5.0;

You can always access the “flat” array by simply using the 1D accessor:

my_3d_array(6) = 2.0;

By default PortableMDArray has reference-semantics. In other words, copies are shallow.

You can assign new data and a new shape to a PortableMDArray with the NewPortableMDArray function. For example:

my_3d_array.NewPortableArray(new_data, 9, 8, 7);

would reshape my_3d_array to be of shape 7x8x9 and point it at the new_data pointer.

PortableMDArray also provides a few useful methods:

size_t PortableMDArray::GetRank()

provides the number of dimensions of the array.

int PortableMDArray::GetDim(size_t i)

returns the size of a given dimension (indexed from 1, not 0).

int PortableMDArray::GetSize()

returns the size of the flattened array.

size_t PortableMDArray::GetSizeInBytes()

returns the size of the flattened array in bytes.

bool PortableMDArray::IsEmpty()

returns true if the array is empty and false otherwise.

T *PortableMDArray::data()

returns the underlying pointer. The begin() and end() functions return pointers to the beginning and end of the array.

void PortableMDArray::Reshape(int nx3, int nx2, int nx1)

resets the shape of the array without pointing to a new underlying data pointer. It accepts anywhere between 1 and 6 sizes.

PortableMDArray also supports some simple boolean comparitors, such as == and arithmetic such as +, and -.