Equation of State Modifiers

EOS models can be modified by templated classes we call modifiers. A modifier has exactly the same API as an EOS, but provides some internal transformation on inputs and outputs. For example the ShiftedEOS modifier changes the zero point energy of a given EOS model by shifting all energies up or down. Modifiers can be used to, for example, production-harden a model. Only certain combinations of EOS and modifier are permitted by the defualt Variant. For example, only IdealGas, SpinerEOS, and StellarCollapse support the RelativisticEOS and UnitSystem modifiers. All models support the ShiftedEOS and ScaledEOS modifiers. However, note that modifiers do not commute, and only one order is supported. The ordering, inside-out, is UnitSystem or RelativisticEOS, then ScaledEOS, then ShiftedEOS.

We list below the available modifiers and their constructors.

The Shifted EOS

The shifted equation of state modifies zero point energy of an underlying model by some shift. So for example, it transforms

\[P(\rho, \varepsilon) \to P(\rho, \varepsilon - \varepsilon_0)\]

for some shift \(\varepsilon_0\). This is a permitted, thermodynamically consistent operation, the energy that corresponds to “zero” is a free gauge parameter.

The constructor for the ShiftedEOS takes the underlying model and the shift parameter. For example, a shifted ideal gas might be initialized as:

using namespace singularity;
EOS my_eos = ShiftedEOS<IdealGas>(IdealGas(gm1, Cv), shift);

where the first two parameters are the Gruneisen parameter and specific heat required by the ideal gas constructor and the latter is the energy shift.

The Scaled EOS

To understand the scaled EOS, consider the pressure for an ideal gas:

\[P = \Gamma \rho \varepsilon\]

where here \(\Gamma\) is the Gruneien parameter, \(\rho\) is the density, and \(\varepsilon\) is the specific internal energy. The pressure is unchanged under the operation

\[\rho \to s\rho,\ \varepsilon\to \varepsilon/s\]

for some scale parameter \(s\). The ScaledEOS applies this transformation to any equation of state, not just an ideal gas, where the pressure may change for different scaling ratios.

Another way of understanding scaling ratios is that the pressure can be written as

\[P = \left(\frac{\partial F}{\partial V} \right)_T\]

where \(F\) is the Helmholtz free energy. For a given scaling such that \(\rho_\mathrm{eos} = s\rho_\mathrm{in}\), the volume obeys the inverse scaling. Since the scaling ratio is constant, it can be substituted into the above expression so that

\[P = \left(\frac{\partial F_\mathrm{eos}}{\partial V_\mathrm{eos}} \right)_T = \left(\frac{\partial F_\mathrm{in}}{\partial V_\mathrm{in}} \right)_T = \left(\frac{\partial F_\mathrm{in}}{s \partial V_\mathrm{eos}} \right)_T = \left(\frac{s\partial F_\mathrm{eos}}{s \partial V_\mathrm{eos}} \right)_T\]

which implies that the Helmholtz free energy must scale in the same way as volume (inverse to density) in order to preserve the same pressure. Applying this scaling to the definition of the Helmholtz free energy yields

\[F_\mathrm{eos} = e_\mathrm{eos} - TS_\mathrm{eos} = \frac{1}{R} F_\mathrm{in} = \frac{1}{R}e_\mathrm{in} - T\left(\frac{1}{R}S_\mathrm{in}\right),\]

where the implicaiton is that this inverse the scaling ratio should also be applied to energy. The inverse scaling ratio must be applied to the entropy here in order to ensure that all other thermodynamic potentials (energy, entropy, and the Gibbs free energy) scale similarly.

where \(e\) is the internal energy and \(S\) is the entropy. The implication is that the same scaling should be applied to the energy and entropy to maintain thermodynamic consistency.

The constructor for ScaledEOS accepts the underlying model, and the scale parameter. For example, a shifted ideal gas might be initialized as:

using namespace singularity;
EOS my_eos = ScaledEOS<IdealGas>(IdealGas(gm1, Cv), scale);

where the first two parameters are the Gruneisen parameter and specific heat required by the ideal gas constructor and the latter is the scale.

The Relativistic EOS

The relativistic modifier modifies the bulk modulus to enforce that the sound speed, defined as

\[c_s = \sqrt{B_S/\rho}\]

is always less than the speed of light. It does so by applying the transformation

\[B_S \to B_S/h\]

for the specific enthalpy \(h\). This brings the sound speed formula into alignment with the relativistic version,

\[c_s = \sqrt{B_S/w}\]

for enthalpy by volume \(w\). The RelativisticEOS constructor accepts the underlying model, and the speed of light as parameter. For example, a relativistic ideal gas might be initialized as:

using namespace singularity;
EOS my_eos = RelativisticEOS<IdealGas>(IdealGas(gm1, Cv), cl);

EOS Unit System

By default, the singularity-eos models all use cgs units. However, it is often desirable to modify the units used to interact with the library. The UnitSystem modifier partially implements this functionality.

In particular, when constructing an EOS modified by the UnitSystem, the user may specify a new unit system either by thermal units, specific internal energy, and temperature, or by length, mass, and time units. Then all calls of the modified EOS will expect values in the new units and return values in the new units.

The way units are specified is via tag dispatch. For example

using namespace singularity;
EOS my_eos = UnitSystem<IdealGas>(IdealGas(gm1, Cv),
  rho_unit, sie_unit, temp_unit);

specifies the unit system by specifying units for density, specific internal energy, and temperature. On the other hand,

using namespace singularity;
EOS my_eos = UnitSystem<IdealGas>(IdealGas(gm1, Cv),
  time_unit, mass_unit, length_unit, temp_unit);

specifies the unit system by specifying units for time, mass, length, and temperature.

Composing Modifiers

Modifiers can be composed. For example:

using namespace singularity;
auto my_eos = ShiftedEOS<ScaledEOS<IdealGas>>(ScaledEOS(IdealGas(gm1, Cv), scale), shift);

Undoing Modifiers

Modifiers can also be undone, extracting the underlying EOS. Continuing the example above,

auto unmodified = my_eos.GetUnmodifiedObject();

will extract the underlying IdealGas EOS model out from the scale and shift.