Python Bindings

Singularity EOS provides Python bindings which can be enabled with the CMake SINGULARITY_BUILD_PYTHON option. They provide a 1:1 mapping of the C++ EOS types and give access to both scalar and vector functions.


At this time, all Python bindings are host-only.


from singularity_eos import IdealGas

# Parameters for ideal gas
gm1 = 0.6
Cv = 2
eos = IdealGas(gm1, Cv)
rho = ...
sie = ...
P = eos.PressureFromDensityInternalEnergy(rho, sie)

A more elaborate example can be found in examples/


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  • IdealGas

  • Gruneisen

  • JWL

  • DavisReactants

  • DavisProducts


Similar to what is described in Equation of State Modifiers, the Python bindings allow you to create modified versions of EOS with modifiers. Beware that the Python variants follow the same rules as the C++ modifiers, so not all combinations are possible.

  • Shifted()

  • Scaled()

  • BilinearRamp()

  • Relativistic()

  • UnitSystem()

To create a modified EOS, simply pass an existing EOS to a modifier function along with any modifier arguments.

from singularity_eos import IdealGas, Scaled, Shifted

# Parameters for ideal gas
gm1 = 0.6
Cv = 2
eos = Scaled(Shifted(IdealGas(gm1, Cv), 1), 1)


While you are operating with Python types during construction, the final EOS object will be backed by a pure C++ type. E.g., the Python expression Scaled(Shifted(IdealGas(gm1, Cv), shift), scale) will return a Python object that wraps the ScaledEOS<ShiftedEOS<IdealGas>> C++ type.

Class Reference

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Modifier Reference:

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