Gridding for Interpolation

Spiner performs interpolation on uniform, Cartesian-product grids. There is a lower-level object, RegularGrid1D which contains the metadata required for these operations. RegularGrid1D has a few useful userspace functions, which are described here.


A RegularGrid1D requires three values to specify an interpolation grid: the minimum value of the independent variable, the maximum value of the independent variable, and the number of points on the grid. These are passed into the constructor:

RegularGrid1D::RegularGrid1D(Real min, Real max, size_t N);

Default constructors and copy constructors are also provided.

Mapping an index to a real number and vice-versa

The function

Real RegularGrid1D::x(const int i) const;

returns a “physical” position on the grid given an index i.

The function

int index(const Real x) const;

returns the index on the grid of a “physical” value x.

The function

Real min() const;

returns the minimum value on the independent variable grid.

The function

Real max() const;

returns the maximum value on the independent variable grid.

The function

Real dx() const;

returns the grid spacing for the independent variable.

The function

Real nPoints() const;

returns the number of points in the independent variable grid.

Developer functionality

For developers, additional functionality is available. Please consult the code.