Gridding for Interpolation

nSpiner performs interpolation on Cartesian-product grids. There are two lower-level objects:

  • RegularGrid1D

  • PiecewiseGrid1D

These objects contain the metadata required for interpolation operations and have a few useful userspace functions, which are described here.

Like DataBox, these grid objects are templated on underlying data type, the default type being a Real as provided by ports-of-call. You may wish to specialize to a specific type with a type alias such as:

using RegularGrid1D = Spiner::RegularGrid1D<double>;
using PiecewiseGrid1D = Spiner::PiecewiseGrid1D<double>;


In the function signature below we refer to T and Real as the underlying arithmetic data type.

When constructing a DataBox, you may wish to specify which interpolation object you are using. It is a template parameter.


We begin by discussing RegularGrid1D, as the PiecewiseGrid1D object is built on top of it.


A RegularGrid1D requires three values to specify an interpolation grid: the minimum value of the independent variable, the maximum value of the independent variable, and the number of points on the grid. These are passed into the constructor:

RegularGrid1D::RegularGrid1D(T min, T max, size_t N);

Default constructors and copy constructors are also provided.

Mapping an index to a real number and vice-versa

The function

T RegularGrid1D::x(const int i) const;

returns a “physical” position on the grid given an index i.

The function

int RegularGrid1D::index(const T x) const;

returns the index on the grid of a “physical” value x.

The function

T RegularGrid1D::min() const;

returns the minimum value on the independent variable grid.

The function

T RegularGrid1D::max() const;

returns the maximum value on the independent variable grid.

The function

T RegularGrid1D::dx() const;

returns the grid spacing for the independent variable.

The function

int RegularGrid1D::nPoints() const;

returns the number of points in the independent variable grid.

The PiecewiseGrid1D

A PiecewiseGrid1D is a non-intersecting, contiguous, ordered collection RegularGrid1D s. It can be used to construct grids with non-uniform spacing, so long as the grid spacing is piecewise constant.

The maximum number of RegularGrid1D``s that can be used to construct a ``PiecewiseGrid1D is a compile-time parameter (default is 5). You can specify a different value with, e.g.,

// Maximum number of "pieces" in a grid = 10
using PiecewiseGrid1D = Spiner::PiecewiseGrid1D<double, 10>;

Constructiong a PiecewiseGrid1D

A PiecewiseGrid1D is constructed from either a std::vector or a std::initializer_list of RegularGrid1D s. For example:

// Initialize the regular grids
// Note that the start and end points match
// for each consecutive pair of grids.
// g1 ends when g2 starts, etc.
Spiner::RegularGrid1D<double> g1(0, 0.25, 3);
Spiner::RegularGrid1D<double> g2(0.25, 0.75, 11);
Spiner::RegularGrid1D<double> g3(0.75, 1, 7);

// Build the piecewise grid. The double bracket notation
// is an "initalizer list" and is very convenient,
// as it is a C++ language feature.
Spiner::PiecewiseGrid1D<double> h = {{g1, g2, g3}};

Default constructors and copy constructors are also provided.

Index Mapping with PiecewiseGrid1D

A PiecewiseGrid1D has all the same functionality as RegularGrid1D, but it automatically uses the relevant underlying grid spacing.

The function

T PiecewiseGrid1D::x(const int i) const;

returns a “physical” position on the grid given an index i.

The function

int PiecewiseGrid1D::index(const T x) const;

returns the index on the grid of a “physical” value x.

The function

T PiecewiseGrid1D::min() const;

returns the minimum value on the independent variable grid.

The function

T PiecewiseGrid1D::max() const;

returns the maximum value on the independent variable grid.

The function

T PiecewiseGrid1D::dx() const;

returns the grid spacing for the independent variable.

The function

int PiecewiseGrid1D::nPoints() const;

returns the number of points in the independent variable grid.

Developer functionality

For developers, additional functionality is available. Please consult the code.