Getting Started

The following provides a simple example of utilizing a DataBox.

#include <iostream>
#include <databox.hpp>
using DataBox = Spiner::DataBox<double>;

int main() {
  // create a databox
  constexpr int NX1 = 2;
  constexpr int NX2 = 3;
  constexpr int NX3 = 4;
  DataBox db(NX3, NX2, NX1);

  // fill the databox with the flat index of each element
  for (int i = 0; i < db.size(); ++i) {
    db(i) = static_cast<double>(i);

  // set the interpolation ranges to [0,1] or each dimension
  for (int d = 0; d < db.rank(); ++d) {
    db.setRange(d, 0, 1, db.dim(d));

  // interpolate
  double val = db.interpToReal(0.2, 0.3, 0.4);

  // save to file

  // load a new databox from file
  DataBox db2;

  // interpolate new databox to the same location
  double val2 = db2.itnerpToReal(0.2, 0.3, 0.4);

  // print the interpolated values and see they're the same
  std::cout << val1 << ", " val2 << ": " << (val1 - val2) << std::endl;

  // free the databoxes

  return 0;

For more examples, please consult the test directory.