The DataBox

The fundamental data type in spiner is the DataBox. A DataBox packages a multi-dimensional (up to six dimensions) array with routines for interpolating on the array and for saving the data to and loading the data from file.

To use databox, simply include the relevant header:

#include <databox.hpp>

DatBox is templated on underyling data type, which defaults to the Real type provided by ports-of-call. (This is usually a double.)


The default type can be set to type float if the preprocessor macro SINGLE_PRECISION_ENABLED is defined.

Any arithmetic type is supported, although the code has only been tested carefully with floating point numbers. To set DataBox to a single type, you may wish to declare a type alias such as:

using DataBox = Spiner::DataBox<double>

Spiner is also templated on how the interpolation gridding works. This template parameter is called Grid_t. The available options at this time are:

  • Spiner::RegularGrid1D<T>

  • Spiner::PiecewiseGrid1D<T>

where here T is the arithmetic type as discussed above. The default type is RegularGrid1D. You can further alias DataBox as, for example:

using DataBox = Spiner::DataBox<double, Spiner::RegularGrid1D<double>>;

More detail on the interpolation gridding is available below and in the interpolation section.


In C++17 and later, you can also get the default type specialization by simply omitting the template arguments.


In the function signatures below, GPU/performance portability decorators have been excluded for brevity. However they are present in the actual code.


In the function signatures below, we will often refer to the type Real and the type T. These are both references to the underlying templated arithmetic type.

Creating a DataBox

You can create a DataBox of a given shape via the constructor:

int nx1 = 2;
int nx2 = 3;
int nx3 = 4;
Spiner::DataBox<double> db(nx3, nx2, nx1);

The constructor takes any number of shape values (e.g., nx*) up to six (or Spiner::MAXRANK) values. Zero shape values initializes an empty, size-zero array.


DataBox is row-major ordered. By convention, x3 is the slowest moving index and x1 is the fastest.

If GPU support is enabled, a DataBox can be allocated on either host or device, depending on the AllocationTarget. For example, to explicitly allocate one array on the host and one on the device, you might call:

// Allocates on the host (CPU)
Spiner::DataBox<double> db_host(Spiner::AllocationTarget::Host, nx2, nx1);
// Allocates on the device (GPU)
Spiner::DataBox<double> db_dev(Spiner::AllocationTarget::Device, nx2, nx1);


If GPU support is not enabled, these both allocate on host.

You can also wrap a DataBox around a pointer you allocated yourself. For example:

std::vector<double> mydata(nx1*nx2);
Spiner::DataBox<double> db(, nx2, nx1);

You can also resize a DataBox, which you can use to modify a DataBox in-place. For example:

Spiner::DataBox<double> db; // empty
// clears old memory, resizes the underlying array,
// and resets strides
db.resize(nx3, nx2, nx1);

Just like the constructor, resize takes an optional (first) argument for the AllocationTarget.


DataBox::resize is destructive. The underlying data is not preserved.

If you want to change the stride without changing the underlying data, you can use reshape, which modifies the dimensions of the array, without modifying the underlying memory. For example:

// allocate a 1D databox
Spiner::DataBox<double> db(nx3*nx2*nx1);
// interpret it as a 3D object
db.reshape(nx3, nx2, nx1);


Make sure not to change the underlying size of the array when using reshape. This is checked with an assert statement, so you will get errors when compiling without the NDEBUG preprocessor macro.

The method

void DataBox::reset();

sets the DataBox to be empty with zero rank.

Copying a DataBox to device

If GPU support is enabled, you can deep-copy a DataBox and any data contained in it from host to device with the function

DataBox getOnDeviceDataBox(DataBox &db_host);

which returns a new databox with the data in db_host copied to GPU. An object-oriented method

DataBox Databox::getOnDevice() const;

exists as well, which returns a new object with the underlying data copied to GPU.


If GPU support is not enabled, getOnDevice and friends are no-ops.

Semantics and Memory Management

DataBox has reference semantics—meaning that copying a DataBox does not copy the underlying data. In other words,

Spiner::DataBox<double> db1(size);
Spiner::DataBox<double> db2 = db1;

shallow-copies db1 into db2. Especially for Kokkos like workflows, this is very useful.


DataBox is neither reference-counted nor garbage-collected. If you create a DataBox you must clear the memory allocated just like you would for a pointer.

Two functions are provided for freeing memory in DataBox:

void free(DataBox &db);



both will do the same thing and free the memory in a DataBox in a context-dependent way. I.e., no matter what the AllocationTarget was, the appropriate memory will be freed.


Do not free a DataBox if its memory is managed externally, e.g., via a std::vector. DataBox checks for this use-case via an assert statement.

You can check whether a given DataBox is empty, unmanaged, or allocated on host or device with the

DataBox::dataStatus() const;

method. It returns an enum class, Spiner::DataStatus, which can take on the values Empty, Unmanaged, AllocatedHost, or AllocatedDevice. You can also check whether or not free should be called with the method

bool DataBox::ownsAllocatedMemory();

which returns true if a given databox is managing memory and false otherwise. The method

bool DataBox::isReference();

returns false if the databox is managing memory and true otherwise.

Using DataBox with smart pointers

Smart pointers can be used to manage a DataBox and automatically call free for you, so long as you use them with a custom deleter. Spiner provides the following deleter for use in this scenario:

struct DBDeleter {
  template <typename T>
  void operator()(T *ptr) {
    delete ptr;

It can be used, for example, with a std::unique_ptr via:

// needed for smart pointers
#include <memory>

// Creates a unique pointer pointing to a DataBox
// with memory allocated on device
std::unique_ptr<DataBox, Spiner::DBDeleter> pdb(
  new DataBox(Spiner::AllocationTarget::Device, N));

// Before using the databox in, e.g., a GPU or Kokkos kernel, get a
// shallow copy:
auto db = *pdb;
// some kokkos code...

// when you leave scope, the data box will be freed.

Serialization and de-serialization

Shared memory models, such as MPI Windows, require allocation of memory through an external API call (e.g., MPI_Win_allocate_shared), which tabulated data must be written to. Spiner supports this model through serialization and de-serialization. The relevant methods are as follows. The function

std::size_t DataBox::serializedSizeInBytes() const;

reports how much memory a DataBox object requires to be externally allocated. The function

std::size_t serialize(char *dst) const;

takes a char* pointer, assumed to contain enough space for a DataBox, and stores all information needed for the DataBox to reconstruct itself. The return value is the amount of memory in bytes used in the array by the serialized DataBox object. This method is non-destructive; the original DataBox is unchanged. The function

std::size_t DataBox::setPointer(T *src);

with the overload

std::size_t DataBox::setPointer(char *src);

sets the underlying tabulated data from the src pointer, which is assumed to be the right size and shape. This is useful for the deSerialize function (described below) and for building your own serialization/de-serialization routines in composite objects. The function

std::size_t DataBox::deSerialize(char *src);

initializes a DataBox to match the serialized DataBox contained in the src pointer.


Note that the de-serialized DataBox has unmanaged memory, as it is assumed that the src pointer manages its memory for it. Therefore, one cannot free the src pointer until everything you want to do with the de-serialized DataBox is over.

Putting this all together, an application of serialization/de-serialization probably looks like this:

// load a databox from, e.g., file
Spiner::DataBox<double> db;

// get size of databox
std::size_t allocate_size = db.serialSizeInBytes();

// Allocate the memory for the new databox.
// In practice this would be an API call for, e.g., shared memory
char *memory = (char*)malloc(allocate_size);

// serialize the old databox
std::size_t write_size = db.serialize(memory);

// make a new databox and de-serialize it
Spiner::DataBox<double> db2;
std::size_t read_size = db2.deSerialize(memory);

// read_size, write_size, and allocate_size should all be the same.
assert((read_size == write_size) && (write_size == allocate_size));


The serialization routines described here are not architecture aware. Serializing and de-serializing on a single architecture inside a single executable will work fine. However, do not use serialization as a file I/O strategy, as there is no guarantee that the serialized format for a DataBox on one architecture will be the same as on another. This is due to, for example, architecture-specific differences in endianness and padding.

Accessing Elements of a DataBox

Elements of a DataBox can be accessed and set via the () operator. For example:

Spiner::DataBox<double> db(nx3, nx2, nx1);
db(2,1,0) = 5.0;

The () operator accepts between one and six indexes. If you pass in more indexes than the rank of the array, the excess indices are ignored. If you pass in fewer, the unset indices are assumed to be zero. The exception is the one-dimensional operator. You can always stride through the “flattened” array by using the one-dimensional accessor. For example:

for (int i = 0; i < nx3*nx2*nx1; ++i) {
  db(i) = static_cast<double>(i);

fills the three-dimensional array above with the flat index of each element.


A new DataBox containing a shallow slice of another DataBox can be constructed with the slice method:

DataBox DataBox::slice(const int dim, const int indx, const int nvar) const;

this is fairly limited functionality. It returns a new DataBox containing only elements from indx to indx + nvar - 1 in the dim direction. All other directions are unchanged. The slowest moving dimension can be sliced to a single index with

DataBox DataBox::slice(const int indx) const;

and the slowst-moving two dimensions can be sliced to a single pair of indicies with

DataBox DataBox::slice(const int i2, int i1) const;

Index Types and Interpolation Ranges

Often-times an array mixes “continuous” and “discrete” variables. In other words, some indices of an array are discretizations of a continuous quantity, and we want to interpolate in those directions, but other indices are discrete—they may index a particle species, for example. A common example is in neutrino transport, where an array of emissivities may depend on fluid density, fluid temperature, electron fraction, neutrino energy, and neutrino species. The species can only take three discrete values, but the density, temperature, and electron fraction are all continuous.

Spiner accounts for this by assigning each dimension in the array a “type,” represented as an enum class, IndexType. Currently the type can be either Interpolated or Indexed. When a new DataBox is created, all dimensions are set to IndexType::Indexed. A dimension can be set to Interpolated via the setRange method.

void DataBox::setRange(int i, Grid_t g);

where here i is the dimension and g is the gridding object for this index. In the default setup, where grids are uniformly spaced (i.e., you use a RegularGrid1D), this is:

void DataBox::setRange(int i, T min, T max, int N);

where here i is the dimension, min is the minimum value of the independent variable, max is the maximum value of the indpendent variable, and N is the number of points in the i dimension. (Here T is the underlying templated data type.)


In these routines, the dimension is indexed from zero.


There is a set of lower-level objects, RegularGrid1D, and PiecewiseGrid1D, which represent these interpolation ranges internally. There is a getter method range that works with the underlying Grid_t class directly. For more details, see the relevant documentation.

It’s often desirable to have multiple databoxes with the exact same shape and interpolation structure (i.e., independent variable ranges). In this case, the method

void DataBox::copyMetadata(const DataBox &src);

can assist. This method resets and re-allocates the data in a DataBox to the exact same size and shape as src. More importantly, it also copies the relevant IndexType and independent variable range for each dimension.

One can also manually set the IndexType in a given dimension with

void DataBox::setIndexType(int i, IndexType t);

and retrieve the IndexType with

IndexType &DataBox::indexType(const int i);

to see if a dimension is interpolatable.

Interpolation to a real number

The family of DataBox::interpToReal methods interpolate the “entire” DataBox to a real number. Up to four-dimensional interpolation is supported:

T DataBox::interpToReal(const T x) const;
T DataBox::interpToReal(const T x2, const T x1) const;
T DataBox::interpToReal(const T x3, const T x2, const T x1) const;
T DataBox::interpToReal(const T x4, const T x3, const T x2, const T x1) const;

where x1 is the fastest moving direction, x2 is less fast, and so on. These interpolation routines are hand-tuned for performance.


Do not call interpToReal with a DataBox that is the wrong shape or try to interpolate on indices that are not interpolatable. This is checked with an assert statement.

Mixed interpolation and indexing

In the case where an array has some dimensions that are discrete and some that are interpolatable, one can fuse interpolation and indexing into a single operation. These operations are still named DataBox::interpToReal, but one of the input arguments is an integer instead of a floating point number. The location of the integer in the function signature indicates which dimension in the DataBox is indexed. For example:

T DataBox::interpToReal(const T x3, const T x2, const T x1, const int idx) const;

interpolates the three slower-moving indices and indexes the fastest moving index. On the other hand,

T DataBox::interpToReal(const T x4, const T x3, const T x2, const int idx, const T x1) const;

interpolates the fastest moving index, then indexes the second-fastest, then interpolates the remaining three slower. The above fused operations are the only ones currently supported.

Interpolating into another DataBox

There is limited functionality for filling a DataBox with the interpolated values of another DataBox. For example, the method

void DataBox::interpFromDB(const DataBox &src, const T x);

allocates the DataBox to have a rank one lower than src and fill it with the faster moving elements of src interpolated to x in the slowest-moving direction. Similarly for

void DataBox::interpFromDB(const DataBox &src, const T x2, const T x1);

The methods

DataBox Databox::InterpToDB(const T x) const;


DataBox Databox::InterpToDB(const T x2, const T x1);

return a new DataBox object, rather than setting it from a source DataBox.

File I/O

If hdf5 is enabled, Spiner can save an array to or load an array from disk. Each array so-saved is also saved with the IndexType and independent variable ranges bundled with it, so that knowledge of how to interpolate the data is automatically available.

The following methods are supported:

herr_t DataBox::saveHDF(const std::string &filename) const;

saves the DataBox to a file with filename.

herr_t DataBox::saveHDF(hid_t loc, const std::string &groupname) const;

saves the DataBox as an hdf5 group at the location loc in an hdf5 file.

DataBox::loadHDF(const std::string &filename);

fills the DataBox from information in the root of a file with filename.

DataBox::loadHDF(hid_t loc, const std::string &groupname);

fills the DataBox from information in the group with groupname based at location loc in the file.


HDF5 I/O is only supported for single- and double-precision types at this time.


Here we list a few convenience functions available that were not covered elsewhere.

T DataBox::min() const;


T DataBox::max() const;

compute and return the minimum and maximum values (respectively) in the array.

int rank() const;

returns the rank (number of dimensions) of the array.

int size() const;

returns the total number of elements in the underlying array.

int sizeBytes() const;

returns the total size of the underlying array in bytes.

int dim(int i) const;

returns the size in a given dimension/direction, indexed from zero.