Removes any points that are within the specified point range and specified volume of space. This command is seldom used but included here for backward compatibility.

A more typical set of commands for removing points is the combination of PSET with RMPOINT/pset,get,pname.

Note that the points that are removed become dudded out (point itp set to 21) and are not removed from the mesh object data arrays.


rm / xyz /ifirst,ilast,istride/xmin,ymin,zmin/xmax,ymax,zmax/ [xcen,ycen,zcen]

rm / rtp /ifirst,ilast,istride/ r1,t1,p1 / r2/t2/p2/ [xcen,ycen,zcen]  

rm / rtz /ifirst,ilast,istride/ r1,t1,z1 / r2,t2,z2/ [xcen,ycen,zcen] 

Geometry Options

xyz Cartesian coordinates defined by minimum and maximum of the coordinates.

rtp Spherical coordinates defined by the center point. The sperical shell or sperical section given by radius r1 to r2, and angles theta t1 to t2 and angles phi p1 to p2. The value of theta is the angle with respect to the Z-axis and phi is the angle in the XY-plane with respect to the X-axis.

rtz Cylindrical coordinates defined by the center line points.
The cylinder or cylindrical shell given by radius r1 to r2, angle theta t1 to t2 and height z1 to z2. The value of theta is the angle in the XY- plane with respect to the x-axis.

In cylindrical coordinates the cylinder always lines up along the z axis; use the coordsys command before issuing the rm command if the points to be removed are not aligned with the z-axis; then issue a final coordsys command to return to normal.

ifirst,ilast,istride is the selected point set range where 1,0,0 means all. The pset,get, pname convention can be used.


rm/ xyz /1,0,0/ 2.,2.,2./4.,4.,4./  0.,0.,0.

rm/ rtz /1,0,0/ 0.,0.,0./1.,360.,10./ 0.,0.,0.