Deprecated command, replaced by cmo/setatt and cmo/printatt .
Set or print node attribute values of a selected set of nodes.
zq / att_name / ifirst,ilast,istride/ value zq / att_name / ifirst,ilast,istride/
is the name of the attribute to set or write
is the range of nodes to set or write where 1,0,0 are all nodes.
set attribute of selected nodes to this value.
If value
is ommited, the command will print values instead of set values.
To print, specify any one of a group and all will be printed.
To set an attribute value, set value and all selected nodes will be set to this value.
For printing, attributes are grouped as follows:
zq/imt/1,100,2/ 1/
will set imt attribute to 1 for all odd numbered nodes between 1 and 100 to 1.
will print coordinates of all points