Source code for pysimfrac.src.analysis.geostats

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

from pysimfrac.src.general.helper_functions import print_error

def find_first_zero_crossing(lags, acf):
    """ Finds the first zero crossing of the autocorrelation function and returns the corresponding distance where the crossing occurs

        lags : numpy array
            Distances of the autocorrelation functoin
        acf : numpy array
            Autocorrelation function values

        value : float 
            Distance where acf first crossing the zero line

        Returns -1 is acf does not cross 0 
    for i, val in enumerate(acf):
        if val < 0:
            return lags[i]
    return -1

def autocorr(x, lag=1):
    """ Computes the autocorrelation function at a distance of lag

        x : numpy array
            field values (1D array)
        lag : int
            lag distance

        correlation : float
            correlation at distance of lag

    return np.corrcoef(np.array([x[0:len(x) - lag], x[lag:len(x)]]))[0, 1]

def compute_autocorr_y(A, num_lags=None):

    # clear this garbage up dude
    [n, _] = np.shape(A)
    if not num_lags:
        num_lags = int(0.25 * n)
    tmp = np.zeros((n, num_lags))

    for j in range(n):
        B = A[j, :]
        for i in range(num_lags):
            tmp[j, i] = autocorr(B, i)

    acf = np.zeros(num_lags)
    for i in range(num_lags):
        acf[i] = np.mean(tmp[:, i])

    lags = np.array(range(num_lags)).astype(float)
    return lags, acf

def compute_autocorr_x(A, num_lags=None):

    [_, m] = np.shape(A)
    if not num_lags:
        num_lags = int(0.25 * m)
    tmp = np.zeros((m, num_lags))

    for j in range(m):
        B = A[:, j]
        for i in range(num_lags):
            tmp[j, i] = autocorr(B, i)

    acf = np.zeros(num_lags)
    for i in range(num_lags):
        acf[i] = np.mean(tmp[:, i])

    lags = np.array(range(num_lags)).astype(float)
    return lags, acf

def single_field_correlation_length(A, num_lags, h):
    """ Compute the correlation length of a field, both in x and y direction.

        A : numpy array
            field values (2D array)
        num_lag : int
            maximum number of lags
        h : float
            discretization length scale 

        tmp : dict
            dictionary with values of the correlation length, lags, and autocorrelation function in both x and y direction


    ## Compute Autocorrelation function in x direction
    lags_x, acf_x = compute_autocorr_x(A, num_lags)
    lags_x *= h
    ## compute first zero crossing of ACF in X
    corr_x = find_first_zero_crossing(lags_x, acf_x)

    ## Compute Autocorrelation function in y direction
    lags_y, acf_y = compute_autocorr_y(A, num_lags)
    lags_y *= h
    ## compute first zero crossing of ACF in Y
    corr_y = find_first_zero_crossing(lags_y, acf_y)

    ## create dictionary holding all the autocorrelation information
    tmp = {
        "x": {
            "correlation": corr_x,
            "lags": lags_x,
            "acf": acf_x
        "y": {
            "correlation": corr_y,
            "lags": lags_y,
            "acf": acf_y
        "anisotropy": corr_x / corr_y

    return tmp

def compute_correlation_length(self, surface='all', num_lags=None):
    """ Compute the correlation length of a field, both in x and y direction.

        self : object
            simFrac Class
        surface : str
            Named of desired surface to plot. Options are 'aperture', 'top', 'bottom', and 'all'(default). 
        num_lag : int
            Maximum number of lags. If no value is provided, num_lags is set to 1/4 the domain size in that direction. 



    # default is to comput the correlation lengths for all 3 surfaces
    if surface == 'all':
        surfaces = ["aperture", "top", "bottom"]
        for sf in surfaces:
            print(f"\n--> Computing correlation length of {sf} field.")
            if sf == "aperture":
                self.correlation[sf] = single_field_correlation_length(
                    self.aperture, num_lags, self.h)
            elif sf == "top":
                self.correlation[sf] = single_field_correlation_length(
          , num_lags, self.h)
            elif sf == "bottom":
                self.correlation[sf] = single_field_correlation_length(
                    self.bottom, num_lags, self.h)

                f"--> Correlation length of {sf} field in the X-direction : {self.correlation[sf]['x']['correlation']:0.2e} [{self.units}] "
                f"--> Correlation length in {sf} field in the Y-direction : {self.correlation[sf]['y']['correlation']:0.2e} [{self.units}] "

    ## if a single surface is provided, just compute the correlation for that surface
        print(f"\n--> Computing correlation length of {surface} field.")
        if surface == "aperture":
            self.correlation[surface] = single_field_correlation_length(
                self.aperture, num_lags, self.h)
        elif surface == "top":
            self.correlation[surface] = single_field_correlation_length(
      , num_lags, self.h)
        elif surface == "bottom":
            self.correlation[surface] = single_field_correlation_length(
                self.bottom, num_lags, self.h)
                f"Error. Unknown surface provided - {surface}. Acceptable surfaces are 'top', 'bottom', 'aperture', or 'all'"

            f"--> Correlation length of {surface} field in the X-direction : {self.correlation[surface]['x']['correlation']:0.2e} [{self.units}] "
            f"--> Correlation length in {surface} field in the Y-direction : {self.correlation[surface]['y']['correlation']:0.2e} [{self.units}] "

[docs] def compute_moments(self): """ Compute the moments of the distribution to screen Parameters -------------------- self : object simFrac Class Returns -------------------- None Notes -------------------- None """ print("--> Computing moments of the surface and aperture field: Starting") surfaces = ["aperture", "top", "bottom"] for surface in surfaces: if surface == "aperture": A = np.reshape(self.aperture, self.nx * self.ny) elif surface == "top": A = np.reshape(, self.nx * self.ny) elif surface == "bottom": A = np.reshape(self.bottom, self.nx * self.ny) self.moments[surface]["mean"] = np.mean(A) self.moments[surface]["variance"] = np.var(A) self.moments[surface]["skewness"] = stats.skew(A) self.moments[surface]["kurtosis"] = stats.kurtosis(A) self.print_moments() print("--> Computing moments of the surface and aperture field: complete")
def create_pdf(vals, num_bins, spacing="log", x=None, weights=None, a_low=None, a_high=None, bin_edge="center"): """ create pdf of vals Parameters ---------- vals : array array of values to be binned num_bins : int Number of bins in the pdf spacing : string spacing for the pdf, options are linear and log x : array array of bin edges weights :array weights corresponding to vals to be used to create a weighted pdf a_low : float lower value of bin range. If no value provided 0.95*min(vals) is used a_high : float upper value of bin range. If no value is provided max(vals) is used bin_edge: string which bin edge is returned. options are left, center, and right Returns ------- bx : array bin edges or centers (x values of the pdf) pdf : array values of the pdf, normalized so the Riemann sum(pdf*dx) = 1. """ # Pick bin range if not a_low: a_low = np.min(vals) if not a_high: a_high = np.max(vals) # Create bins if not x: if spacing == "linear": x = np.linspace(a_low, a_high, num_bins + 1) elif spacing == "log": if min(a_low, a_high) > 0: x = np.logspace(np.log10(a_low), np.log10(a_high), num_bins + 1) else: x = np.logspace(-10, 1, num_bins + 1, endpoint=False) A = np.max(x) B = np.min(x) x = (x - A) * (a_low - a_high) / (B - A) + a_high else: print("Warning. Unknown spacing type. Using Linear spacing") x = np.linspace(a_low, a_high, num_bins + 1) # Create PDF pdf, bin_edges = np.histogram(vals, bins=x, weights=weights, density=True) # Return arrays of the same size if bin_edge == "left": return bin_edges[:-1], pdf elif bin_edge == "right": return bin_edges[1:], pdf elif bin_edge == "center": bx = bin_edges[:-1] + 0.5 * np.diff(bin_edges) return bx, pdf else: print(f"Unknown bin edge type {bin_edge}. Returning left edges") return bin_edge[:-1], pdf def create_cdf(vals, weights=None): """ Create emperical CDF of array Parameters ---------- vals : array array of values to be binned weights :array weights corresponding to vals to be used to create a weighted pdf Returns ------- x : array x values of the cdf cdf : array values of the cdf, normalized so cummulative sum = 1 """ index_sort = np.argsort(vals) x = vals[index_sort] if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(vals)) cdf = weights[index_sort] cdf = np.cumsum(cdf) / cdf.sum() return (x, cdf)
[docs] def get_surface_pdf(self, surface, num_bins, spacing="linear", x=None, weights=None, a_low=None, a_high=None, bin_edge="center"): """ create probability density function of a surface Parameters ---------- surface : string Select the surface of the fracture, Acceptable surfaces are 'top', 'bottom', 'aperture'. num_bins : int Number of bins in the pdf spacing : string spacing for the pdf, options are linear and log, default is linear binning. x : array array of bin edges weights :array weights corresponding to vals to be used to create a weighted pdf a_low : float lower value of bin range. If no value provided 0.95*min(vals) is used a_high : float upper value of bin range. If no value is provided max(vals) is used bin_edge: string which bin edge is returned. options are left, center, and right Returns ------- bx : array bin edges or centers (x values of the pdf) pdf : array values of the pdf, normalized so the Riemann sum(pdf*dx) = 1. """ print(f"--> Getting PDF of {surface} surface") if surface == 'aperture': A = np.reshape(self.aperture, self.nx * self.ny) elif surface == "top": A = np.reshape(, self.nx * self.ny) elif surface == "bottom": A = np.reshape(self.bottom, self.nx * self.ny) else: print_error( f"Error. Unknown surface provided - {surface}. Acceptable surfaces are 'top', 'bottom', 'aperture'" ) x, pdf = create_pdf(A, num_bins, spacing, x, weights, a_low, a_high, bin_edge) print(f"--> Getting PDF of {surface} surface: Done") return x, pdf
def get_surface_cdf(self, surface): """ create emperical CDF of surface of the fracture Parameters ---------- surface : string which surface of the fracture, Acceptable surfaces are 'top', 'bottom', 'aperture'. Returns ------- x : array x values of the cdf cdf : array y valyes of the cdf """ print(f"--> Getting CDF of {surface} surface:") if surface == 'aperture': A = np.reshape(self.aperture, self.nx * self.ny) elif surface == "top": A = np.reshape(, self.nx * self.ny) elif surface == "bottom": A = np.reshape(self.bottom, self.nx * self.ny) else: print_error( f"Error. Unknown surface provided - {surface}. Acceptable surfaces are 'top', 'bottom', 'aperture'" ) x, cdf = create_cdf(A) print(f"--> Getting CDF of {surface} surface: Done") return x, cdf def plot_surface_pdf(self, surface='all', bins='auto', figname=None): """ Plots the probability density function of the fracture surface / aperture Parameters -------------------- surface : string which surface of the fracture, Acceptable surfaces are 'top', 'bottom', 'aperture', or 'all'. bins : str, number, vector, or a pair of such values Generic bin parameter that can be the name of a reference rule, the number of bins, or the breaks of the bins. figname : str Name of figure to save. If None, so figure is saved. Returns -------------------- None Notes -------------------- Uses Seaborn displot """ if surface == "all": fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 4)) fig.suptitle( f'Probability Density Functions of Fracture Surface heights', fontsize=16) # Check for ACF for all surfaces surfaces = ["top", "bottom", "aperture"] for i, sf in enumerate(surfaces): if sf == 'aperture': A = np.reshape(self.aperture, self.nx * self.ny) elif sf == "top": A = np.reshape(, self.nx * self.ny) elif sf == "bottom": A = np.reshape(self.bottom, self.nx * self.ny) sns.histplot(data=A, bins=bins, ax=ax[i], kde=True, stat="density") # Set attributes ax[i].set_title(f'{sf}') if i == 0: ax[i].set_ylabel('PDF', fontsize=12) else: ax[i].set_ylabel('', fontsize=12) ax[i].set_xlabel(f'Surface height [{self.units}]', fontsize=12) else: print(f"--> Plotting PDF of {surface} surface") if surface == 'aperture': A = np.reshape(self.aperture, self.nx * self.ny) elif surface == "top": A = np.reshape(, self.nx * self.ny) elif surface == "bottom": A = np.reshape(self.bottom, self.nx * self.ny) else: print_error( f"Error. Unknown surface provided - {surface}. Acceptable surfaces are 'top', 'bottom', 'aperture', or 'all'" ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) fig.suptitle(f'PDF of {surface} values', fontsize=24) sns.histplot(data=A, bins=bins, ax=ax, kde=True, stat="density") plt.xticks(fontsize=12) plt.yticks(fontsize=12) plt.xlabel(f'Surface height [{self.units}]', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(f'Probability Density Function', fontsize=18) print(f"--> Plotting PDF of {surface} surface: complete") # Save figure if the user wants it if figname: print(f"\n--> Saving figure to file {figname}") plt.savefig(figname, dpi=150) return fig, ax