These Current Mesh Object commands operate on the selected Mesh Object.
There can be many Mesh Objects in the code for a given problem. Only one Mesh Object at a time is the Current and Active Mesh Object. (There is also one Default Mesh Object which is used as the template for generating new Mesh Objects).

Each Mesh Object is has both default and user added attributes. The following are CMO (Current Mesh Object) options, click to see more details.

CMO Options    Short Description    Brief Syntax
addatt    Add an attribute to cmo    cmo/addatt/mo/att_name/type/rank/length
addatt    Create new cmo attributes    cmo/addatt/mo/keyword/keyword_options
attribute_derive    Derive attributes from another cmo cmo/attribute_derive/sink_mo/src_mo
attribute_union Combine attributes of two mesh objects cmo/attribute_union/mo_1/mo_2
compress Compress cmo arrays to actual lengths cmo/compress/mo_name
constraint Get surface constraints from cmo to another cmo/constraint/cmo_sink/cmo_src
copy Copy a cmo to new cmo cmo/copy/mo_new/mo_master
copyatt Copy attribute values to another attribute cmo/copyatt/mo mosrc/att att_src
create Create a new cmo cmo/create/mo_name [/// mesh_type]
delatt Delete a cmo attribute cmo/delatt/mo_name/att_name
DELATT Force Delete a cmo attribute cmo/DELATT/mo_name/att_name
delete Delete an existing cmo cmo/delete/mo_name
derive Copy cmo to new cmo with empty data cmo/derive/mo_name/master_mo
geometry Give geometry to cmo from another cmo cmo/geometry/mo_name/geometry_name
length Print memory length for cmo attributes cmo/length/mo_name/att_name
list List all mesh objects cmo/list
memory Set length for cmo memory cmo/memory/mo_name/num_nodes/num_elements
modatt Modify cmo attribute parameters cmo/modatt/mo/att_name/parameter/value
move Change the name of a cmo cmo/move/mo_new/mo_old
newlen Adjust attribute lengths cmo/newlen/mo_name
printatt Print attribute values cmo/printatt/mo/att_name/[minmax] [1,0,0]
readatt Read attribute values from file cmo/readatt/mo/att1,att2,[…] /1,0,0/file
release Delete an existing mesh object cmo/release/mo_name
select Make cmo current and active cmo/select/mo_name
setatt Set values in cmo attributes cmo/setatt/mo/att_name/[1,0,0]/value
set_id Create attribute with id numbers cmo/set_id/mo/node or element/att_name
status Print mesh object status cmo/status/mo_name/ [brief]
verify Verify memory for cmo cmo/verify/mo_name

Active CMO

A mesh object is made current or active:

  • As a result of any command that generates a new mesh object
  • As a result of any command that changes a mesh object (e.g. copyatt)
  • Use cmo/select to explicitly specify the current active mesh object.


The following names are reserved and used in the various cmo commands:

-default- : the default template for the LaGriT mesh object

-def- : the default value for command options

-cmo- : the Current Mesh Object

-all-: all Mesh Objects or Attributes

-xyz-: Mesh Object Attributes xic, yic, and zic

CMO Parameters

Attribute Possible Values (type character) default in bold
mesh_type tet, hex, pri, pyr, tri, triplane, quad, hyb, line, pnt
rank scalar, vector, tensor, or any INT attribute
length nnodes or any INT attribute  
interpolate   linear copy, sequence, log, asinh, max, min, user, and,or,incmax
ioflag a g, f, l – for output of avs, gmv, fehm, LaGriT


cmo/status/motet/ brief 

Create and print a brief status of the mesh object named motet:

The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: motet                                          
  2 Mesh Object name: motet                                                     
    number of nodes =             0        number of elements =            0    
    dimensions geometry =         3        element type =                tet    
    dimensions topology =         3        4 nodes      4 faces      6 edges    
    boundary flag =        16000000        status =                   active   
cmo/copyatt/moquad moquad/zsave zic
cmo/printatt/moquad/-all- minmax  

Add the attribute zsave to the mesh object and copy zic attribute values into zsave attribute:


ATTRIBUTE NAME              MIN               MAX         DIFFERENCE    LENGTH  
 -def-              0.000000000E+00  0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00     14241  
 scalar                           1                1               0         1  
 vector                           3                3               0         1  
 nnodes                       14241            14241               0         1  
 nedges                           0                0               0         1  
 nfaces                           0                0               0         1  
 nelements                    14000            14000               0         1  
 mbndry                    16000000         16000000               0         1  
 ndimensions_topo                 2                2               0         1  
 ndimensions_geom                 3                3               0         1  
 nodes_per_element                4                4               0         1  
 edges_per_element                4                4               0         1  
 faces_per_element                4                4               0         1  
 isetwd                           0                0               0     14241  
 ialias                           0                0               0     14241  
 imt1                             1                1               0     14241  
 itp1                             0               10              10     14241  
 icr1                             0                0               0     14241  
 isn1                             0                0               0     14241  
 xic                4.980000000E+05  5.005000000E+05 2.500000000E+03     14241  
 yic                5.370000000E+05  5.405000000E+05 3.500000000E+03     14241  
 zic                1.638043335E+03  1.856468628E+03 2.184252930E+02     14241  
 xtetwd                           0                0               0     14000  
 itetclr                          1                1               0     14000  
 itettyp                          4                4               0     14000  
 itetoff                          0            55996           55996     14000  
 jtetoff                          0            55996           55996     14000  
 itet                             1            14241           14240     14000x4
 jtet                             2         16000000        15999998     14000x4
 epsilon            1.000000004E-15  1.000000004E-15 0.000000000E+00         1  
 epsilonl           9.562806528E-10  9.562806528E-10 0.000000000E+00         1  
 epsilona           4.118418852E-06  4.118418852E-06 0.000000000E+00         1  
 epsilonv           4.243763815E-04  4.243763815E-04 0.000000000E+00         1  
 ipointi                          1                1               0         1  
 ipointj                      14241            14241               0         1  
 idebug                           0                0               0         1  
 itypconv_sm                      1                1               0         1  
 maxiter_sm                      25               25               0         1  
 tolconv_sm         1.000000000E+00  1.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00         1  
 nnfreq                           1                1               0         1  
 ivoronoi                         1                1               0         1  
 iopt2to2                         2                2               0         1  
 xmin               4.980000000E+05  4.980000000E+05 0.000000000E+00         1  
 ymin               5.370000000E+05  5.370000000E+05 0.000000000E+00         1  
 zmin               1.638043335E+03  1.638043335E+03 0.000000000E+00         1  
 xmax               5.005000000E+05  5.005000000E+05 0.000000000E+00         1  
 ymax               5.405000000E+05  5.405000000E+05 0.000000000E+00         1  
 zmax               1.856468628E+03  1.856468628E+03 0.000000000E+00         1  
 kdtree_level                     0                0               0         1  
 max_number_sets                 64               64               0         1  
 number_of_psets                  0                0               0         1  
 number_of_eltsets                0                0               0         1  
 number_of_fsets                  0                0               0         1  
 zsave              1.638043335E+03  1.856468628E+03 2.184252930E+02     14241