1. Project Documentation

This appendix chapter will discuss this project’s documentation including its dependencies (see Dependencies), building it (see Building), and contributing (see Contributing) to it.

1.1. Dependencies

The documentation is written using the Sphinx Python Documentation Generator [Sphinx]. Sphinx is built atop Python [Python] and uses reStructuredText [RST] as its lightweight markup language. Sphinx can output to multiple formats. This documentation targets HTML, PDF (via LaTeX [LaTeX]), Unix manual pages, and Markdown. So, installations of Python (e.g., Miniconda [Miniconda]) and LaTeX (e.g., TeX Live [TeXLive]) are needed as Sphinx dependencies. Additionally, the theme being used for HTML rendering (i.e., “sphinx_rtd_theme” [RTDTheme]) is developed by Read the Docs, Inc. [ReadTheDocs]; this, too, is a dependency. Outputting to Markdown requires the “sphinx-markdown-builder” package [MarkdownBuilder]. The steps for installation are provided below.

  1. Install a Python distribution. This project recommends Miniconda which will work on Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, and GNU/Linux distributions. Refer to their site [Miniconda] for more information.


The Miniconda installer will automatically add items to your shell initialization file (e.g., ~/.bashrc for Bash) to load Miniconda into the environment. If you do not want Miniconda in your environment all of the time, then you can add a function to do this when invoked; an example for Bash is below:

    eval "$(${tmppath}/conda shell.bash hook)"
    [[ ":$PATH:" != *":${tmppath}:"* ]] && export PATH="${tmppath}:${PATH}"
export -f envconda


An easy way to deal with typical proxy issues with the conda command is to create your Conda RC file (e.g., ~/.condarc on Apple macOS and GNU/Linux distributions). The contents of this file for me, as an example, is below:

ssl_verify: false
  http: http://nouser:nopass@proxy.sandia.gov:80
  https: http://nouser:nopass@proxy.sandia.gov:80
  1. It is recommended to create a Miniconda environment specifically for building this documentation. This can be done with the command(s) below (which creates an environment named docs and switches into it):

    conda create --name docs
    conda activate docs
  2. Install Sphinx within your Python distribution. If you are using Miniconda, then this can be performed with the following command within the aforementioned docs environment:

    conda install sphinx
  3. Install the “sphinx-rtd-theme” theme with the following command:

    pip install --upgrade \
        --trusted-host pypi.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org \
        --proxy proxy.sandia.gov:80 sphinx-rtd-theme


Miniconda has a version of the “sphinx_rtd_theme” package, however it is not updated at a desired frequency.

  1. Install TeX Live [TeXLive] for your system (e.g., MacTeX [MacTeX] for Apple macOS) with one of the appropriate URLs provided.

  2. Install the “sphinx-markdown-builder” theme with the following command:

    pip install --upgrade \
        --trusted-host pypi.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org \
        --proxy proxy.sandia.gov:80 sphinx-markdown-builder

1.2. Building

Building the documentation is mostly managed through the build_doc.py Python script. Its help page can be viewed with the command build_doc.py -h. Running the command sans command line parameters will generate the HTML and PDF builds of the documentation. This script puts the build files and final outputs within the _build directory.


If the _build directory is already present and you are about to do a new build, you may want to delete it beforehand.

The command to automatically remove _build if it already exists, build the documentation, and to pipe the output to a log file is below.

rm -rf _build ; ./build_doc.py --all 2>&1 | tee output.log

If successful, the following top-level files are made. They can be opened with common tools, e.g., Mozilla Firefox for the HTML and Adobe Acrobat for the PDF.

  1. HTML: _build/html/index.html

  2. Markdown: _build/markdown/index.md

  3. PDF: _build/latex/tempi.pdf

  4. Unix manpage: _build/man/tempi.1

If things are not successful, then peruse the output from the build (e.g., captured within output.log from above). If you are debugging something, then it may be desired to only build the HTML and not the other targets (e.g., PDF) since the HTML builds far faster; consult the build_doc.py help page for information on how to achieve this.

1.3. Contributing

This project welcomes everyone who has a desire to contribute. Please feel free to provide us with feedback. If you wish to modify the documentation, then there are some notes below that may be helpful.

  • Top-level Sphinx Documentation is in the Sphinx master top-level contents.

  • Documentation should look good in all formats prior to a commit being pushed into branch master.

  • All citations should be provided in an appropriate IEEE format.

  • This project recommends VS Code, Atom, GNU Emacs, and Vim/Neovim editors for development. All of these are cross-platform and support Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, and GNU/Linux distributions. The Atom editor also, apparently, has packages that support preview rendering of RST files.

1.4. Build Script

The aforementioned script that builds this is replicated below for reference.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This is a self-contained script that builds documentation for ATS Benchmarks!
# Author: Anthony M. Agelastos <amagela@sandia.gov>

# import Python functions
import sys

assert sys.version_info >= (3, 5), "Please use Python version 3.5 or later."
import argparse
import os
import logging
import shutil
import textwrap
import subprocess
import glob

# define GLOBAL vars
VERSION = "2.71"
IS_ALL = True
IS_PDF = False
IS_HTML = False
IS_MAN = False
DIR_BUILD = "_build"
EXIT_CODES = {"success": 0, "no app": 1, "app run issue": 2, "directory issue": 3}

# define global functions
def print_exit_codes():
    """This function prints out exit codes."""
    super_str = "exit codes = {"
    for key, value in EXIT_CODES.items():
        super_str += '"{}": {}, '.format(key, value)
    super_str = super_str[:-2]
    super_str += "}"
    return super_str

def make_dir(logger, mdir):
    """This makes a directory."""
    assert isinstance(logger, logging.RootLogger), "Pass appropriate logging object!"

    bdir = os.path.dirname(mdir)

    # if it already exists...
    if os.path.isdir(mdir):
        logger.info('Directory "{}" is already present.'.format(mdir))

    # if base directory is not writable...
    logger.debug('Directory "{}" is not present.'.format(mdir))
    if not os.access(bdir, os.W_OK):
        logger.critical('Base directory "{}" is not writable!'.format(bdir))
        sys.exit(EXIT_CODES["directory issue"])

    # finally make the friggin thing
    except OSError:
        logger.critical('Creation of directory "{}" failed!'.format(mdir))
        sys.exit(EXIT_CODES["directory issue"])
        logger.info('Creation of directory "{}" was successful'.format(mdir))

def run_app(logger, args):
    """This executes application and args defined in args."""

    # subprocess.run(
    #     [],
    #     stdin=None,
    #     input=None,
    #     stdout=None,
    #     stderr=None,
    #     capture_output=False,
    #     shell=False,
    #     cwd=None,
    #     timeout=TIMEOUT,
    #     check=True,
    #     encoding=None,
    #     errors=None,
    #     text=None,
    #     env=None,
    #     universal_newlines=None,
    # )

    assert isinstance(logger, logging.RootLogger), "Pass appropriate logging object!"

    # generate Makefile and other supported files
        foo = subprocess.run(args, timeout=TIMEOUT)
        if foo.returncode == 0:
            logger.info("Application {} exited cleanly.".format(args))
                "Application {} exited with non-zero ({}) exit code!".format(
                    args, foo.returncode
            sys.exit(EXIT_CODES["app run issue"])
        logger.critical("Application {} had issues!".format(args))
        sys.exit(EXIT_CODES["app run issue"])

def check_app(logger, name_app):
    """This checks for a valid installation of an application."""

    assert isinstance(logger, logging.RootLogger), "Pass appropriate logging object!"
    is_app = shutil.which(name_app) is not None
    if is_app:
        logger.info("Found installation of {}.".format(name_app))
        logger.critical("Did not find installation of {}!".format(name_app))
    return is_app

def do_cmd(command):
    """Execute command."""
    return subprocess.run(

def do_wrk_scripts(logger):
    """This executes found work scripts."""

    dir_wrk = "wrk"
    if not os.path.isdir(dir_wrk):
            "Did not find {} directory; not executing any scripts.".format(dir_wrk)

    dir_base = os.getcwd()

    # execute BSH/BASH scripts
    files = glob.glob("*.sh")
    for fl in files:
        logger.info("Executing BSH/BASH script {}...".format(fl))
        do_cmd("bash ./" + fl)


# define classes
class BuildDocHelp(object):
    """This is a class that encapsulates the command line processing for
    building documentation."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize object and create argparse entities."""

        my_epilog = print_exit_codes()
        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            description="This Python program will build the documentation for ADPS.",

            help="Generate ALL export types",

            help="Generate PDF export type",

            help="Generate HTML export type",

            help="Generate UNIX manual page",

            help="Generate Markdown",

            choices=("info", "debug", "warning"),
            help="logging level",

            "-v", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s {}".format(VERSION)

        self.args = self.parser.parse_args()

    def get_args(self):
        """This returns argparse-parsed arguments for checking workflow
        return self.args

class BuildDoc(object):
    """This class encapsulates the build of ADPS documentation."""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialize object and define initial desired build state."""

        # set parameters from object instantiation
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)

        # check for required attributes
        required_attr = [
        needed_attr = [item for item in required_attr if not hasattr(self, item)]
        assert len(needed_attr) == 0, (
            "Please ensure object {} has the following required "
            "attributes: {}!".format(self.__class____name__, required_attr)

        # check attributes

    def _check_attr(self):
        """This checks object attributes."""

        # check inputs
        assert isinstance(
            self.logger, logging.RootLogger
        ), "Pass appropriate logging object to {}!".format(self.__class__.__name__)
        if not isinstance(self.is_all, bool):
            tmp = bool(self.is_all)
                "Type issue with is_all within {} (should be bool, is {}); converted to bool and is now {}.".format(
                    self.__class__.__name__, type(self.is_all), tmp
            self.is_all = tmp
        if not isinstance(self.is_pdf, bool):
            tmp = bool(self.is_pdf)
                "Type issue with is_pdf within {} (should be bool, is {}); converted to bool and is now {}.".format(
                    self.__class__.__name__, type(self.is_pdf), tmp
            self.is_pdf = tmp
        if not isinstance(self.is_html, bool):
            tmp = bool(self.is_html)
                "Type issue with is_html within {} (should be bool, is {}); converted to bool and is now {}.".format(
                    self.__class__.__name__, type(self.is_html), tmp
            self.is_html = tmp
        if not isinstance(self.is_man, bool):
            tmp = bool(self.is_man)
                "Type issue with is_man within {} (should be bool, is {}); converted to bool and is now {}.".format(
                    self.__class__.__name__, type(self.is_man), tmp
            self.is_man = tmp
        if not isinstance(self.is_markdown, bool):
            tmp = bool(self.is_markdown)
                "Type issue with is_markdown within {} (should be bool, is {}); converted to bool and is now {}.".format(
                    self.__class__.__name__, type(self.is_markdown), tmp
            self.is_markdown = tmp

        # make inputs consistent
        if self.is_pdf:
            self.is_all = False
        if self.is_html:
            self.is_all = False
        if self.is_man:
            self.is_all = False
        if self.is_markdown:
            self.is_all = False
        elif self.is_all:
            self.is_pdf = True
            self.is_html = True
            self.is_man = True
            self.is_markdown = True

        # check if applications are installed

        # check if build, etc. directories are ready

    def _check_apps(self):
        """This checks for valid installations of needed software."""
        is_app = []
        is_app.extend([check_app(self.logger, "sphinx-build")])
        # is_app.extend([check_app(self.logger, "pdflatex")])
        is_app.extend([check_app(self.logger, "make")])
        if sum(is_app) != len(is_app):
            sys.exit(EXIT_CODES["no app"])

    def _check_dirs(self):
        """This checks if needed directories are present."""
        path_absdir_thisscript = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        path_absdir_build = os.path.join(path_absdir_thisscript, DIR_BUILD)
        self.logger.debug('Build directory is "{}".'.format(path_absdir_build))
        make_dir(self.logger, path_absdir_build)

    def _build_pdf(self):
        """This builds the documentation with exporting to PDF."""

        if not self.is_pdf:
        self.logger.info("Building PDF...")

        run_app(self.logger, ["sphinx-build", "-b", "latex", ".", "_build"])
        run_app(self.logger, ["make", "latexpdf"])

    def _build_html(self):
        """This builds the documentation with exporting to HTML."""

        if not self.is_html:
        self.logger.info("Building HTML...")

        run_app(self.logger, ["sphinx-build", "-b", "html", ".", "_build"])
        run_app(self.logger, ["make", "html"])

    def _build_man(self):
        """This builds the documentation with exporting to UNIX manual format."""

        if not self.is_man:
        self.logger.info("Building UNIX manual...")

        run_app(self.logger, ["sphinx-build", "-b", "man", ".", "_build"])
        run_app(self.logger, ["make", "man"])

    def _build_markdown(self):
        """This builds the documentation with exporting to Markdown format."""

        if not self.is_markdown:
        self.logger.info("Building Markdown...")

        run_app(self.logger, ["sphinx-build", "-b", "markdown", ".", "_build"])
        run_app(self.logger, ["make", "markdown"])

    def build_doc(self):
        """This builds the documentation."""
        self.logger.info("Building documentation...")

# do work
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # manage command line arguments
    build_doc_help = BuildDocHelp()
    cl_args = build_doc_help.get_args()

    # manage logging
    int_logging_level = getattr(logging, cl_args.logLevel.upper(), None)
    if not isinstance(int_logging_level, int):
        raise ValueError("Invalid log level: {}!".format(cl_args.logLevel))
        format="%(levelname)s - %(asctime)s - %(message)s", level=int_logging_level
    logging.debug("Set logging level to {}.".format(cl_args.logLevel))
    logger = logging.getLogger()

    # manage worker object
    build_doc = BuildDoc(

    # do work

    # exit gracefully
  1. Brandl, ‘Overview – Sphinx 4.0.0+ documentation’, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.sphinx-doc.org. [Accessed: 12- Jan- 2021]


Python Software Foundation, ‘Welcome to Python.org’, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.python.org. [Accessed: 12- Jan- 2021]


Docutils Authors, ‘A ReStructuredText Primer – Docutils 3.0 documentation’, 2015. [Online]. Available: https://docutils.readthedocs.io/en/sphinx-docs/user/rst/quickstart.html. [Accessed: 12- Jan- 2021]


The LaTeX Project, ‘LaTeX - A document preparation system’, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.latex-project.org. [Accessed: 12- Jan- 2021]

[Miniconda] (1,2)

Anaconda, Inc., ‘Miniconda – Conda documentation’, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html. [Accessed: 12- Jan- 2021]

[TeXLive] (1,2)

TeX Users Group, ‘TeX Live - TeX Users Group’, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.tug.org/texlive/. [Accessed: 12- Jan- 2021]


Read the Docs, Inc., ‘GitHub - readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme: Sphinx theme for readthedocs.org’, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme. [Accessed: 12- Jan- 2021]


Read the Docs, Inc., ‘Home | Read the Docs’, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://readthedocs.org. [Accessed: 12- Jan- 2021]


MacTeX Developers, ‘MacTeX - TeX Users Group’, TuG Users Group, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.tug.org/mactex. [Accessed: 12- Jan- 2021]

  1. Risser and M. Brett, ‘GitHub - clayrisser/sphinx-markdown-builder: sphinx builder that outputs markdown files.’, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://github.com/clayrisser/sphinx-markdown-builder. [Accessed: 8- Feb- 2022]