Clamped elastic cylinder - Quasi-static Implicit

Additional worklows are available to investigate the effect of boundary conditions on upscaling. As it pertains to the discussion for the heterogeneous Ratel I41.02 study (see Ratel I41_02 elastic cylinder - Quasi-static Implicit), “clamped” boundary conditions introduce concentrated stresses in a DNS at the top and bottom boundaries since these surfaces are not allowed to move laterally. These studies attempt to isolate the boundary condition effects for homogeneous cylinders. The only difference between these studies and those described in Ratel elastic cylinder - Quasi-static Implicit and Abaqus elastic cylinder - Quasi-static Implicit are the boundary conditions applied in DNS and macroscale simulations, as well as the handling of calibration results.

The Ratel study may be executed using SCons with the Ratel_elastic_cylinder_clamped or Ratel_elastic_cylinder_clamepd_multi_domain SConscripts. For example:

$ scons Ratel_elastic_cylinder_clamped
$ scons Ratel_elastic_cylinder_clamped --filter
$ scons Ratel_elastic_cylinder_clamped --calibrate
$ scons Ratel_elastic_cylinder_clamped --macro
$ scons Ratel_elastic_cylinder_clamped --summary

Similarly, the Abaqus study may be executed using SCons with the Abaqus_elastic_cylinder_clamped or Abaqus_elastic_cylinder_clamepd_multi_domain SConscripts. For example:

$ scons Abaqus_elastic_cylinder_clamped
$ scons Abaqus_elastic_cylinder_clamped --filter
$ scons Abaqus_elastic_cylinder_clamped --calibrate
$ scons Abaqus_elastic_cylinder_clamped --macro
$ scons Abaqus_elastic_cylinder_clamped --summary

Documentation currently has not been created for these studies.

Future work will also consider the more experimentally realistic treatment of boundary conditions using frictional contact for loading platens.