
Configure software paths in a YAML file

usage: sphinx-build [-h] --config-file CONFIG_FILE

Named Arguments


The YAML file to write software paths


Copy DNS results from the CU Peta library to the output directory

usage: sphinx-build [-h] --source-directory SOURCE_DIRECTORY
                    --output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY

Named Arguments


The source directory of DNS simulation results


The output directory destination.


Create an Abaqus model of an elastic cylinder under dynamic compression

usage: abaqus cae -noGui build_dynamic_elastic_cylinder.py -- 
       [-h] --model-name MODEL_NAME --diam DIAM --height HEIGHT --seed SEED
       --material-E MATERIAL_E --material-nu MATERIAL_NU --material-rho
       MATERIAL_RHO --total-force TOTAL_FORCE --duration DURATION --num-steps
       NUM_STEPS [--fix-lateral-dofs] [--finite-rise FINITE_RISE]

Named Arguments


Specify the name of the model


Specify the diameter (mm) of the cylinder


Specify the height (mm) of the cylinder


Specify the approximate global seed size (mm) for meshing


Specify the elastic modulus (MPa) of the material


Specify the Poisson ratio of the material


Specify the density (g/cm^3) of the material. This value will be multiplied by 1.00e-9 to convert to units of tonne/mm^3


Specify the force applied to cylinder.


Specify the duration of the simulation.


Specify the number of fixed time increments.


Option to force all x- and y-displacements to be fixed

Default: False


Optional extra number of time steps over which to to ramp force


Create an Abaqus model of an elastic cylinder under static compression

usage: abaqus cae -noGui build_elastic_cylinder.py --  [-h] --model-name
                                                       MODEL_NAME --diam DIAM
                                                       --height HEIGHT --seed
                                                       SEED --material-E
                                                       --disp-fact DISP_FACT
                                                       --num-steps NUM_STEPS
                                                       --BCs BCS

Named Arguments


Specify the name of the model


Specify the diameter (mm) of the cylinder


Specify the height (mm) of the cylinder


Specify the approximate global seed size (mm) for meshing


Specify the elastic modulus (MPa) of the material


Specify the Poisson ratio of the material


Specify the density (g/cm^3) of the material. This value will be multiplied by 1.00e-9 to convert to units of tonne/mm^3


Specify the multiplicative factor of the sample height by which the model will be compressed


Specify the fixed number of steps to simulate


The type of boundary conditions, either “slip” or “clamp”


Plot dynamic Abaqus results against an analytical solution

usage: python dynamic_analytical_comparison.py  [-h] -i INPUT_FILE
                                                [INPUT_FILE ...]
                                                [-o OUTPUT_FILE] --x-path
                                                X_PATH --y-path Y_PATH
                                                --x-label X_LABEL --y-label
                                                Y_LABEL --x-units X_UNITS
                                                --y-units Y_UNITS
                                                [--diam DIAM]
                                                [--height HEIGHT]
                                                [--material-E MATERIAL_E]
                                                [--material-rho MATERIAL_RHO]
                                                [--total-force TOTAL_FORCE]
                                                [--duration DURATION]
                                                [--num-steps NUM_STEPS]
                                                [--csv-file CSV_FILE]
                                                [--series-plot SERIES_PLOT]

Named Arguments

-o, --output-file

The output file for plotting

Default: 'dynamic_analytical_comparison.png'


Specify the diameter (mm) of the cylinder. This values will be multiplied by 1.e-3 to convert to units of m


Specify the height (mm) of the cylinder. This values will be multiplied by 1.e-3 to convert to units of m


Specify the elastic modulus (MPa) of the material. This value will be multiplied by 1.6 to convert to units of Pa.


Specify the density (g/cm^3) of the material. This value will be multiplied by 1.00e3 to convert to units of kg/m^3


Specify the force (N) applied to cylinder.


Specify the duration of the simulation.


Specify the number of fixed time increments.

required named arguments

-i, --input-file

The HDF5 dataset file containing Abaqus results


The HDF5 path to the x data


The HDF5 path to the y data


The label (without units) for the x data


The label (without units) for the y data.


The dependent (x-axis) units string.


The independent (y-axis) units string.


Name of output CSV file.


Name of the output series convergence plot for summation terms.


Plot Abaqus history output for force versus displacement

usage: python extract_history.py  [-h] -i INPUT_FILE [INPUT_FILE ...] --x-path
                                  X_PATH --y-path Y_PATH --x-label X_LABEL
                                  --y-label Y_LABEL --x-units X_UNITS
                                  --y-units Y_UNITS [--csv_file CSV_FILE] -o

Named Arguments

-o, --output-file

The output file for plotting

required named arguments

-i, --input-file

The Xarray Dataset file(s)


The HDF5 path to the x data


The HDF5 path to the y data


The label (without units) for the x data


The label (without units) for the y data.


The dependent (x-axis) units string.


The independent (y-axis) units string.


Name of output CSV file.


Extracts 3D field output from a completed Abaqus simulation to save as 2D image

usage: abaqus cae -noGui extract_frames.py --  [-h] -i INPUT_FILE -o
                                               OUTPUT_FILE [--frame FRAME]
                                               --field FIELD

Named Arguments

-i, --input-file

The Abaqus input file created by build_model.py.

-o, --output-file

The modified Abaqus input file


Simulation frame number to extract field output. Final frame will be plotted if nothing is specified.


Field to extract


Modify Abaqus input file to output ‘COORD’ at integration points

usage: modify_input.py [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]

Named Arguments

-i, --input-file

The Abaqus input file created by build_model.py.

-o, --output-file

The modified Abaqus input file


Convert Abaqus DNS results to XDMF format

usage: ODBextract_to_XDMF.py [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                             [--elem-path ELEM_PATH] [--node-path NODE_PATH]
                             [--mesh-path MESH_PATH] [-c COLLOCATION_OPTION]
                             [--velocities VELOCITIES]
                             [--accelerations ACCELERATIONS]
                             [--specific-frames SPECIFIC_FRAMES [SPECIFIC_FRAMES ...]]
                             [--ref-density REF_DENSITY]
                             [--dump-all-33-stresses DUMP_ALL_33_STRESSES]

Named Arguments

-i, --input-file

Specify the input hdf5 file generated from odb_extract

-o, --output-file

Specify the output filename for the h5 + XDMF file pair


Specify the hdf5 group path to element fields


Specify the hdf5 group path to nodal fields


Specify the hdf5 group path to mesh data

-c, --collocation-option

Specify the method for collocation, either “qp” for quadrature points or “center” for element center.

Default: 'ip'


String specifying “True” or “False” if velocities are to be extracted

Default: 'False'


String specifying “True” or “False” if accelerations are to be extracted

Default: 'False'


A list of floats corresponding to the frames to extract


The reference density of the material in g/cm^3

Default: 2.0


Optional filename to dump all 33 stresses from DNS


Write Ratel options file

usage: build_options_file.py [-h] -o OUTPUT_FILE --material-E MATERIAL_E
                             --material-nu MATERIAL_NU --material-rho
                             MATERIAL_RHO --top-id TOP_ID --bottom-id
                             BOTTOM_ID --num-steps NUM_STEPS --displacement
                             DISPLACEMENT --BCs BCS

Named Arguments

-o, --output-file

The name of the Ratel options file to output


The material’s elastic modulus


The material’s Poisson ratio


The material’s density


The id of the top surface


The id of the bottom surface


The number of steps for the simulation


The displacement to apply to the top surface


The type of boundary conditions, either ‘slip’ or ‘clamp’


Process force-displacement from Ratel DNS results

usage: python plot_force_displacement.py  [-h] --csv-file CSV_FILE
                                          --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                                          --output-csv OUTPUT_CSV --face-id
                                          FACE_ID --final-disp FINAL_DISP
                                          [--force-col FORCE_COL]
                                          [--header-row HEADER_ROW]
                                          [--force-factor FORCE_FACTOR]

Named Arguments


The csv file containing force results


The name of the output file of collected results


The name of the output csv file


The face id (or ids) of forces to process


The final displacement (mm) to linearly ramp over simulation duration


The column containing desired force information

Default: 'force_z'


The row containing the headers

Default: 0


The factor to scale force

Default: 1


Convert Ratel DNS results to XDMF format

usage: vtk_to_xdmf.py [-h] [-i INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...]] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                      [--dist-factor DIST_FACTOR]
                      [--stress-factor STRESS_FACTOR]
                      [--ref-density REF_DENSITY]
                      [--density-factor DENSITY_FACTOR]
                      [--dump-all-33-stresses DUMP_ALL_33_STRESSES]

Named Arguments

-i, --input-files

Specify the input VTK files containing Ratel DNS results

-o, --output-file

Specify the output filename for the h5 + XDMF file pair


Optional argument to scale DNS displacements and coordinates

Default: 1


Optional argument to scale DNS stresses

Default: 1


Optional argument to specify the reference density to be converted to current density by the Jacobian of deformation if current density is not reported in the DNS results

Default: 2e-09


Optional factor to scale current density (if provided in the DNS results to Mg/tonne^3

Default: 1


Optional filename to dump all 33 stresses from DNS


Create a csv containing the extents of a DNS file

usage: bounds_from_DNS.py [-h] -d DNS_FILE -o OUTPUT_FILE [--coord COORD]

Named Arguments

-d, --dns-file

The name of the input XDMF file containing DNS results

-o, --output-file

The name of the output csv file of bounding information


The name of the coordinate field

Default: 'coord'


Write the configuration file for the Micromorphic Filter

usage: build_filter_config.py [-h] -o OUTPUT_FILE --job-name JOB_NAME
                              --dns-file DNS_FILE --macro-file MACRO_FILE
                              --volume VOLUME --density DENSITY
                              --cauchy-stress CAUCHY_STRESS --displacement
                              DISPLACEMENT [--velocity VELOCITY]
                              [--acceleration ACCELERATION]
                              [--max-parallel MAX_PARALLEL]

Named Arguments

-o, --output-file

Specify the output filename for filter configuration


Specify the name of the job for the Micromorphic Filter


Specify the name of the XDMF file containing DNS data


Specify the name of the macroscale filter domain file


Specify the string identifying volume quantities located in “dns-file”


Specify the string identifying density quantities located in “dns-file”


Specify the string identifying stress quantities located in “dns-file”


Specify the string identifying displacement quantities located in “dns-file”


Optional string identifying velocity quantities located in “dns-file”


Optional string identifying acceleration quantities located in “dns-file”


Optional parameter defining the number of parallel processes for the Micromorphic Filter


Collect balance equation errors across filter domain studies

usage: python collect_multi_domain_errors.py  [-h] --csv-files CSV_FILES
                                              [CSV_FILES ...] --num-domains
                                              NUM_DOMAINS [NUM_DOMAINS ...]
                                              --output-file OUTPUT_FILE

Named Arguments


A list of csv files containing balance equation errors


A list of integers corresponding to the number of filtering domains associated with results contained in each csv file.


The name of the output file of collected results


Collect statistics of a homogenized micromorphic quantity across filter domain studies

usage: python collect_multi_domain_stats.py  [-h] --csv-files CSV_FILES
                                             [CSV_FILES ...] --num-domains
                                             NUM_DOMAINS [NUM_DOMAINS ...]
                                             [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]
                                             [--box-plot BOX_PLOT]
                                             [--narrow NARROW]

Named Arguments


A list of csv files containing information to collect


A list of integers corresponding to the number of filtering domains associated with results contained in each csv file.


The name of the output file of collected results


The name of an optional box and whisker plot


Optional flag to make a narrow box plot


Create a csv file containing information for a bounding box encompassing all DNS points

usage: force_bounds.py [-h] -o OUTPUT_FILE --xmin XMIN --xmax XMAX --ymin YMIN
                       --ymax YMAX --zmin ZMIN --zmax ZMAX

Named Arguments

-o, --output-file

The name of the output csv file of bounding informaiton


The minimum x-value


The maximum x-value


The minimum y-value


The maximum y-value


The minimum z-value


The maximum z-value


Parse balance equation errors from Micromorphic Filter standard output

usage: parse_balance_errors.py [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] --output-csv OUTPUT_CSV
                               [--output-plot OUTPUT_PLOT]

Named Arguments

-i, --input-file

The standard out file produced when running the Micromorphic Filter


Name of output csv file summarizing output for each timestep


Optional filename to plot balance equation errors


Run the Micromorphic Filter

usage: run_micromorphic_filter.py [-h] --config-file CONFIG_FILE

Named Arguments


Specify the filter configuration file


Write a single macroscale domain file for the Micromorphic Filter

usage: single_macroscale.py [-h] -o OUTPUT_FILE
                            [--csv-file CSV_FILE]

Named Arguments

-o, --output-file

Specify the output filename for the h5 + XDMF file pair


Specify the X, Y, and Z extents for the a single element macro domain


Specify a csv file containing the bounds of a DNS file


Post-process Micromorphic Filter Output

usage: visualize_results.py [-h] -i INPUT_FILE [--average AVERAGE]
                            [--num-domains NUM_DOMAINS]
                            [--plot-cauchy-couple PLOT_CAUCHY_COUPLE]
                            [--plot-cauchy-stress PLOT_CAUCHY_STRESS]
                            [--plot-PK2-stress PLOT_PK2_STRESS]
                            [--plot-symm-stress PLOT_SYMM_STRESS]
                            [--plot-SIGMA-stress PLOT_SIGMA_STRESS]
                            [--plot-stress-diff PLOT_STRESS_DIFF]
                            [--plot-body-couples PLOT_BODY_COUPLES]
                            [--plot-spin-inertias PLOT_SPIN_INERTIAS]
                            [--plot-spin-diff PLOT_SPIN_DIFF]
                            [--plot-rotation-diff PLOT_ROTATION_DIFF]
                            [--plot-stretch-diff PLOT_STRETCH_DIFF]
                            [--plot-stress-norms PLOT_STRESS_NORMS]
                            [--csv-cauchy CSV_CAUCHY] [--csv-PK2 CSV_PK2]
                            [--csv-GLstrain CSV_GLSTRAIN]
                            [--csv-ref-mod CSV_REF_MOD]
                            [--csv-cur-mod CSV_CUR_MOD]
                            [--csv-estrain CSV_ESTRAIN] [--csv-symm CSV_SYMM]
                            [--csv-stress-diff CSV_STRESS_DIFF]
                            [--csv-m CSV_M] [--csv-M CSV_M]
                            [--csv-stress33-all CSV_STRESS33_ALL]
                            [--csv-all-quantities-single-domain CSV_ALL_QUANTITIES_SINGLE_DOMAIN]
                            [--rho-binder RHO_BINDER] [--rho-grain RHO_GRAIN]

Named Arguments

-i, --input-file

The XDMF Micromorphic Filter results file


Boolean whether or not homogenized DNS results will be averaged

Default: False


Specify the number of filter domains

Default: 1


Optional filename to plot Cauchy couple vs. simulation time


Optional filename to plot Cauchy stress vs. Eulerian strain


Optional filename to plot PK2 stress vs. Green-Lagrange strain


Optional filename to plot symmetric micro stress vs. Eulerian strain


Optional filename to plot Symmetric micro stress vs. Green-Lagrange strain


Optional filename to plot difference between Cauchy and symmetric micro stresses vs. simulation time


Optional filename to plot body couples vs. simulation time


Optional filename to plot micro spin inertias vs. simulation time


Optional filename to plot difference between body couples and micro spin inertias vs. simulation time


Optional filename to plot difference between macro and micro rotations vs. simulation time


Optional filename to plot differences between macro and micro stretches vs. simulation time


Optional filename to plot norms of cauchy stress, symmetric micro stress, difference between Cauchy and symmetric micro stresses, and higher order stress.


Optional filename for csv output of Cauchy stress summary statistics


Optional filename for csv output of PK2 stress summary statistics


Optional filename for csv output of Green-Lagrange strain summary statistics


Optional filename for csv output of ‘moduli’ calculation (S_{ij} / E_{ij}) in reference configuration summary statistics


Optional filename for csv output of ‘moduli’ calculation (sigma_{ij} / e_{ij}) in the current configuration summary statistics


Optional filename for csv output of Eulerian strain summary statistics


Optional filename for csv output of symmetric micro stress summary statistics


Optional filename for csv output of difference between Cauchy and symmetric micro stresses summary statistics


Optional filename for csv output of couple stress (current configuration) summary statistics


Optional filename for csv output of couple stress (reference configuration) summary statistics


Optional filename for csv output of all Cauchy 33 values


Optional filename for csv output of all quantities for a single domain


The density of the binder material, required if ‘–csv-all-quantities-single-domain’ is specified


The density of the grain material, required if ‘–csv-all-quantities-single-domain’ is specified


Create a copy of an XDMF file with absolute H5 paths replaced with relative paths

usage: xdmf_local_paths.py [-h] -i INPUT_FILE -o OUTPUT_FILE --oldpath OLDPATH
                           --newpath NEWPATH

Named Arguments

-i, --input-file

The XDMF file output by the Micromorphic Filter with absolute H5 paths

-o, --output-file

The new XDMF file with relative H5 paths


The absolute path to be replaced by --newpath


The relative path to replace --oldpath


Modify an XDMF file by combining elements from separate ‘blocks’

usage: xdmf_tomfoolery.py [-h] -o OUTPUT_FILE --input-file INPUT_FILE

Named Arguments

-o, --output-file

Specify the output filename for the h5 + XDMF file pair


Specify the XDMF mesh file to operate on


Create a yaml file to map calibration results

usage: python build_calibration_map.py  [-h] --calibrated-elements
                                        [CALIBRATED_ELEMENTS ...]
                                        --calibrated-files CALIBRATED_FILES
                                        [CALIBRATED_FILES ...]
                                        --output-file OUTPUT_FILE

Named Arguments


A list of elements with associated calibration files


A list of files containing calibration results


A yaml file containing the ‘best’ calibration using the kernel density estimate


A csv file containing a summary of calibrated parameters for each element


The name of the output yaml file


Calibrate micromorphic linear elasticity for averaged output on a single filter domain (i.e. macroscale element)

usage: calibrate_element.py [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                            [--Emod EMOD] [--nu NU] [--L L]
                            [--element ELEMENT] [--increment INCREMENT] --case
                            CASE [--plot-file PLOT_FILE] [--average AVERAGE]
                            [--UQ-file UQ_FILE]

Named Arguments

-i, --input-file

The homogenized XDMF file output by the Micromorphic Filter

-o, --output-file

The resulting list of parameters stored in a yaml file


DNS elastic modulus, used for initial parameter estimation.


DNS Poisson’s ratio, used for initial parameter estimation.


DNS max dimension (width, height, depth, etc.), used for initial parameter estimation.


The macro (filter) element to calibrate

Default: 0


An optional argument to callibrate only for specific increment


Specify the calibration ‘case’. 1: two parameter, 2: 7 parameter, 3: 7 parameter plus tau7, 4: all 18 parameters


Optional root filename to plot Cauchy and symmetric micro stress comparison between DNS and calibration results


Boolean whether or not homogenized DNS results will be averaged

Default: True


Optional csv filename to store function evaluations and parameter sets for UQ


Create a joint probability distribution plot to summarize calibration results

usage: joint_probability_distributions.py [-h] -o OUTPUT_FILE
                                          [--num-params NUM_PARAMS]
                                          --csv-files CSV_FILES
                                          [CSV_FILES ...] --num-domains
                                          NUM_DOMAINS [NUM_DOMAINS ...]
                                          [--distribution-plots DISTRIBUTION_PLOTS]
                                          [--full-kde FULL_KDE]

Named Arguments

-o, --output-file

Specify the output filename for the joint probability distribution plot


Optionally specify the number of parameters to make a joint probability plot with if not all are desired


The csv files containing calibration results


A list of integers corresponding to the number of filtering domains associated with results contained in each csv file


Optional root file name for distribution plots of each parameter


Optional root file name for KDE of each parameter


Summarize results of parameter calibration

usage: summarize_calibration_results.py [-h] --parameter-sets PARAMETER_SETS
                                        [PARAMETER_SETS ...] --case CASE
                                        [--results-csv RESULTS_CSV]
                                        [--summary-csv SUMMARY_CSV]
                                        [--kde-hist-plot KDE_HIST_PLOT]
                                        [--kde-plot KDE_PLOT]
                                        [--kde-best KDE_BEST]
                                        [--kde-best-parameters KDE_BEST_PARAMETERS]

Named Arguments


Specify the list of yaml files containing calibration results


Specify the calibration “case”. 1: two parameter, 2: 7 parameter, 3: 7 parameter plus tau7, 4: all 18 parameters


Optional filename to store all calibrated parameter values


Optional filename to store summary statistics of calibrated parameters


Optional root filename to plot kernel density estimate of each calibrated parameter with histogram


Optional root filename to plot kernel density estimate of each calibrated parameter


Optional root filename to plot kernel density estimate of each calibrated parameter with maximum value in title


Optional root filename to output a yaml file containing the “best” parameters sampled from the kernel density estimate associated with “–kde-best”


Summarize results of parameter calibration while ignoring elements on the z-boundary

usage: summarize_calibration_results_ignore_boundary.py [-h] --parameter-sets
                                                        [PARAMETER_SETS ...]
                                                        [ELEMENT_SETS ...]
                                                        MACRO_FILE --case CASE
                                                        [--results-csv RESULTS_CSV]
                                                        [--summary-csv SUMMARY_CSV]
                                                        [--kde-hist-plot KDE_HIST_PLOT]
                                                        [--kde-plot KDE_PLOT]
                                                        [--kde-best KDE_BEST]
                                                        [--kde-best-parameters KDE_BEST_PARAMETERS]

Named Arguments


Specify the list of yaml files containing calibration results


List of elements of the macro domain which have been calibrated


The macroscale filter domain XDMF file, less extension


Specify the calibration “case”. 1: two parameter, 2: 7 parameter, 3: 7 parameter plus tau7, 4: all 18 parameters


Optional filename to store all calibrated parameter values


Optional filename to store summary statistics of calibrated parameters


Optional root filename to plot kernel density estimate of each calibrated parameter with histogram


Optional root filename to plot kernel density estimate of each calibrated parameter


Optional root filename to plot kernel density estimate of each calibrated parameter with maximum value in title


Optional root filename to output a yaml file containing the “best” parameters sampled from the kernel density estimate associated with “–kde-best”


Create a cylinder mesh from the bounds of a DNS file.

usage: python cylinder_from_bounds.py  [-h] --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                                       --bounds-file BOUNDS_FILE --seed-size
                                       SEED_SIZE [--cut CUT] [--xdmf XDMF]
                                       [--ascii ASCII]

Named Arguments


The output filename


The file containing the bounds of the DNS


The approximate mesh size


The option to cut geometry into octants, pass string “True” if desired


The option to convert default exodus mesh to XDMF (binary)


The option to convert binary XDMF mesh to ascii


Write Tardigrade-MOOSE input file for dynamic simulation

usage: build_dynamic_Tardigrade_input_deck.py [-h] -o OUTPUT_FILE --mesh MESH
                                              [--parameter-sets PARAMETER_SETS [PARAMETER_SETS ...]]
                                              [--calibration-map CALIBRATION_MAP]
                                              --BCs BCS --pressure PRESSURE
                                              --start START --duration
                                              DURATION --dt DT --ref-density
                                              REF_DENSITY --height HEIGHT

Named Arguments

-o, --output-file

The name of Tardigrade-MOOSE file to write


The mesh file


List of yaml files containing calibration results, required if calibration-map is not provided


Optional yaml file containing names of calibration files


The type of boundary conditions, either “slip” or “clamp”


The pressure to be applied


The time when heaviside pressure is applied


The duration of the simulation


The fixed time increment


Density in reference configuration (Mg/mm^3)


Height of the geometry


Write Tardigrade-MOOSE input file

usage: build_Tardigrade_input_deck.py [-h] -o OUTPUT_FILE --mesh MESH
                                      [--parameter-sets PARAMETER_SETS [PARAMETER_SETS ...]]
                                      [--calibration-map CALIBRATION_MAP]
                                      --BCs BCS --disp DISP --duration
                                      DURATION [--disp-point DISP_POINT]

Named Arguments

-o, --output-file

The name of Tardigrade-MOOSE file to write


The mesh file


List of yaml files containing calibration results, required if calibration-map is not provided


Optional yaml file containing names of calibration files


The type of boundary conditions, either “slip” or “clamp”


The compressive displacement to be applied


The duration of the simulation


Optional string of coordinates to query x-displacement


Create a cylinder mesh from the bounds of a DNS file.

usage: python cylinder_from_bounds.py  [-h] --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                                       --bounds-file BOUNDS_FILE --seed-size
                                       SEED_SIZE [--cut CUT] [--xdmf XDMF]
                                       [--ascii ASCII]

Named Arguments


The output filename


The file containing the bounds of the DNS


The approximate mesh size


The option to cut geometry into octants, pass string “True” if desired


The option to convert default exodus mesh to XDMF (binary)


The option to convert binary XDMF mesh to ascii


Process displacement vs time from Tardigrade-MOOSE results

usage: python plot_dynamic_displacement.py  [-h] --csv-file CSV_FILE
                                            --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                                            --output-csv OUTPUT_CSV
                                            [--disp-factor DISP_FACTOR]

Named Arguments


The csv file containing force results


The name of the output file of collected results


The name of the output csv file


The factor to scale displacement

Default: 1


Process force-displacement from Tardigrade-MOOSE results

usage: python plot_force_displacement.py  [-h] --csv-file CSV_FILE
                                          --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                                          --output-csv OUTPUT_CSV --final-disp
                                          [--force-factor FORCE_FACTOR]

Named Arguments


The csv file containing force results


The name of the output file of collected results


The name of the output csv file


The final displacement (mm) to linearly ramp over simulation duration


The factor to scale force

Default: 1


Plot mutliple force displacement plots against each other

usage: python summarize_micro_macro_force_displacements.py 
       [-h] --csv-files CSV_FILES [CSV_FILES ...] --plot-labels PLOT_LABELS
       [PLOT_LABELS ...] --output-file OUTPUT_FILE --output-csv OUTPUT_CSV
       [--convergence-plot CONVERGENCE_PLOT]

Named Arguments


The csv files containing force results


The plot labels, same size as ‘–csv-files’


The name of the output plot


The name of the output csv file


Optional file name for convergence plot


Write elastic Tardigrade-MOOSE input card (.yml)

usage: write_elastic_material_card.py [-h] -o OUTPUT_FILE [--lamb LAMB]
                                      [--mu MU] [--eta ETA] [--tau TAU]
                                      [--kappa KAPPA] [--nu NU]
                                      [--sigma SIGMA] [--tau1 TAU1]
                                      [--tau2 TAU2] [--tau3 TAU3]
                                      [--tau4 TAU4] [--tau5 TAU5]
                                      [--tau6 TAU6] [--tau7 TAU7]
                                      [--tau8 TAU8] [--tau9 TAU9]
                                      [--tau10 TAU10] [--tau11 TAU11]

Named Arguments

-o, --output-file

Specify the name of Tardigrade-MOOSE file to write


Specify lambda

Default: 0.0


Specify mu

Default: 0.0


Specify eta

Default: 0.0


Specify tau

Default: 0.0


Specify kappa

Default: 0.0


Specify nu

Default: 0.0


Specify sigma

Default: 0.0


Specify tau1

Default: 0.0


Specify tau2

Default: 0.0


Specify tau3

Default: 0.0


Specify tau4

Default: 0.0


Specify tau5

Default: 0.0


Specify tau6

Default: 0.0


Specify tau7

Default: 0.001


Specify tau8

Default: 0.0


Specify tau9

Default: 0.0


Specify tau10

Default: 0.0


Specify tau11

Default: 0.0