Software Usage

This section describes how software is used by the WAVES workflows, which use the SCons automated build system. It is assumed that the relevant software packages have been successfully installed and linked in the config.yml file using scons --config-software. See the User Manual section for description of basic WAVES and SCons commands. For a thorough understanding of how to use the WAVES computation workflow tool, consider exercising their provided tutorials. A non-exhaustive discussion is provided to understand some aspects of the workflow and software configuration.

The SConstruct file is the main input that SCons reads to control workflows. The software described in Software Installation is linked using “BUILDERS”:

    "AbaqusJournal": waves.scons_extensions.abaqus_journal(program=env["abaqus"]),
    "AbaqusSolver": waves.scons_extensions.abaqus_solver(program=env["abaqus"]),
    "AbaqusExtract": waves.scons_extensions.abaqus_extract(program=env["abaqus"]),
    "PythonScript": waves.scons_extensions.python_script(),
    "CondaEnvironment": waves.scons_extensions.conda_environment(),
    "RatelSolver": ratel_builder_select(),
    "TardigradeSolver": tardigrade_builder_select(),
    #"ParaviewImage": paraview_image,
    "SphinxBuild": waves.scons_extensions.sphinx_build(program=env["sphinx_build"], options="-W"),
    "SphinxPDF": waves.scons_extensions.sphinx_latexpdf(program=env["sphinx_build"], options="-W")

# Dump the Conda environment as documentation of as-built target environment

Individual workflows are created in SConscript files. These SConscript files are stored in the model_package/workflows/ directory. They are linked as simulation targets in the main SConstruct file. The current collection of workflows are as follows:

    # Abaqus quasistatic elastic cylinder
    # Abaqus dynamic implicit elastic cylinder
    # Ratel quasistatic elastic cylinder
    # Ratel F83 workflows
    # Ratel I41_02 workflows
    # Tardigrade solo studies
for workflow in workflow_configurations:

Unless a user is adding another piece of software or creating a custom workflow, these files do not need to be modified.

General DNS

In general, all DNS are setup and run in a similar way. A mesh is generated along with a simulation input file. The simulation is run and results are post-processed. For each DNS, results are converted to the XDMF file format required by the Micromorphic Filter. Details vary for each DNS code.

Abaqus FEM

WAVES has a number of built in Abaqus tools including:

  • waves.scons_extensions.journal()

  • waves.scons_extensions.solver()

  • waves.scons_extensions.abaqus_extract()

WAVES includes many tutorials that describe how to use these Abaqus tools.

The waves.scons_extensions.journal() tool uses Abaqus’s built-in Python interpretter to generate simulation input files. Abaqus has a rhobust meshing capability which may be accessed through the journal WAVES extension. Although meshes may also be generated using Cubit, the Abaqus workflows in this repository use the built-in Abaqus meshing capabilities for simplicity. All simulation inputs (parameters for geometry, mesh, material properties, boundary and loading condition, simulation duration and incrementation, etc.) are specified as arguments to an Abaqus journal file.

After generating an Abaqus input deck, the waves.scons_extensions.solver() tool executes the simulation.

Abaqus simulation results are stored in a proprietary output database (ODB) format, which is often hard to parse. However, the waves.scons_extensions.abaqus_extract() tool provides a method to extract an ODB file to an HDF5 file, which is easy to use for post-processing to extract force vs displacement plots, stress vs strain plots, and much more.

Finally, the HDF5 file containing Abaqus results are converted to the XDMF file required for the Micromorphic Filter using the model_package.DNS_Abaqus.ODBextract_to_XDMF Python script.

To better understand the details associated with setting up an Abaqus simulation, consider inspecting the Abaqus_elastic_cylinder.scons SConscript located in the model_package/workflows directory.

Ratel FEM

Meshes for simple Ratel DNS are either generated using a Cubit/Python script or pulled from the model_package/meshes directory.

An options file is then generated using the model_package.DNS_Ratel.build_options_file Python script. All other simulation inputs (material properties, boundary and loading condition, simulation duration and incrementation, etc.) are specified here.

It is assumed that Ratel simulations will be executed through WAVES workflows. Refer to the RATEL documentation for more details.

To run Ratel simulations, a custom SCons Builder is setup as shown in the SConstruct file below. This is the basic builder for serial simulations. To use Ratel for parallel simulations, see the discussion in Serial vs. Parallel.

ratel_solver = Builder(
    action=["cd ${TARGET.dir.abspath} && ${Ratel_program} \
             -options_file ${options_file} \
             -dm_plex_filename ${mesh_file} \
             -ts_monitor_diagnostic_quantities vtk:${monitor_file} \
             -ts_monitor_surface_force ascii:${force_file}:ascii_csv \
             -diagnostic_order 1 \
             > ${stdout_file} "])

The options and mesh files are passsed to this Builder as input arguments. Output arguments are also specified for the VTK monitor file, which will contain the simulation results, and CSV force file, which will contain the reaction force histories. The “-diagnostic_order 1” argument guarantees that the simulation output will be associated with a first order finite element space. This is important because Ratel uses a nodal FEM, so all outputs are provided at the nodes. The definition of nodal volumes (required for the Micromorphic Filter) is only well-posed for linear elements.

Finally, the VTK file(s) containing the Ratel results are converted to the XDMF file required for the Micromorphic Filter using the model_package.DNS_Ratel.vtk_to_xdmf Python script.

To better understand the details associated with setting up a Ratel simulation, consider inspecting the Ratel_elastic_cylinder.scons SConscript located in the model_package/workflows directory.


Coming soon!


Cubit is used to generate meshes in the Exodus format through Cubit/Python scripts. An example script is model_package.Tardigrade_MOOSE.cylinder_from_bounds. These meshes may be used as input to simple DNS, as macroscale (filtering domain) meshes for the Micromorphic Filter, or as macroscale meshes for simulation in Tardigrade-MOOSE. The Micromorphic Filter uses the XDMF file format, so Exodus meshes are convert using the meshio library.

Micromorphic Filter

Refer to section Micromorphic Filter for discussion of how the Micromorphic Filter is used.


Tardigrade-MOOSE may be used directly from the command line or through the included WAVES workflow.

Using Tardigrade-MOOSE from Command Line

Similar to the ctest mentioned in Software Installation, a user will need to add the micromorphic element shared libraries to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (see Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH). Specify the path to the compiled “tardigrade-opt” program and the input file. A simulation may be run with multiple threads using the “–n-threads={n}” option. For other parallelization options, see the relevant MOOSE documentation MOOSE_parallel.

$ /path/to/tardigrade/build/tardigrade-opt -i {input_file}

Alternatively, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH may be specified on the command line when executing Tardigrade-MOOSE.

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/tardigrade/build/_deps/tardigrade_micromorphic_element-build/src/cpp /path/to/tardigrade/build/tardigrade-opt -i {input_file}

One may set up a simple alias in their ~/.bashrc similar to: alias run_tardigrade="LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/tardigrade/build/_deps/tardigrade_micromorphic_element-build/src/cpp /path/to/tardigrade/build/tardigrade-opt"

which can be used as:

$ run_tardigrade -i {input_file} --n-threads={#}`

Using Tardigrade-MOOSE with WAVES

It will be easiest to use Tardigrade-MOOSE through WAVES workflows. A custom SCons Builder is setup as shown in the SConstruct file below. This is the basic builder for serial simulations with multi-threading. To use Tardigrade-MOOSE for parallel simulations, see the discussion in Serial vs. Parallel.

tardigrade_solver = Builder(
    action=["cd ${TARGET.dir.abspath} && \
            ${tardigrade_program} \
            -i ${tardigrade_input} \
            --n-threads=${tardigrade_cpus} \
            --no-color --color off > ${stdout_file} || true",
            "cd ${TARGET.dir.abspath} && grep -i 'Finished Executing' ${stdout_file}"])

Setting up Tardigrade-MOOSE simulations

Refer to section Macroscale Simulation for discussion of how Tardigrade-MOOSE is used.

Micromorphic Calibration Tool

The Micromorphic Calibration Tool provides the capability to evaluate micromorphic material models pointwise. Calibration workflows evaluate stress measures for a given set of material parameters and deformations. These stresses are then compared to homogenized stresses to inform the objective function for minimization to find the “best” micromorphic parameters. See the model_package.Calibrate.calibrate_element script to see how this tool is used for calibration tasks.

Refer to section Calibration for discussion of how the micromorphic calibration tool is used.

Micromorphic Linear Elastic Constraints

In order to ensure that the Helmholtz free energy function is positive definite, the micromorphic linear elastic parameters must satisfy the contraints discussed in Constraints on Elastic Parameters.

Calibration tasks evaluate these constraints by importing the linear_elastic_parameter_constraint_equations function from the script. The constrains are evaluated for a trial set of micromorphic linear elastic parameters when evaluating the objective function in model_package.Calibrate.calibrate_element. If any of the constraint evaluations are below 0, then the objective function returns an error of infinity and that trial set of parameters is rejected.

Although not used by the WAVES workflows, the model_package.Calibrate.return_minimum_smith_constraint utility script may be used to evaluate these constraints for a set of parameters.

Serial vs. Parallel

Workflows in this repository chain together a considerable number of computational utilities. Some workflow stages, especially pre/post-processing scripts, run quickly on a single process. Other simulation stages may require parallelization. By default, workflows will be executed in serial, however, some capabilities to parallelize workflows have been implemented.


Workflow parallelization techniques are under active deverlopment, but no general solution has been found. Different workflow stages will have different computational requirements, so a user is encouraged to carefully plan based on the relevant analysis for a specific system!

Homogenization activities via the Micromorphic Filter may be parallelized using Scipy’s “workers” argument. This value of this argument is currently specified in the Python dictionary by the “filter_parallel” key for individual analyses. A value of 8 workers seems to work well for most cases.

Ratel and Tardigrade-MOOSE may be parallelized using MPI (see MPI). If a path to mpiexec has been added to the config_software.yml file, then simulations will be executed for a specified number of cpus. For some workflows, the number of cpus is specified using the --solve-cpus=<n> flag. For workflows such as Tardigrade_convergence, the number of cpus for various meshes is hard coded in the parameteric study parameter definition. Abaqus DNS are similarly parallelizable using the --solve-cpus=<n> flag without the need to configure MPI.

Additionally, Ratel and Tardigrade-MOOSE may be parallelized on HPC systems with SLURM.

Note that the “BUILDER” definition (see top of this page) for Ratel and Tardigrade are "RatelSolver": ratel_builder_select() and "TardigradeSolver": tardigrade_builder_select(), respectively. Focusing on Tardigrade-MOOSE, the tardigrade_builder_select function provides a method to configure the Tardigrade-MOOSE solver depending on the available resources, see here:

        return tardigrade_solver_sbatch
    elif env['mpi']:
        return tardigrade_solver_mpi
        return tardigrade_solver

# # Custom Paraview image generator


If SCons detects that the user is on an HPC system with SLURM, the env['sbatch'] environment variable is set. If the user also specifies the --use-sbatch flag, then the Tardigrade_solver will be set to the tardigrade_solver_sbatch BUILDER. This builder will automatically submit SLURM jobs. This means that a user may run a workflow from a login node and Tardigrade-MOOSE simulations will be automatically submitted to a compute node with --solve-cpus=<n> cores without requiring the user to write any SLURM scripts. The workflow will wait for the job to finish and then continue with the rest of the analysis.

Unfortunately, the env['sbatch'] configuration may cause workflows to run slowly as individual workflow stages must wait through a SLURM queue. It may be more efficient to submit an entire workflow execution directly through a SLURM script as described in Using WAVES with SLURM.


If the path to mpiexec is provided in the config_software.yml file, the Tardigrade_solver will be set to the tardigrade_solver_mpi BUILDER. Tardigrade-MOOSE simulations will be parallelized using MPI on --solve-cpus=<n> cores. This configuration is primarily intended for workflows being submitted on standalone machines without a job scheduler.


Finally, if a user does not (1) provide the --use-sbatch flag with env['sbatch'] detected, or (2) specify the “mpi” entry in config_software.yml file, then jobs will be run in serial using the basic tardigrade_solver BUILDER.

Identical “auto-batch”, “MPI”, and “Serial” configurations are provided for Ratel simulations.

Using WAVES with SLURM

As mentioned, several operations of Tardigrade-examples may be computationally expensive. These operations may include running large direct numerical simulations, running the Micromorphic Filter for large DNS on multiple cores, running many calibrations simultaneously, or running large Tardigrade-MOOSE simulations. Some WAVES configuration options have been discussed in the previous section, but some situations using HPC systems may warrant more manual control using SLURM scripts for specific workflow stages. A template script is provided in the root repository with the name, as shown below:

 2#SBATCH --job-name=<job-name>          # Job name
 3#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL     # Mail events (NONE, BEGIN, END, FAIL, ALL)
 4#SBATCH --nodes=1
 5#SBATCH --ntasks=1
 6#SBATCH --time=12:00:00                # Wall time limit (days-hrs:min:sec)
 7#SBATCH --output=<job-name>_%j.out     # Path to the standard output and error files relative to the working directory
 8#SBATCH --partition=<partition>        # Partition name
 9#SBATCH --qos=<qos>                    # QOS name
11echo "========="
12echo "Welcome!"
13echo "========="
14echo ""
15echo "Date              = $(date)"
16echo "Hostname          = $(hostname -s)"
17echo "Working Directory = $(pwd)"
18echo ""
19echo "Number of Nodes Allocated      = $SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES"
20echo "Number of Tasks Allocated      = $SLURM_NTASKS"
21echo "Number of Cores/Task Allocated = $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK"
22echo ""
23echo "-->Loading Environment"
24echo ""
26source /path/to/conda/bin/activate <tardigrade-examples-env>
28echo ""
29echo "Specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
30export LD=/path/to/tardigrade/build/_deps/tardigrade_micromorphic_element-build/src/cpp
33echo ""
35# Run WAVES
36echo ""
37echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
38echo "WAVES"
39echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
40echo "scons -h"
41echo ""
42scons -h
43echo ""
45echo ""
46echo "Run analysis: 'scons $1'"
47echo ""
48scons $1
49echo ""
51echo "========="
52echo "End!!!!!!"
53echo "========="

A user may modify this SLURM script as necessary for the intended system, especially the “partition” and “qos” SBATCH directives. The “node”, “ntasks”, “time”, “job-name”, and “output” directives should be modified for the specific workflow stage to be run. The “LD_LIBRARY_PATH” should be changed according to the discussion provided in Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH especially for tasks involving the micromorphic calibration tool or Tardigrade-MOOSE. Similarly, the /path/to/conda/bin/activate <tardigrade-examples-env> line should be modified to point to the correct conda environment and associated directory where conda is installed.

The specific SCons task to be executed is passed in from the command line. For example, the Ratel_elastic_cylinder workflow can be executed with:

$ sbatch Ratel_elastic_cylinder

A more complex, custom command may be specified by wrapping a command in quotations. The following example would run the calibration Stage of the Ratel_elastic_cylinder_multi_domain workflow on 28 CPUs (notes that the “ntasks” SLURM directive would also need to be set to 28):

$ sbatch "Ratel_elastic_cylinder_multi_domain --calibrate --keep-going --jobs=28"

This script is simply a template and a user is encouraged to adapt it as needed.