Source code for model_package.Calibrate.calibrate_element

import sys
import os
import argparse
import inspect
import yaml

import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot
import scipy
import pandas
from itertools import compress

import micromorphic
import xdmf_reader_tools as XRT
import linear_elastic_parameter_constraint_equations as constraints

elastic_parameter_ordering = ['l', 'mu', 'eta', 'tau', 'kappa', 'nu', 'sigma',\
                              'tau1', 'tau2', 'tau3', 'tau4', 'tau5', 'tau6', 'tau7',\
                              'tau8', 'tau9', 'tau10', 'tau11']

[docs] def str2bool(v): '''Function for converting string to Boolean. Borrowed from: :param str/bool v: A string or boolean indicating a True or False value :returns: True or False ''' if isinstance(v, bool): return v if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'): return True elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Boolean value expected.')
[docs] def average_quantities(quantities, type, elem): '''Average tensor quantites over 8 quadrature points :param dict quantities: A 2nd or 3rd order tensor dictionary with keys for quadrature points and values storing an array where indices correspond to time, element number, and tensor components :param str type: A string specifying the type of tensor to average. Use "3" for a vector. Use "3x3" for a regular second order tensor. Use "9" for a flattened second order tensor. Use "3x3x3" for a third order tensor. :param int elem: The macro (filter) element to calibrate :returns: ``output`` dict with same indices as ``quantities`` and a single key ''' output = {} shapes = numpy.shape(quantities[0]) if type == '9': output[0] = numpy.zeros((shapes[0], 1, shapes[2])) for k in range(9): mean_field = [] for qp in quantities.keys(): mean_field.append(quantities[qp][:,elem,k]) means = numpy.mean(mean_field, axis=0) output[0][:,elem,k] = means elif type == '3x3': output[0] = numpy.zeros((shapes[0], 1, shapes[2], shapes[3])) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): mean_field = [] for qp in quantities.keys(): mean_field.append(quantities[qp][:,elem,i,j]) means = numpy.mean(mean_field, axis=0) output[0][:,0,i,j] = means elif type == '3x3x3': output[0] = numpy.zeros((shapes[0], 1, shapes[2], shapes[3], shapes[4])) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): for k in range(3): mean_field = [] for qp in quantities.keys(): mean_field.append(quantities[qp][:,elem,i,j,k]) means = numpy.mean(mean_field, axis=0) output[0][:,0,i,j,k] = means elif type == '3': output[0] = numpy.zeros((shapes[0], 1, shapes[2])) for i in range(3): mean_field = [] for qp in quantities.keys(): mean_field.append(quantities[qp][:,elem,i]) means = numpy.mean(mean_field, axis=0) output[0][:,0,i] = means return(output)
[docs] def plot_stresses(estrain, stress, stress_sim, output_name, element): '''Plot comparison of stress vs strain (in the current configuration) between homogenized DNS results against calibrated model predictions :param dict estrain: The quantities dict storing Euler-Almansi strain :param dict stress: The quantities dict storing either Cauchy or Symmetric micro stress of the homogenized DNS results :param dict stress: The quantities dict storing either Cauchy or Symmetric micro stress of the calibrated model predictions :param str output_name: The output plot name :param int element: The macro (filter) element considered for calibration :returns: ``output_name`` ''' name = output_name.replace('.PNG','') fig1 = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(name, figsize=(11,9)) axes1 = [[fig1.add_subplot(3,3,3 * i + j + 1) for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)] ybounds = [-1, 1] colors = matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] k = 0 e = 0 for i in range(3): for j in range(3): ax1 = axes1[i][j] if 'cauchy' in output_name: plot_label = r"$\sigma_{" + str(i+1) + str(j+1) + "}$ (MPa)" if 'symm' in output_name: plot_label = r"$s_{" + str(i+1) + str(j+1) + "}$ (MPa)" ax1.plot(estrain[0][:,e,i,j], stress[0][:,e,i,j], '-') ax1.plot(estrain[0][:,e,i,j], stress_sim[0][:,e,i,j], 'o') ax1.set_xlabel(r"$e_{" + str(i+1) + str(j+1) + "}$", fontsize=14) ax1.set_ylabel(plot_label, fontsize=14) matplotlib.pyplot.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x') matplotlib.pyplot.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y') if (i == 2) and (j ==2): matplotlib.pyplot.xticks(rotation=45) k = k + 1 ax1 = axes1[1][2] matplotlib.pyplot.figure(name) matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout() matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(f'{output_name}') return 0
[docs] def initial_estimate(Emod, nu, L): '''Calculate initial estimate of 18 parameter micromorphic linear elasticity model parameters using method defined in :param float Emod: An estimate of homogenized elastic modulus :param float nu: An estimate of the homogenized Poisson ratio :param float L: An estimate of the length scale parameter :returns: array of estimated micromorphic linear elasticity parameters ''' print(f"E, nu, L = {Emod}, {nu}, {L}") # calculate "classic" lame parameters lame_lambda = Emod*nu/((1.+nu)*(1.-2*nu)) lame_mu = Emod/(2*(1.+nu)) #shear modulus, K # estimate characteristic length Lc = numpy.sqrt(3*(L**2)) # estimate micromorphic parameters lamb = lame_lambda mu = lame_mu eta = 1.53*lame_lambda tau = 0.256*lame_lambda kappa = 0.833*lame_mu nu_new = 0.667*lame_mu sigma = 0.4167*lame_mu tau_1 = 0.111*(lame_lambda*Lc*Lc) tau_2 = 0.185*(lame_lambda*Lc*Lc) tau_3 = 0.185*(lame_lambda*Lc*Lc) tau_4 = 0.204*(lame_lambda*Lc*Lc) tau_5 = 0.1*(lame_lambda*Lc*Lc) tau_6 = 0.256*(lame_lambda*Lc*Lc) tau_7 = 0.670*(lame_mu*Lc*Lc) tau_8 = 0.495*(lame_mu*Lc*Lc) tau_9 = 0.495*(lame_mu*Lc*Lc) tau_10 = 0.408*(lame_mu*Lc*Lc) tau_11 = 0.495*(lame_mu*Lc*Lc) # collect parameters = numpy.array([lamb, mu, eta, tau, kappa, nu_new, sigma, tau_1, tau_2, tau_3, tau_4, tau_5, tau_6, tau_7, tau_8, tau_9, tau_10, tau_11]) return(parameters)
[docs] def evaluate_constraints(parameters, svals=None): '''Evaluate Smith conditions by calling tardigrade_micromorphic_linear_elasticity/src/python/linear_elastic_parameter_constraint_equations :param array-like parameters: an array of 18 micromorphic linear elasticity parameters :param array-like svals: TODO figure out what this is for :returns: a dictionary of constants from evaluating the Smith conditions ''' elastic_parameter_ordering = ['l', 'mu', 'eta', 'tau', 'kappa', 'nu', 'sigma',\ 'tau1', 'tau2', 'tau3', 'tau4', 'tau5', 'tau6', 'tau7',\ 'tau8', 'tau9', 'tau10', 'tau11'] parameter_dictionary = dict(zip(elastic_parameter_ordering, parameters[:18])) consts = [constraints.evaluate_g1, constraints.evaluate_g2, constraints.evaluate_g3, constraints.evaluate_g4, constraints.evaluate_g5, constraints.evaluate_g6, constraints.evaluate_g7, constraints.evaluate_g8, constraints.evaluate_g9, constraints.evaluate_g10, constraints.evaluate_g11, constraints.evaluate_g12, constraints.evaluate_g13] if (svals is None): svals = dict([(f's{i+1}', 0) for i in range(len(consts))]) parameter_dictionary.update(svals) return [const(**parameter_dictionary) for const in consts]
[docs] def evaluate_model(inputs, parameters, model_name, parameters_to_fparams, nsdvs, element, maxinc=None, dim=3, maxsubiter=5): """Evaluate the model given the parameters. Copied from overlap_coupling/src/python/ :param list inputs: A list storing DNS quantities for Green-Lagrange strain (dict), displacements (dict), displacement gradient (dict), micro-deformation (dict), micro-deformation gradient (dict), and time increments (list) :param numpy.ndarray parameters: The array of parameters :param str model_name: The name of the model :param func parameters_to_fparams: A function that converts the parameters vector to the fparams vector required for the function :param int nsdvs: The number of solution dependant state variables :param int element: The macro (filter) element to calibration :param int maxinc: The maximum increment to evaluate :param int dim: The spatial dimension of the problem, default=3 :param int maxsubiter: The maximum number of sub iterations, default=5 :returns: evaluated micromorphic simulation quantities for PK2, SIGMA, M, and SDVS """ E, displacement, grad_u, phi, grad_phi, time = inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], inputs[3], inputs[4], inputs[5] ninc = E[0].shape[0] nel = 1 nqp = 1 if maxinc is None: maxinc = ninc-1 PK2_sim = dict([(qp,numpy.zeros((maxinc+1,nel,dim * dim))) for qp in range(nqp)]) SIGMA_sim = dict([(qp,numpy.zeros((maxinc+1,nel,dim * dim))) for qp in range(nqp)]) M_sim = dict([(qp,numpy.zeros((maxinc+1,nel,dim * dim * dim))) for qp in range(nqp)]) SDVS_sim = dict([(qp,numpy.zeros((maxinc+1,nel,nsdvs))) for qp in range(nqp)]) keys = ['errorCode', 'PK2', 'SIGMA', 'M', 'SDVS',\ 'DPK2Dgrad_u', 'DPK2Dphi', 'DPK2Dgrad_phi',\ 'DSIGMADgrad_u', 'DSIGMADphi', 'DSIGMADgrad_phi',\ 'DMDgrad_u', 'DMDphi', 'DMDgrad_phi',\ 'ADD_TERMS', 'ADD_JACOBIANS', 'output_message'] tp = 0 nsubiter = 0 elem = element e = 0 for qp in range(nqp): for i in range(maxinc+1): #print("increment: ", i) # Map the parameters vector to the function parameters fparams = parameters_to_fparams(parameters) sp = 0 ds = 1. if (i == 0): previous_SDVS_s = numpy.zeros(nsdvs) else: previous_SDVS_s = numpy.copy(SDVS_sim[qp][i-1,e,:]) while (sp < 1.0): s = sp + ds time_1 = time[i] grad_u_1 = grad_u[qp][i, e, :, :] phi_1 = phi[qp][i, e, :, :] grad_phi_1 = grad_phi[qp][i, e, :, :, :] if (i == 0): time_0 = 0 grad_u_0 = numpy.zeros((3,3)) phi_0 = numpy.zeros((3,3)) grad_phi_0 = numpy.zeros((3,3,3)) else: time_0 = time[i-1] grad_u_0 = grad_u[qp][i-1, e, :, :] phi_0 = phi[qp][i-1, e, :, :] grad_phi_0 = grad_phi[qp][i-1, e, :, :] t = (time_1 - time_0) * s + time_0 current_grad_u = (grad_u_1 - grad_u_0) * s + grad_u_0 current_phi = (phi_1 - phi_0) * s + phi_0 current_grad_phi = (grad_phi_1 - grad_phi_0) * s + grad_phi_0 tp = (time_1 - time_0) * sp + time_0 previous_grad_u = (grad_u_1 - grad_u_0) * sp + grad_u_0 previous_phi = (phi_1 - phi_0) * sp + phi_0 previous_grad_phi = (grad_phi_1 - grad_phi_0) * sp + grad_phi_0 current_phi = current_phi.flatten() previous_phi = previous_phi.flatten() current_grad_phi = current_grad_phi.reshape((dim * dim, dim)) previous_grad_phi = previous_grad_phi.reshape((dim * dim, dim)) #TODO: add dof and add grad dof not currently used current_ADD_DOF = numpy.zeros((1)) current_ADD_grad_DOF = numpy.zeros((1,3)) previous_ADD_DOF = numpy.zeros((1)) previous_ADD_grad_DOF = numpy.zeros((1,3)) # Evaluate the model values = micromorphic.evaluate_model(model_name, numpy.array([t, t - tp]), fparams, current_grad_u, current_phi, current_grad_phi, previous_grad_u, previous_phi, previous_grad_phi, previous_SDVS_s, current_ADD_DOF, current_ADD_grad_DOF, previous_ADD_DOF, previous_ADD_grad_DOF) results = dict(zip(keys, values)) if (results['errorCode'] == 1): #print("error") ds = 0.5 * ds nsubiter += 1 if (nsubiter > maxsubiter): break elif (results['errorCode'] == 2): errormessage = f"evaluate_model return error code {results['errorCode']}\n\n" errormessage += results['output_message'].decode("utf-8") raise IOError(errormessage) else: sp += ds nsubiter = 0 if numpy.isclose(sp, 1): ds = 1 else: ds = 1 - sp previous_SDVS_s = numpy.copy(results['SDVS']) if (results['errorCode'] != 0): errormessage = f"evaluate_model returned error code {results['errorCode']}\n\n" errormessage += results['output_message'].decode('utf-8') print(parameters, 'fail') return numpy.nan PK2_sim[qp][i,e,:] = results['PK2'] SIGMA_sim[qp][i,e,:] = results['SIGMA'] M_sim[qp][i,e,:] = results['M'] SDVS = results['SDVS'] SDVS_sim[qp][i,e,:] = results['SDVS'] return PK2_sim, SIGMA_sim, M_sim, SDVS_sim
[docs] def parameters_to_fparams(parameters): '''Map the elastic parameters to the fparams vector for use in the Tardigrade-MOOSE micromorphic linear elastic material model :param numpy.ndarray parameters: The parameters vector lambda, mu, eta, tau, kappa, nu, sigma, tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4, tau5, tau6, tau7, tau8, tau9, tau10, tau11 :returns: array of fparams ''' fparams = numpy.hstack([[2], parameters[:2], [5], parameters[2:7], [11], parameters[7:18], 2, [parameters[3], parameters[6]]]) return fparams
# Objective function evaluation lists Xstore = [] Lstore = []
[docs] def objective(x0, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, increment=None, stresses_to_include=['S','SIGMA','M']): '''Primary objective function for calibrating micromorphic linear elasticity constitutive model against homogenized DNS data :param array-like x0: Array of micromorphic linear elasticity parameters :param list Y: List storing dictionaries of DNS quantities for PK2, SIGMA, and M :param list inputs: A list storing DNS quantities for Green-Lagrange strain (dict), displacements (dict), displacement gradient (dict), micro-deformation (dict), micro-deformation gradient (dict), and time increments (list) :param str cal_norm: The form of the norm for the residual, use "L1" or "L2" :param int case: The calibration "case". 1: two parameter, 2: 7 parameter, 3: 7 parameter plus tau7, 4: all 18 parameters :param int element: The macro (filter) element to calibration :param int increment: An optional argumet to calibrate only a specific increment, default=None :param list stresses_to_include: Which reference configuration stresses to calculate an error for the objective function, default=['S', 'SIGMA', 'M'] :returns: the objective function evaluation ''' parameter_names = ['l', 'mu', 'eta', 'tau', 'kappa', 'nu', 'sigma', 'tau1', 'tau2', 'tau3', 'tau4', 'tau5', 'tau6', 'tau7', 'tau8', 'tau9', 'tau10', 'tau11'] model_name=r'LinearElasticity' XX = x0 # #consts = evaluate_constraints(XX, parameter_names) # try: # consts = evaluate_constraints(XX) # cvals = numpy.array([c[0] for c in consts]) # except: # #return numpy.inf # return 1.e16 consts = evaluate_constraints(XX) cvals = numpy.array([c[0] for c in consts]) # enforce positivity condition if (cvals.min() < 0): return numpy.inf #return 1.e16 # enforce Poisson ratio constraint within 2% if (case == 1) and (nu_targ > 0.0): E = inputs[0] poisson = XX[0]/(2.*(XX[0] + XX[1])) #poisson = numpy.average([E[0][-1,0,0,0],E[0][-1,0,1,1]]) if (poisson >= 1.01*nu_targ) or (poisson <= .99*nu_targ): return numpy.inf # Evaluate stresses from DNS strain inputs PK2_sim, SIGMA_sim, M_sim, SDVS_sim = evaluate_model(inputs, XX, model_name, parameters_to_fparams, 0, element) displacement, grad_u, phi, grad_phi = inputs[1], inputs[2], inputs[3], inputs[4] # Parse out stresses from DNS stress data Y PK2, SIGMA, M = Y[0], Y[1], Y[2] # Number of time steps and elements steps = PK2[0].shape[0] num_elem = PK2[0].shape[1] # Initialize errors and objective PK2_error = [] SIGMA_error = [] M_error = [] obj = 0 # define time steps to calibrate against if increment: print(f'increment = {increment}') time_steps = [increment] else: time_steps = range(steps) # Accumulate errors elem = element e = 0 if case == 1: for t in time_steps: PK2_error = numpy.hstack([PK2_error, PK2[0][t,0,2,2] - PK2_sim[0][t,0,-1]]) SIGMA_error = numpy.hstack([PK2_error, PK2[0][t,0,2,2] - PK2_sim[0][t,0,-1]]) M_error = [] elif case == 4: for t in time_steps: PK2_error = numpy.hstack([PK2_error, PK2[0][t,0,:,:].flatten() - PK2_sim[0][t,0,:]]) SIGMA_error = numpy.hstack([SIGMA_error, SIGMA[0][t,0,:,:].flatten() - SIGMA_sim[0][t,0,:]]) M_error = numpy.hstack([M_error, M[0][t,0,:,:,:].flatten() - M_sim[0][t,0,:]]) else: for t in time_steps: PK2_error = numpy.hstack([PK2_error, PK2[0][t,0,:,:].flatten() - PK2_sim[0][t,0,:]]) SIGMA_error = numpy.hstack([SIGMA_error, SIGMA[0][t,0,:,:].flatten() - SIGMA_sim[0][t,0,:]]) M_error = [] # collect errors errors = {'S':PK2_error, 'SIGMA':SIGMA_error, 'M':M_error} sparsity_control = 0.1 # calculate residual, L1 norm for stress in stresses_to_include: if cal_norm == 'L1': obj += numpy.abs(errors[stress]).sum() elif cal_norm == 'L2': obj +=[stress], errors[stress]) elif cal_norm == 'L1_sparse': obj += numpy.abs(errors[stress]).sum() + sparsity_control*SOMETHING print('NOT READY YET!') elif cal_norm == 'L2_sparse': obj +=[stress], errors[stress]) + sparsity_control*SOMETHING print('NOT READY YET!') elif cal_norm == 'L1-L2': obj += 0.5*(numpy.abs(errors[stress]).sum()) + 0.5*([stress], errors[stress])) else: print('Specify valid objective!') Xstore.append(numpy.copy(XX)) Lstore.append(obj) print(f'obj = {obj}') return obj
[docs] def opti_options_1(X, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, calibrate=True, increment=None): '''Objective function number 1 used for calibrating first 2 parameters of micromorphic linear elasticity :param array-like X: Array of micromorphic linear elasticity parameters :param list Y: List storing dictionaries of DNS quantities for PK2, SIGMA, and M :param list inputs: A list storing DNS quantities for Green-Lagrange strain (dict), displacements (dict), displacement gradient (dict), micro-deformation (dict), micro-deformation gradient (dict), and time increments (list) :param str cal_norm: The form of the norm for the residual, use "L1" or "L2" :param float nu_targ: The targeted Poisson ratio if calibrating 2 parameter elasticity :param int case: The calibration "case". 1: two parameter, 2: 7 parameter, 3: 7 parameter plus tau7, 4: all 18 parameters :param int element: The macro (filter) element to calibration :param bool calibrate: A flag specifying whether to perform calibration for "True" or to return the stacked list of parameters for "False" :param int increment: An optional argumet to calibrate only a specific increment, default=None :returns: objective function evaluation by calling primary objective function if calibrate=True or return stacked list of parameters if calibrate=False ''' others = [0e-3, 0e-3, 0e-3, 0e-3, 0e-3, 0e-3, 0e-3, 0e-3, 0e-3, 0, 0, 1e-3, 0e-3, 0, 0e-3, 0e-3] if numpy.isclose(nu_targ, 0.0, atol=1e-4): XX = numpy.hstack([0.0, X, others]) else: X1 = X[:2] XX = numpy.hstack([X1, others]) if calibrate: return(objective(XX, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, increment=increment, stresses_to_include=['S','SIGMA'])) else: return(XX)
[docs] def opti_options_2(X, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, calibrate=True, increment=None): '''Objective function number 2 used for calibrating 7 parameters of micromorphic linear elasticity :param array-like X: Array of micromorphic linear elasticity parameters :param list Y: List storing dictionaries of DNS quantities for PK2, SIGMA, and M :param list inputs: A list storing DNS quantities for Green-Lagrange strain (dict), displacements (dict), displacement gradient (dict), micro-deformation (dict), micro-deformation gradient (dict), and time increments (list) :param str cal_norm: The form of the norm for the residual, use "L1" or "L2" :param float nu_targ: The targeted Poisson ratio if calibrating 2 parameter elasticity :param int case: The calibration "case". 1: two parameter, 2: 7 parameter, 3: 7 parameter plus tau7, 4: all 18 parameters :param int element: The macro (filter) element to calibration :param bool calibrate: A flag specifying whether to perform calibration for "True" or to return the stacked list of parameters for "False" :param int increment: An optional argumet to calibrate only a specific increment, default=None :returns: objective function evaluation by calling primary objective function if calibrate=True or return stacked list of parameters if calibrate=False ''' X1 = X[:7] others = [0e-3, 0e-3, 0e-3, 0e-3, 0, 0, 1e-3, 0e-3, 0, 0e-3, 0e-3] XX = numpy.hstack([X1, others]) if calibrate: return(objective(XX, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, increment=increment, stresses_to_include=['S', 'SIGMA'])) else: return(numpy.hstack([X1, others]))
[docs] def opti_options_3(X, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, calibrate=True, increment=None): '''Objective function number 3 used for calibrating 8 parameters of micromorphic linear elasticity :param array-like X: Array of micromorphic linear elasticity parameters :param list Y: List storing dictionaries of DNS quantities for PK2, SIGMA, and M :param list inputs: A list storing DNS quantities for Green-Lagrange strain (dict), displacements (dict), displacement gradient (dict), micro-deformation (dict), micro-deformation gradient (dict), and time increments (list) :param str cal_norm: The form of the norm for the residual, use "L1" or "L2" :param float nu_targ: The targeted Poisson ratio if calibrating 2 parameter elasticity :param int case: The calibration "case". 1: two parameter, 2: 7 parameter, 3: 7 parameter plus tau7, 4: all 18 parameters :param int element: The macro (filter) element to calibration :param bool calibrate: A flag specifying whether to perform calibration for "True" or to return the stacked list of parameters for "False" :param int increment: An optional argumet to calibrate only a specific increment, default=None :returns: objective function evaluation by calling primary objective function if calibrate=True or return stacked list of parameters if calibrate=False ''' X1, X2 = X[:7], X[-1] tau1to6 = [0e-3, 0e-3, 0e-3, 0e-3, 0, 0] tau8to11 = [0e-3, 0, 0e-3, 0e-3] XX = numpy.hstack([X1, tau1to6, X2, tau8to11]) if calibrate: return(objective(XX, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, increment=increment, stresses_to_include=['S', 'SIGMA'])) else: return(numpy.hstack([X1, tau1to6, X2, tau8to11]))
[docs] def opti_options_4(X, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, calibrate=True, increment=None): '''Objective function number 4 used for calibrating all 18 parameters of micromorphic linear elasticity :param array-like X: Array of micromorphic linear elasticity parameters :param list Y: List storing dictionaries of DNS quantities for PK2, SIGMA, and M :param list inputs: A list storing DNS quantities for Green-Lagrange strain (dict), displacements (dict), displacement gradient (dict), micro-deformation (dict), micro-deformation gradient (dict), and time increments (list) :param str cal_norm: The form of the norm for the residual, use "L1" or "L2" :param float nu_targ: The targeted Poisson ratio if calibrating 2 parameter elasticity :param int case: The calibration "case". 1: two parameter, 2: 7 parameter, 3: 7 parameter plus tau7, 4: all 18 parameters :param int element: The macro (filter) element to calibration :param bool calibrate: A flag specifying whether to perform calibration for "True" or to return the stacked list of parameters for "False" :param int increment: An optional argumet to calibrate only a specific increment, default=None :returns: objective function evaluation by calling primary objective function if calibrate=True or return stacked list of parameters if calibrate=False ''' XX = X if calibrate: return(objective(XX, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, increment=increment, stresses_to_include=['S', 'SIGMA', 'M'])) else: return(XX)
def handle_output_for_UQ(Xstore, Lstore, case): UQ_dict = { 'obj':[], 'lamb':[], 'mu':[], 'eta':[], 'tau':[], 'kappa':[], 'nu':[], 'sigma':[], 'tau1':[], 'tau2':[], 'tau3':[], 'tau4':[], 'tau5':[], 'tau6':[], 'tau7':[], 'tau8':[], 'tau9':[], 'tau10':[], 'tau11':[]} # Store results into dictionary for X, L in zip(Xstore, Lstore): UQ_dict['obj'].append(L) UQ_dict['lamb'].append(X[0]) UQ_dict['mu'].append(X[1]) UQ_dict['eta'].append(X[2]) UQ_dict['tau'].append(X[3]) UQ_dict['kappa'].append(X[4]) UQ_dict['nu'].append(X[5]) UQ_dict['sigma'].append(X[6]) UQ_dict['tau1'].append(X[7]) UQ_dict['tau2'].append(X[8]) UQ_dict['tau3'].append(X[9]) UQ_dict['tau4'].append(X[10]) UQ_dict['tau5'].append(X[11]) UQ_dict['tau6'].append(X[12]) UQ_dict['tau7'].append(X[13]) UQ_dict['tau8'].append(X[14]) UQ_dict['tau9'].append(X[15]) UQ_dict['tau10'].append(X[16]) UQ_dict['tau11'].append(X[17]) # remove zero entries depending on case remove = [] if case == 1: remove = ['eta','tau','kappa','nu','sigma','tau1','tau2','tau3', 'tau4','tau5','tau6','tau7','tau8','tau9','tau10','tau11'] elif case == 2: remove = ['tau1','tau2','tau3','tau4','tau5','tau6','tau7','tau8', 'tau9','tau10','tau11'] elif case == 3: remove = ['tau1','tau2','tau3','tau4','tau5','tau6','tau8','tau9', 'tau10','tau11'] for item in remove: UQ_dict.pop(item) return(UQ_dict)
[docs] def calibrate(input_file, output_file, case, Emod, nu, L, element=0, increment=None, plot_file=None, average=True, UQ_file=None): ''' Unpack DNS data and run calibration routine :param str input_file: The homogenized XDMF file output by the Micromorphic Filter :param str output_file: The resulting list of parameters stored in a yaml file :param int case: The calibration "case". 1: two parameter, 2: 7 parameter, 3: 7 parameter plus tau7, 4: all 18 parameters :param float Emod: Estimate of a homogenized elastic modulus, used for initial parameter estimation :param float nu: Estimate of a homogenized Poisson ratio, used for initial parameter estimation :param float L: DNS max dimension (width, height, depth, etc.), used for initial parameter estimation :param int element: The macro (filter) element to calibration, default is zero :param int increment: An optional argument to calibrate only a specific increment :returns: calibrated parameters by minimizing a specified objective function ''' PK2_sdstore = [] SIGMA_sdstore = [] M_sdstore = [] # Read in the data filename = input_file data, geometry, topology = XRT.parse_xdmf_output(filename) nqp = 8 ninc = numpy.shape(data['time'])[0] nel = numpy.shape(data['cauchy_stress_0_0'])[0] # Read in the position information displacement, gradu, phi, gradphi = XRT.construct_degrees_of_freedom(data, nqp, nel) # Read in the stress information cauchy, symm, m = XRT.collect_stresses(data, nqp, nel) PK2, SIGMA, M = XRT.get_reference_configuration_stresses(data, nqp, nel) # Read in the strain information E, Ecal, Gamma, F, chi, grad_chi, estrain, h = XRT.compute_deformations(data, nqp, nel) # Get times times = numpy.unique(data['time']) ninc = len(times) # always average fields, but only for selected element cauchy = average_quantities(cauchy, '3x3', element) symm = average_quantities(symm, '3x3', element) PK2 = average_quantities(PK2, '3x3', element) SIGMA = average_quantities(SIGMA, '3x3', element) #F = average_quantities(F, '3x3') E = average_quantities(E, '3x3', element) displacement = average_quantities(displacement, '3', element) gradu = average_quantities(gradu, '3x3', element) phi = average_quantities(phi, '3x3', element) estrain = average_quantities(estrain, '3x3', element) h = average_quantities(h, '3x3', element) gradphi = average_quantities(gradphi, '3x3x3', element) # store data for calibration Y = [PK2, SIGMA, M] inputs = [E, displacement, gradu, phi, gradphi, times] # get target nu from E nu_targ = numpy.average(-1*numpy.average([E[0][-1,0,0,0],E[0][-1,0,1,1]])/E[0][-1,0,2,2]) # Estimate initial parameters param_est = initial_estimate(Emod, nu, L) # Define the elastic bounds parameter_bounds = [[0.0, 1.e5]] + [[-1.e5, 1.e5] for _ in range(6)] + [[-1.e5, 1.e5] for _ in range(11)] if len(elastic_parameter_ordering) != len(parameter_bounds): raise ValueError(f"The parameter bounds and the parameter names do not have the same length {len(parmaeter_bounds)} vs. {len(elastic_parameter_ordering)}") # calibrate! cal_norm = 'L1' maxit = 2000 # TODO: streamline this workflow, very redundant # calibrate just lambda and mu if case == 1: print(f'Target Poisson ratio = {nu_targ}') if numpy.isclose(nu_targ, 0.0, atol=1e-4): print(f'nu_targ is too close to zero to calibrate lambda') nu_targ = 0 lamb_cal = False else: lamb_cal = True param_mask = [lamb_cal, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] param_est = list(compress(param_est, param_mask)) print('initial parameter estimation:') print(param_est) #param_est = [59.25, 70.395] parameter_bounds = list(compress(parameter_bounds,param_mask)) res = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(func=opti_options_1, bounds=parameter_bounds, maxiter=maxit, x0=param_est, args=(Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, True, increment)) print(f"res = {res}") print(f"fit params = {list(res.x)}") params = opti_options_1(list(res.x), Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, calibrate=False) # calibrate first 7 parameters elif case == 2: param_mask = [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] param_est = list(compress(param_est, param_mask)) parameter_bounds = list(compress(parameter_bounds,param_mask)) res = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(func=opti_options_2, bounds=parameter_bounds, maxiter=maxit, x0=param_est, args=(Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, increment)) print(f"res = {res}") print(f"fit params = {res.x}") params = opti_options_2(res.x, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, calibrate=False) # calibrate first 7 parameters and tau 7 elif case == 3: param_mask = [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False] param_est = list(compress(param_est, param_mask)) print('initial parameter estimation:') print(param_est) parameter_bounds = list(compress(parameter_bounds,param_mask)) res = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(func=opti_options_3, bounds=parameter_bounds, maxiter=maxit, x0=param_est, args=(Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, increment)) print(f"res = {res}") print(f"fit params = {res.x}") params = opti_options_3(res.x, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, calibrate=False) # calibrate all parameters elif case == 4: param_mask = [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True] param_est = list(compress(param_est, param_mask)) print('initial parameter estimation:') print(param_est) parameter_bounds = list(compress(parameter_bounds,param_mask)) res = scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(func=opti_options_4, bounds=parameter_bounds, maxiter=maxit, x0=param_est, args=(Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, increment)) print(f"res = {res}") print(f"fit params = {res.x}") params = opti_options_4(res.x, Y, inputs, cal_norm, nu_targ, case, element, calibrate=False) else: print('Select valid calibration case!') # Make a csv of all function evaluations and parameter sets if UQ_file: print(f'shape of Xstore = {numpy.shape(Xstore)}') print(f'shape of Lstore = {numpy.shape(Lstore)}') UQ_dict = handle_output_for_UQ(Xstore, Lstore, case) df = pandas.DataFrame(UQ_dict) df.to_csv(UQ_file, header=True, sep=',', index=False) # look at population energy info #population = res.population #energies = res.population_energies #print(f'size of population = {numpy.shape(population)}') #print(f'size of population_energies = {numpy.shape(energies)}') #print(f'population = \n {population}\n') #print(f'energies = \n {energies}\n') # Manage Objective evaluation for UQ # plot resulting calibration if plot_file: print('plotting...') model_name=r'LinearElasticity' PK2_sim, SIGMA_sim, M_sim, SDVS_sim = evaluate_model(inputs, params, model_name, parameters_to_fparams, 0, element) PK2_sim = XRT.map_sim(PK2_sim, ninc) SIGMA_sim = XRT.map_sim(SIGMA_sim, ninc) cauchy_sim, symm_sim = XRT.get_current_configuration_stresses(PK2_sim, SIGMA_sim, inputs[2], inputs[3]) plot_stresses(estrain, cauchy, cauchy_sim, f'{plot_file}_cauchy_fit_case_{case}.PNG', element) plot_stresses(estrain, symm, symm_sim, f'{plot_file}_symm_fit_case_{case}.PNG', element) # output parameters! output_filename = output_file output_dict = {} p = params output_dict['line 1'] = f"2 {p[0]} {p[1]}" output_dict['line 2'] = f"5 {p[2]} {p[3]} {p[4]} {p[5]} {p[6]}" output_dict['line 3'] = f"11 {p[7]} {p[8]} {p[9]} {p[10]} {p[11]} {p[12]} {p[13]} {p[14]} {p[15]} {p[16]} {p[17]}" output_dict['line 4'] = f"2 {p[3]} {p[6]}" output_dict['obj'] = f"{}" with open(output_filename, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(output_dict, f) return
def get_parser(): filename = inspect.getfile(lambda: None) basename = os.path.basename(filename) basename_without_extension, extension = os.path.splitext(basename) cli_description = "Calibrate micromorphic linear elasticity for averaged output on a single filter domain (i.e. macroscale element)" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=cli_description, prog=os.path.basename(filename)) parser.add_argument('-i', '--input-file', type=str, help="The homogenized XDMF file output by the Micromorphic Filter") parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', type=str, help="The resulting list of parameters stored in a yaml file") parser.add_argument('--Emod', type=float, help="DNS elastic modulus, used for initial parameter estimation.") parser.add_argument('--nu', type=float, help="DNS Poisson's ratio, used for initial parameter estimation.") parser.add_argument('--L', type=float, help="DNS max dimension (width, height, depth, etc.), used for initial parameter estimation.") parser.add_argument('--element', type=int, default=0, help="The macro (filter) element to calibrate") parser.add_argument('--increment', type=int, required=False, default=None, help="An optional argument to callibrate only for specific increment") parser.add_argument('--case', type=int, required=True, help="Specify the calibration 'case'. 1: two parameter, 2: 7 parameter,\ 3: 7 parameter plus tau7, 4: all 18 parameters") parser.add_argument('--plot-file', type=str, required=False, default=None, help="Optional root filename to plot Cauchy and symmetric micro stress\ comparison between DNS and calibration results") parser.add_argument('--average', type=str, required=False, default=True, help='Boolean whether or not homogenized DNS results will be averaged') parser.add_argument('--UQ-file', type=str, required=False, help='Optional csv filename to store function evaluations and parameter sets for UQ') return parser if __name__ == '__main__': parser = get_parser() args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() sys.exit(calibrate( input_file=args.input_file, output_file=args.output_file, Emod=args.Emod,, L=args.L, element=args.element, increment=args.increment,, plot_file=args.plot_file, average=str2bool(args.average), UQ_file=args.UQ_file, ))