Source code for model_package.DNS_Abaqus.ODBextract_to_XDMF

# Imports
import sys
import os
import inspect
import argparse

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas

import file_io.xdmf

file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

[docs] def str2bool(v): '''Function for converting string to Boolean. Borrowed from: :param str/bool v: A string or boolean indicating a True or False value :returns: True or False ''' if isinstance(v, bool): return v if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'): return True elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Boolean value expected.')
[docs] def interpolate_to_ip_c3d8(node_array, mesh): '''interpolate a vector field from the nodes to the integration points of a trilinear hexahedral element (C3D8) :param array-like node_array: nodal data to be interpolated :param array-like mesh: the element connectivity for all elements :returns: dictionary of interpolated results ''' numips = 8 numelem = np.shape(mesh)[0] results = np.zeros([numelem, numips, 3]) # set Gauss point coordinates in xi,eta,zeta space const=1/(np.sqrt(3)) xi_vect=np.array([[-const, -const, -const], [ const, -const, -const], [ const, const, -const], [-const, const, -const], [-const, -const, const], [ const, -const, const], [ const, const, const], [-const, const, const]]) # loop over all elements in mesh for e, n in enumerate(mesh): # loop over each node of the element node_field = [] for node in n: # get the field values for that node node_field.append(node_array[node-1]) node_field = np.array(node_field).flatten(order='C') # interpolate from nodes to integration points for ip in range(0,numips): xi, eta, zeta = xi_vect[ip,0], xi_vect[ip,1], xi_vect[ip,2] N1 = (1-xi)*(1-eta)*(1-zeta)/8 N2 = (1+xi)*(1-eta)*(1-zeta)/8 N3 = (1+xi)*(1+eta)*(1-zeta)/8 N4 = (1-xi)*(1+eta)*(1-zeta)/8 N5 = (1-xi)*(1-eta)*(1+zeta)/8 N6 = (1+xi)*(1-eta)*(1+zeta)/8 N7 = (1+xi)*(1+eta)*(1+zeta)/8 N8 = (1-xi)*(1+eta)*(1+zeta)/8 Nu = np.array([ [ N1, 0, 0, N2, 0, 0, N3, 0, 0, N4, 0, 0, N5, 0, 0, N6, 0, 0, N7, 0, 0, N8, 0, 0], [ 0, N1, 0, 0, N2, 0, 0, N3, 0, 0, N4, 0, 0, N5, 0, 0, N6, 0, 0, N7, 0, 0, N8, 0], [ 0, 0, N1, 0, 0, N2, 0, 0, N3, 0, 0, N4, 0, 0, N5, 0, 0, N6, 0, 0, N7, 0, 0, N8]]) solve = np.matmul(Nu, node_field) results[e, ip, :] = solve print(f'nodal_field shape = {np.shape(results)}') return(results)
[docs] def interpolate_to_center_c3d8(node_array, mesh): '''Average a vector or tensor field from the nodes to the center of a trilinear hexahedral element (C3D8) :param array-like node_array: nodal data to be interpolated :param array-like mesh: the element connectivity for all elements :returns: dictionary of interpolated results ''' numpts = 1 numelem = np.shape(mesh)[0] results = np.zeros([numelem, numpts, 3]) for e, n in enumerate(mesh): node_field = [] for node in n: # get the field values for that node node_field.append(node_array[node-1]) #node_field = np.array(node_field).flatten(order='C') node_field = np.array(node_field) # average over node_field solve = np.mean(node_field, axis=0) results[e, 0, :] = solve print(f'nodal_field shape = {np.shape(results)}') return(results)
[docs] def parse_input(input_file, elem_path, node_path, mesh_path, collocation_option, velocities=False, accelerations=False, specific_frames=None): '''Parse the HDF5 file output by ODBextract (WAVES tool) :param str input_file: HDF5 file of Abaqus results extracted using the ODB_extract module of WAVES. :param str elem_path: HDF5 path to element data :param str node_path: HDF5 path to node data :param str mesh_path: HDF5 path to mesh data :param str collocation option: String specifying "center" to collocate to element center or "ip" for integration points :param bool velocities: Boolean whether or not to collect DNS velocity data :param bool accelerations: Boolean whether or not to collect DNS accelerations data :param list specific_frames: An optional list of frame numbers for converting XDMF data :returns: dictionary of results, list of frames, list of time increments ''' with h5py.File(input_file, 'r') as file: elem_fields = file[elem_path] node_fields = file[node_path] times = np.array(elem_fields['time']) # frames if specific_frames: num_frames = len(specific_frames) frames = [int(f) for f in specific_frames] else: num_frames = len(times) frames = [i for i in range(0, num_frames)] # get nodal locations node = np.array(file[mesh_path]['node']) node_location = np.array(file[mesh_path]['node_location']) c3d8_mesh = np.array(file[mesh_path]['C3D8_mesh']) # (1640 elem) x (8 nodes / elem) # loop over frames and get indices for each field results = {} for f in frames: # unpack element field results IVOL_elem = np.array(elem_fields['IVOL'][0][f]) # (1) x (frames) x (elem) x (8 ips) --> (elem) x (8 ips) EVOL_elem = np.array(elem_fields['EVOL'][0][f]) # (1) x (frames) x (elem) x (8 ips) --> (elem) x (8 ips), most of ips are nan S_elem = np.array(elem_fields['S'][0][f]) # (1) x (frames) x (elem) x (8 ips) x (6 comp) --> (elem) x (8 ips) x (6 comp) COORD_elem = np.array(elem_fields['COORD'][0][f]) # (1) x (frames) x (elem) x (8 ips) x (3 comp) --> (elem) x (8 ips) x (3 comp) if collocation_option == 'ip': EVOL = EVOL_elem.flatten(order='C') IVOL = IVOL_elem.flatten(order='C') COORDSx = COORD_elem[:,:,0].flatten(order='C') COORDSy = COORD_elem[:,:,1].flatten(order='C') COORDSz = COORD_elem[:,:,2].flatten(order='C') S11 = S_elem[:,:,0].flatten(order='C') S22 = S_elem[:,:,1].flatten(order='C') S33 = S_elem[:,:,2].flatten(order='C') S12 = S_elem[:,:,3].flatten(order='C') S13 = S_elem[:,:,4].flatten(order='C') S23 = S_elem[:,:,5].flatten(order='C') null = np.zeros_like(S11) elif collocation_option == 'center': EVOL = np.nansum(EVOL_elem,axis=1) IVOL = np.sum(IVOL_elem, axis=1) COORD_elem = np.mean(COORD_elem, axis=1) S_elem = np.mean(S_elem, axis=1) IVOL_elem = np.sum(IVOL_elem, axis=1) COORDSx = COORD_elem[:,0] COORDSy = COORD_elem[:,1] COORDSz = COORD_elem[:,2] S11 = S_elem[:,0] S22 = S_elem[:,1] S33 = S_elem[:,2] S12 = S_elem[:,3] S13 = S_elem[:,4] S23 = S_elem[:,5] null = np.zeros_like(S11) else: print('Specify valid collocation options') # unpack nodal fields ## 1. grab relevant nodal fields u_nodes = np.array(node_fields['U'][0][f]) if velocities == True: v_nodes = np.array(node_fields['V'][0][f]) if accelerations == True: a_nodes = np.array(node_fields['A'][0][f]) ## 2. collocate fields if collocation_option == 'ip': u_elem = interpolate_to_ip_c3d8(u_nodes, c3d8_mesh) U1, U2, U3 = u_elem[:,:,0].flatten(order='C'), u_elem[:,:,1].flatten(order='C'), u_elem[:,:,2].flatten(order='C') if velocities: v_elem = interpolate_to_ip_c3d8(v_nodes, c3d8_mesh) V1, V2, V3 = v_elem[:,:,0].flatten(order='C'), v_elem[:,:,1].flatten(order='C'), v_elem[:,:,2].flatten(order='C') else: V1, V2, V3 = null, null, null if accelerations: a_elem = interpolate_to_ip_c3d8(a_nodes, c3d8_mesh) A1, A2, A3 = a_elem[:,:,0].flatten(order='C'), a_elem[:,:,1].flatten(order='C'), a_elem[:,:,2].flatten(order='C') else: A1, A2, A3 = null, null, null elif collocation_option == 'center': u_elem = interpolate_to_center_c3d8(u_nodes, c3d8_mesh) U1, U2, U3 = u_elem[:,:,0], u_elem[:,:,1], u_elem[:,:,2] if velocities: v_elem = interpolate_to_center_c3d8(u_nodes, c3d8_mesh) V1, V2, V3 = v_elem[:,:,0], v_elem[:,:,1], v_elem[:,:,2] else: V1, V2, V3 = null, null, null if accelerations: a_elem = interpolate_to_center_c3d8(u_nodes, c3d8_mesh) A1, A2, A3 = a_elem[:,:,0], a_elem[:,:,1], a_elem[:,:,2] else: A1, A2, A3 = null, null, null else: print('Specify valid collocation options') if f == 0: COORD_ref = COORD_elem # Collect results time = times[f] result = {'time':time, 'COORDx':COORDSx, 'COORDy':COORDSy, 'COORDz':COORDSz, 'EVOL':EVOL, 'IVOL':IVOL, 'S11':S11, 'S22':S22, 'S33':S33, 'S12':S12, 'S13':S13, 'S23':S23, 'U1': U1, 'U2': U2, 'U3':U3, 'V1':V1, 'V2':V2, 'V3':V3, 'A1':A1, 'A2':A2, 'A3':A3, } results[f] = result return(results, frames, times)
[docs] def new_XDMF_writer(results, output_file, times, ref_density): '''Write XDMF file of collected ABaqus DNS results for Micromorphic Filter :param dict results: dictionary of results :param output_file: Name for XDMF file pair output for the Micromorphic Filter :param list times: Time increments of DNS :param float ref_density: The reference density of the material in g/cm^3 which is then converted to Mg/mm^3 :returns: ``{output_file}.xdmf`` and ``{outptu_file}.h5`` ''' #data_filename = os.path.join(file_path, output_file) data_filename=output_file xdmf = file_io.xdmf.XDMF(output_filename=data_filename) # get the reference positions reference_positions = [] for i, x in enumerate(results[0]['COORDx']): y = results[0]['COORDy'][i] z = results[0]['COORDz'][i] reference_positions.append([x,y,z]) reference_positions = np.array(reference_positions) ndata = reference_positions.shape[0] # get reference volumes reference_volumes = np.array([vol for vol in results[0]['IVOL']]) reference_volumes = reference_volumes.reshape((-1,1)) point_name = 'points' conn_name = 'connectivity' # get step names step_names = [key for key in results.keys()] for j, t in enumerate(times): step_name = step_names[j] print(f'step = {step_name}') # initialization stuff grid = xdmf.addGrid(xdmf.output_timegrid, {}) xdmf.addTime(grid, t) xdmf.addPoints(grid, reference_positions, duplicate=point_name) xdmf.addConnectivity(grid, "POLYVERTEX", np.array([v for v in range(ndata)]).reshape((-1,1)), duplicate=conn_name) # Get the unique positions unique_positions = [] for i, x in enumerate(results[step_name]['COORDx']): y = results[step_name]['COORDy'][i] z = results[step_name]['COORDz'][i] unique_positions.append([x, y, z]) unique_positions = np.array(unique_positions) print('unique positions', np.shape(unique_positions)) xdmf.addData(grid, "coord", unique_positions, "Node", dtype='d') # get the displacement other_displacements = unique_positions - reference_positions unique_displacements = [] for i, x, in enumerate(results[step_name]['U1']): y = results[step_name]['U2'][i] z = results[step_name]['U3'][i] unique_displacements.append([x, y, z]) unique_displacements = np.array(unique_displacements) print(f'interpolation error = {np.mean(abs(unique_displacements - other_displacements),axis=0)}') print('unique displacements', np.shape(unique_displacements)) xdmf.addData(grid, "disp", unique_displacements, "Node", dtype='d') # get the velocity unique_velocities = [] for i, x, in enumerate(results[step_name]['V1']): y = results[step_name]['V2'][i] z = results[step_name]['V3'][i] unique_velocities.append([x, y, z]) unique_velocities = np.array(unique_velocities) print(f"shape of unique velocities = {np.shape(unique_velocities)}") xdmf.addData(grid, "vel", unique_velocities, "Node", dtype='d') # get the acceleration unique_accelerations = [] for i, x, in enumerate(results[step_name]['A1']): y = results[step_name]['A2'][i] z = results[step_name]['A3'][i] unique_accelerations.append([x, y, z]) unique_accelerations = np.array(unique_accelerations) print(f"shape of unique accelerations = {np.shape(unique_accelerations)}") xdmf.addData(grid, "acc", unique_accelerations, "Node", dtype='d') # Stresses #grid_data['attributes'].update(attribute_dict) attribute_dict = {'S':{'name':'S'}} data = [] for i, s in enumerate(results[step_name]['S11']): Sxx = s Syy = results[step_name]['S22'][i] Szz = results[step_name]['S33'][i] Syz = results[step_name]['S23'][i] Sxz = results[step_name]['S13'][i] Sxy = results[step_name]['S12'][i] data.append([Sxx, Sxy, Sxz, Sxy, Syy, Syz, Sxz, Syz, Szz]) unique_stresses = np.array(data) print(f"shape of stresses = {np.shape(unique_stresses)}") xdmf.addData(grid, "stress", unique_stresses, "Node", dtype='d') # Volumes unique_volumes = np.array([vol for vol in results[step_name]['IVOL']]) unique_volumes = unique_volumes.reshape((-1,1)) print(f"shape of vol = {np.shape(unique_volumes)}") print(f"total volume = {np.sum(unique_volumes)}") xdmf.addData(grid, "volume", unique_volumes, "Node", dtype='d') # Density reference_density = ref_density * 1.e-9 unique_densities = [] for ref, cur in zip(reference_volumes, unique_volumes): J = cur / ref unique_densities.append(reference_density / J) unique_densities = np.array(unique_densities) unique_densities = unique_densities.reshape((-1,1)) print(f"shape of density = {np.shape(unique_densities)}") xdmf.addData(grid, "density", unique_densities, "Node", dtype='d') xdmf.write() print("XDMF file written!") return 0
[docs] def ODBextract_to_XDMF(input_file, output_file, elem_path, node_path, mesh_path, collocation_option, ref_density, velocities=False, accelerations=False, specific_frames=None, dump_all_33_stresses=None): '''Convert Abaqus DNS results to XDMF format :param str input_file: HDF5 file of Abaqus results extracted using the ODB_extract module of WAVES. :param str output_file: Name for XDMF file pair output for the Micromorphic Filter. :param str elem_path: HDF5 path to element data :param str node_path: HDF5 path to node data :param str mesh_path: HDF5 path to mesh data :param str collocation option: String specifying "center" to collocate to element center or "ip" for integration points :param float ref_density: The reference density of the material in g/cm^3 :param bool velocities: Boolean whether or not to collect DNS velocity data :param bool accelerations: Boolean whether or not to collect DNS accelerations data :param list specific_frames: An optional list of frame numbers for converting XDMF data :param str dump_all_33_stresses: Optional filename to dump all 33 stresses from DNS ''' # print input argmuments and values print(f'input_file = {input_file}') print(f'output_file = {output_file}') print(f'collocation_option = {collocation_option}') if specific_frames: print(f'specific_frames = {specific_frames}') # parse field output of frames from hdf5 file results, frames, times = parse_input(input_file, elem_path, node_path, mesh_path, collocation_option, velocities=velocities, accelerations=accelerations, specific_frames=specific_frames) # output contents to XDMF file pair times = [results[f]['time'] for f in results.keys()] print(f"times = {times}") print(results[0].keys()) new_XDMF_writer(results, output_file, times, ref_density) # Dump Cauchy 33 stresses to csv if dump_all_33_stresses: cauchy33 = results[frames[-1]]['S33'] df = pandas.DataFrame({'quantity': cauchy33,}) df.to_csv(dump_all_33_stresses, header=True, sep=',', index=False) return 0
def get_parser(): filename = inspect.getfile(lambda: None) basename = os.path.basename(filename) basename_without_extension, extension = os.path.splitext(basename) cli_description = "Convert Abaqus DNS results to XDMF format" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=cli_description, prog=os.path.basename(filename)) parser.add_argument('-i', '--input-file', type=str, help='Specify the input hdf5 file generated from odb_extract') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', type=str, help='Specify the output filename for the h5 + XDMF file pair') parser.add_argument('--elem-path', type=str, help='Specify the hdf5 group path to element fields') parser.add_argument('--node-path', type=str, help='Specify the hdf5 group path to nodal fields') parser.add_argument('--mesh-path', type=str, help='Specify the hdf5 group path to mesh data') parser.add_argument('-c', '--collocation-option', type=str, default="ip", help='Specify the method for collocation, either "qp" for quadrature points or "center" for element center.') parser.add_argument('--velocities', type=str, required=False, default="False", help='String specifying "True" or "False" if velocities are to be extracted') parser.add_argument('--accelerations', type=str, required=False, default="False", help='String specifying "True" or "False" if accelerations are to be extracted') parser.add_argument('--specific-frames', nargs="+", required=False, help='A list of floats corresponding to the frames to extract') parser.add_argument('--ref-density', type=float, required=False, default=2.00, help='The reference density of the material in g/cm^3') parser.add_argument('--dump-all-33-stresses', type=str, required=False, default=None, help='Optional filename to dump all 33 stresses from DNS') return parser if __name__ == '__main__': parser = get_parser() args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() sys.exit(ODBextract_to_XDMF( input_file=args.input_file, output_file=args.output_file, elem_path=args.elem_path, node_path=args.node_path, mesh_path=args.mesh_path, collocation_option=args.collocation_option, velocities=str2bool(args.velocities), accelerations=str2bool(args.accelerations), specific_frames=args.specific_frames, ref_density=args.ref_density, dump_all_33_stresses=args.dump_all_33_stresses, ))