Source code for model_package.DNS_Abaqus.build_elastic_cylinder

import sys
import os
import argparse
import inspect
import numpy as np

from part import *
from material import *
from section import *
from assembly import *
from step import *
from interaction import *
from load import *
from mesh import *
from optimization import *
from job import *
from sketch import *
from visualization import *
import inspect

[docs] def main(model_name, diam, height, seed, material_E, material_nu, material_rho, disp_fact, num_steps, BCs): '''Creates, partitions, and meshes an Abaqus model of an elastic cylinder. Material properties, boundary conditions, and loads are applied. The complete Abaqus job is written as an input file (.inp). :param str model_name: The name of the Abaqus model :param float diam: The diameter of the cylinder :param float height: The height of the cylinder :param float seed: The approximate global seed size for meshing :param float material_E: The elastic modulus of the material :param float material_nu: The Poisson ratio of the material :param float material_rho: The density (g/cm^3) of the material. This value will be multiplied by 1.00e-9 to convert to units of tonne/mm^3 :param float disp_fact: The multiplicative factor of the sample height by which the model will be compressed :param int num_steps: The fixed number of steps to simulate :param str BCs: The type of boundary conditions, either "slip" or "clamp" :returns: write ``model_name``.cae and ``model_name``.inp **Node sets:** * ``ALL NODES`` - all nodes of the meshed domain. * ``BOTTOM`` - nodes of the bottom z-face of the rectangular domain. * ``LOAD_HERE`` - fictious node kinematically coupled to the TOP nodeset used for load application and force summation. * ``TOP`` - nodes of the top z-face of the rectangular domain. * ``X-PLANE`` - nodes of central plane of rectangular domain with normal in the x-direction. * ``Y-PLANE`` - nodes of central plane of rectangular domain with normal in the y-direction. * ``BINDER_SET`` - nodes associated with cylindrical binder region. * ``VOID_SET`` - nodes associated with outer void region. **Element sets:** * ``ALL ELEMENTS`` - all elements of the meshed domain. * ``BOTTOM`` - elements of the bottom z-face of the rectangular domain. * ``TOP`` - elements of the top z-face of the rectangular domain. * ``X-PLANE`` - elements of central plane of rectangular domain with normal in the x-direction. * ``Y-PLANE`` - elements of central plane of rectangular domain with normal in the y-direction. * ``BINDER_SET`` - elements associated with cylindrical binder region. * ``VOID_SET`` - elements associated with outer void region. * ``SET_1`` - elements in first octant of rectangular domain. Micro-domain set #1. * ``SET_2`` - elements in second octant of rectangular domain. Micro-domain set #2. * ``SET_3`` - elements in third octant of rectangular domain. Micro-domain set #3. * ``SET_4`` - elements in fourth octant of rectangular domain. Micro-domain set #4. * ``SET_5`` - elements in fifth octant of rectangular domain. Micro-domain set #5. * ``SET_6`` - elements in sixth octant of rectangular domain. Micro-domain set #6. * ``SET_7`` - elements in seventh octant of rectangular domain. Micro-domain set #7. * ``SET_8`` - elements in eighth octant of rectangular domain. Micro-domain set #8. ''' # === Parameters === modelName_1 = model_name material_rho = material_rho*(1.0e-9) disp = disp_fact*height # 1% nominal strain tol = 0.001 # === ASSERTIONS === assert diam > 0.0 assert height > 0.0 assert seed > 0.0 assert material_E > 0.0 assert material_rho > 0.0 assert num_steps > 0 # === Create model === modelName = modelName_1 viewportName = session.Viewport(name=modelName) viewportName.makeCurrent() viewportName.maximize() Model = mdb.Model(name=modelName) # === Create Initial Parts Before Boolean Merge === ## Cylinder rad = diam/2 sketch = Model.ConstrainedSketch(name='__profile__', sheetSize=200.0) sketch.CircleByCenterPerimeter( center=(0.0, 0.0), point1=(0.0, rad)) cylinder = Model.Part(dimensionality=THREE_D, name='cylinder', type=DEFORMABLE_BODY) cylinder.BaseSolidExtrude(depth=height, sketch=sketch) del sketch # === Assemble and Merge === assembly = Model.rootAssembly assembly.DatumCsysByDefault(CARTESIAN) ## Create instances for cube and cylinder assembly.Instance(dependent=ON, name='cylinder-1',['cylinder']) part = cylinder ## define top and bottom sets assembly.Set(name='top', faces=assembly.instances['cylinder-1'].faces.findAt( ((tol, tol, height),), ((rad+tol, rad+tol, height),)) ) assembly.Set(name='bottom', faces=assembly.instances['cylinder-1'].faces.findAt( ((tol, tol, 0.),), ((rad+tol, rad+tol, 0.),)) ) # === MATERIALS and Sections === binder = Model.Material(name='binder') binder.Elastic(table=((material_E, material_nu), )) binder.Density(table=((material_rho, ), )) Model.HomogeneousSolidSection(material='binder', name='binder', thickness=None) part.Set(name='binder_set', cells=part.cells.findAt(((0.0, 0.0, tol),),) ) part.SectionAssignment(offset=0.0, offsetField='', offsetType=MIDDLE_SURFACE, region=part.sets['binder_set'], sectionName='binder', thicknessAssignment=FROM_SECTION) # === MESH === ## Partition W = diam H2 = height/2 width = diam/2 part.PartitionCellByPlaneThreePoints( cells=part.cells.getByBoundingBox(xMin=-W,xMax=W,yMin=-W,yMax=W,zMin=-W,zMax=W), point1=part.InterestingPoint(part.edges[0],MIDDLE), point2=part.vertices[0], point3=part.vertices[1]) part.PartitionCellByPlanePointNormal( cells=part.cells.getByBoundingBox(xMin=-W,xMax=W,yMin=-W,yMax=W,zMin=-W,zMax=W), normal=part.edges[0], point=part.InterestingPoint(part.edges[4], CENTER)) part.PartitionCellByPlanePointNormal( cells=part.cells.getByBoundingBox(xMin=-W,xMax=W,yMin=-W,yMax=W,zMin=-W,zMax=W), normal=part.edges[5], point=part.InterestingPoint(part.edges[5], MIDDLE)) ## Mesh part.setElementType(elemTypes=( ElemType(elemCode=C3D8, elemLibrary=STANDARD, secondOrderAccuracy=OFF, distortionControl=DEFAULT), ElemType(elemCode=C3D6, elemLibrary=STANDARD), ElemType(elemCode=C3D4, elemLibrary=STANDARD)), regions=(part.cells.getByBoundingBox(xMin=-W,xMax=W,yMin=-W,yMax=W,zMin=-W,zMax=W),)) part.seedPart(deviationFactor=0.1, minSizeFactor=0.1, size=seed) part.generateMesh() # === MICRODOMAINS === nodes = get_nodes(part) centroids = get_centroids(part,nodes) A = -width B = 0. C = width uDomain_1 = get_sets(part,B,C,A,B,0.,H2, centroids, 'Set_1') uDomain_2 = get_sets(part,B,C,B,C,0.,H2, centroids, 'Set_2') uDomain_3 = get_sets(part,A,B,B,C,0.,H2, centroids, 'Set_3') uDomain_4 = get_sets(part,A,B,A,B,0.,H2, centroids, 'Set_4') uDomain_5 = get_sets(part,B,C,A,B,H2,2*H2, centroids, 'Set_5') uDomain_6 = get_sets(part,B,C,B,C,H2,2*H2, centroids, 'Set_6') uDomain_7 = get_sets(part,A,B,B,C,H2,2*H2, centroids, 'Set_7') uDomain_8 = get_sets(part,A,B,A,B,H2,2*H2, centroids, 'Set_8') all = get_sets(part,A,C,A,C,0.,height, centroids, 'ALL') ## Get mid planes for symmetry! assembly.Set(name='y-plane', faces=assembly.instances['cylinder-1'].faces.findAt( ((A+tol, 0.0, tol),), ((C-tol, 0.0, tol),), ((-tol, 0.0, tol),), ((tol, 0.0, tol),), ((A+tol, 0.0, H2+tol),), ((C-tol, 0.0, H2+tol),), ((-tol, 0.0, H2+tol),), ((tol, 0.0, H2+tol), ),) ) assembly.Set(name='x-plane', faces=assembly.instances['cylinder-1'].faces.findAt( ((0.0, A+tol, tol),), ((0.0, C-tol, tol),), ((0.0, -tol, tol),), ((0.0, tol, tol),), ((0.0, A+tol, H2+tol),), ((0.0, C-tol, H2+tol),), ((0.0, -tol, H2+tol),), ((0.0, tol, H2+tol), ),) ) # === STEP, LOADS, BCs, ETC. === Model.StaticStep(initialInc=(1./num_steps), name='load', nlgeom=OFF, noStop=OFF, previous='Initial', timeIncrementationMethod=FIXED) ## Fix if BCs == 'slip': ### Bottom Model.DisplacementBC( amplitude=UNSET, createStepName='Initial', distributionType=UNIFORM, fieldName='', localCsys=None, name='fix', region=Model.rootAssembly.sets['bottom'], u1=UNSET, u2=UNSET, u3=SET, ur1=UNSET, ur2=UNSET, ur3=UNSET) ### x-plane Model.DisplacementBC(amplitude=UNSET, createStepName='Initial', distributionType=UNIFORM, fieldName='', localCsys=None, name='fix_x-plane', region=assembly.sets['x-plane'], u1=SET, u2=UNSET, u3=UNSET, ur1=UNSET, ur2=UNSET, ur3=UNSET) ### y-plane Model.DisplacementBC(amplitude=UNSET, createStepName='Initial', distributionType=UNIFORM, fieldName='', localCsys=None, name='fix_y-plane', region=assembly.sets['y-plane'], u1=UNSET, u2=SET, u3=UNSET, ur1=UNSET, ur2=UNSET, ur3=UNSET) elif BCs == 'clamp': ### Bottom Model.DisplacementBC( amplitude=UNSET, createStepName='Initial', distributionType=UNIFORM, fieldName='', localCsys=None, name='clamp', region=Model.rootAssembly.sets['bottom'], u1=SET, u2=SET, u3=SET, ur1=UNSET, ur2=UNSET, ur3=UNSET) ### Top Model.DisplacementBC( amplitude=UNSET, createStepName='Initial', distributionType=UNIFORM, fieldName='', localCsys=None, name='fix_lateral', region=Model.rootAssembly.sets['top'], u1=SET, u2=SET, u3=UNSET, ur1=UNSET, ur2=UNSET, ur3=UNSET) else: print('Specify a valid BC type!') ## RP assembly.ReferencePoint(point=(0.0, 0.0, 1.1*height)) assembly.Set(name='load_here', referencePoints=(assembly.referencePoints.values()[-1],)) Model.Equation(name='Constraint-1', terms=((1.0, 'top', 3), (-1.0, 'load_here', 3))) # Prescribed Displacement Model.DisplacementBC( amplitude=UNSET, createStepName='load', distributionType=UNIFORM, fieldName='', fixed=OFF, localCsys=None, name='load', region=assembly.sets['load_here'], u3=-1*disp, ur1=UNSET, ur2=UNSET, ur3=UNSET) # output requests ''' Make sure that you edit the KEYWORDS so that only 'U' is sampled at the nodes! Make extra sure that 'COORD' is sampled at the element level!!!!! ''' Model.fieldOutputRequests['F-Output-1'].setValues( variables=('S', 'U', 'EVOL', 'IVOL', 'COORD')) # Model.FieldOutputRequest(createStepName='load', # name='F-Output-2', timeInterval=(1./num_steps), variables=('S', 'U', 'EVOL', # 'IVOL', 'COORD')) Model.HistoryOutputRequest(createStepName='load', name='LOAD_HERE', rebar=EXCLUDE, region=assembly.sets['load_here'], sectionPoints=DEFAULT, variables=('U3', 'RT')) mdb.saveAs(pathName='{}.cae'.format(modelName)) # === Create Job === #jobName = modelName + '_job' jobName = modelName mdb.Job(model=modelName, name=modelName)[jobName].writeInput() return 0
[docs] def get_nodes(part): '''Collect all nodes and nodal coordinates for a given Abaqus part. :param object part: the Abaqus model database (mdb) part to operate on. :returns: dictionary of nodes and nodal coordinates. ''' dict = {} nodes = part.nodes[:] for node in nodes: #print(node.label) x = node.coordinates[0] y = node.coordinates[1] z = node.coordinates[2] dict[node.label]=[x,y,z] return(dict)
[docs] def get_centroids(part, nodes): '''Calculate centroids of all elements for a given Abaqus part. :param object part: the Abaqus model database (mdb) part to operate on. :param dict nodes: Dictionary of nodes and nodal coordinates. :returns: dictionary of elements and element centroid coordinates. ''' dict = {} elements=part.elements[:] for e in elements: #print(e.label) #print(e.connectivity) label = e.label c_x, c_y, c_z = [],[],[] for c in e.connectivity: c = c+1 #print(c) c_x.append(nodes[c][0]) c_y.append(nodes[c][1]) c_z.append(nodes[c][2]) g_x = np.mean(c_x) g_y = np.mean(c_y) g_z = np.mean(c_z) dict[label]=[g_x,g_y,g_z] return(dict)
[docs] def get_sets(part, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, zMin, zMax, centroids, set_name): '''Generate element set for all elements with centroids contained within a minimum and maximum range of x-, y-, and z-coordinates. :param object part: the Abaqus model database (mdb) part to operate on. :param float xMin: minimum coordinate in x-direction :param float xMax: maximum coordinate in x-direction :param float yMin: minimum coordinate in y-direction :param float yMax: maximum coordinate in y-direction :param float zMin: minimum coordinate in z-direction :param float zMax: maximum coordinate in z-direction :param dict centroids: dictionary of element IDs and associated coordinates of centroid :param str set_name: name of output element set :returns: tuple of element labels to include in new set. Part level element set is generated. ''' set_elems=[] elements = part.elements[:] for e in elements: flag = True g_x, g_y, g_z = centroids[e.label] if (g_x < xMin) or (g_x > xMax): flag = False if (g_y < yMin) or (g_y > yMax): flag = False if (g_z < zMin) or (g_z > zMax): flag = False # final if flag == True: set_elems.append(e.label) set_elem = tuple(set_elems) part.SetFromElementLabels(name=set_name, elementLabels=set_elem) return(set_elem)
def get_parser(): filename = inspect.getfile(lambda: None) basename = os.path.basename(filename) # set description and program prog = "abaqus cae -noGui {} -- ".format(basename) cli_description = "Create an Abaqus model of an elastic cylinder under static compression" # add parser arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=cli_description, prog=prog) parser.add_argument('--model-name', type=str, required=True, help='Specify the name of the model') parser.add_argument('--diam', type=float, required=True, help='Specify the diameter (mm) of the cylinder') parser.add_argument('--height', type=float, required=True, help='Specify the height (mm) of the cylinder') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=float, required=True, help='Specify the approximate global seed size (mm) for meshing') parser.add_argument('--material-E', type=float, required=True, help='Specify the elastic modulus (MPa) of the material') parser.add_argument('--material-nu', type=float, required=True, help='Specify the Poisson ratio of the material') parser.add_argument('--material-rho', type=float, required=True, help='Specify the density (g/cm^3) of the material. This value will be multiplied by 1.00e-9 to convert to units of tonne/mm^3') parser.add_argument('--disp-fact', type=float, required=True, help='Specify the multiplicative factor of the sample height by which the \ model will be compressed') parser.add_argument('--num-steps', type=int, required=True, help='Specify the fixed number of steps to simulate') parser.add_argument('--BCs', type=str, required=True, help='The type of boundary conditions, either "slip" or "clamp"') return parser if __name__ == '__main__': parser = get_parser() # Abaqus does not strip the CAE options, so we have to skip the unknown options related args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() sys.exit(main(model_name=args.model_name, diam=args.diam, height=args.height, seed=args.seed, material_E=args.material_E, material_nu=args.material_nu, material_rho=args.material_rho, disp_fact=args.disp_fact, num_steps=args.num_steps, BCs=args.BCs, ))