Source code for model_package.DNS_Abaqus.dynamic_analytical_comparison

import sys
import argparse
import pathlib
import yaml
import math

import xarray
import pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot
import h5py
import numpy

[docs] def meirovitch(x, t, c, nmax, L): '''Calculate the analytical Meirovitch solution for the dynamic bar problem. :param float x: The location on the bar to calculate the solution :param linspace t: The discrete time points to calculate the solution :param float c: The speed of sound of the bar :param int nmax: The number of series expansion terms to calculat the solution :param float L: The length of the bar :returns: A list of solutions at point `x` for times `t` ''' n_sum = numpy.zeros_like(t) for n in range(1, nmax): term1 = ((-1)**(n-1))/((2.*n-1)**2) trig_fact = ((2.*n-1)*math.pi)/(2.*L) sin_term = numpy.sin(trig_fact*x) cos_term = numpy.cos(trig_fact*c*t) n_sum = n_sum + term1*sin_term*(1. - cos_term) return(n_sum)
[docs] def plot(input_file, output_file, x_path, y_path, x_label, y_label, x_units, y_units, height, diam, material_E, material_rho, total_force, duration, num_steps, csv_file=None, series_plot=None): '''Extracts displacement and reaction force history from Abaqus results. Plots Abaqus results against an analytical solution. Optionally outputs csv_file containing results. Optionally outputs a plot of the converge of the analytical solution. :param str input_file: The HDF5 dataset file containing Abaqus results :param str output_file: The output file for plotting :param str x_path: The HDF5 path to the x data :param str y_path: The HDF5 path to the y data :param str x_label: The label (without units) for the x data :param str y_label: The label (without units) for the y data :param str x_units: The independent (x-axis) units string :param str y_units: The dependent (y-axis) units string :param float height: The height (mm) of the cylinder. This values will be multiplied by 1.e-3 to convert to units of m :param float diam: The diameter (mm) of the cylinder. This values will be multiplied by 1.e-3 to convert to units of m :param float material_E: The elastic modulus (MPa) of the material. This value will be multiplied by 1.6 to convert to units of Pa :param float material_rho: The density (g/cm^3) of the material. This value will be multiplied by 1.00e3 to convert to units of kg/m^3 :param float total_force: The force (N) applied to cylinder :param float duration: The duration of the simulation :param int num_steps: The number of fixed time increments :param str csv_file: Name of output CSV file :param str series_plot: Name of the output series convergence plot for summation terms :returns: ``output_file`` and optionally ``csv_file`` and ``series_plot`` ''' f = h5py.File(input_file[0]) X = numpy.array(f[x_path]).flatten() Y = numpy.array(f[y_path]).flatten() # generate analytical solution density = material_rho*1.e3 d = diam*1.e-3 L = height*1.e-3 area = 0.25*math.pi*d*d Young = material_E*1.e6 speed = numpy.sqrt(Young/density) x=L param1=8*total_force*L/(Young*area*math.pi*math.pi) time = numpy.linspace(0, duration, num_steps) u_sum = 0 u_sum = meirovitch(x, time, speed, 201, L) u_displ = 1000*param1*u_sum # Plot matplotlib.pyplot.plot(X, -1*Y, '-', label='numerical') matplotlib.pyplot.plot(time, u_displ, '-', label='analytical') matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel(f"{x_label} ({x_units})") matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel(f"-1*{y_label} ({y_units})") matplotlib.pyplot.legend() matplotlib.pyplot.title(None) matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout() matplotlib.pyplot.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='x', scilimits=(0,0)) matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(output_file) if csv_file: headers = ["numerical_time, numerical_disp, analytical_time, analytical_disp"] output = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.array([X,-1*Y,time,1000*u_displ]).T, columns=headers) output.to_csv(csv_file, sep=',', index=False) if series_plot: f1 = (1/(4*L))*speed t = 1/(2*f1) plot_series_convergence(L, t, speed, L, series_plot) return 0
[docs] def plot_series_convergence(x, t, speed, L, output_name): '''Plot the convergence of the Meirovitch solution over a range of terms :param float x: The location on the bar to calculate the solution :param linspace t: The discrete time points to calculate the solution :param float speed: The speed of sound of the bar :param float L: The length of the bar :param str output_name: Name of the output series convergence plot for summation terms :returns: ``output_name`` ''' ns = list(range(1,1001)) ns = ns + [2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 50000, 100000] #solutions = numpy.zeros_like(ns) solutions = [] #for i, ni in enumerate(ns): for ni in ns: #solutions[i] = meirovitch(x, t, speed, ni, L) solutions.append(meirovitch(x, t, speed, ni, L)) print(f'converged sum = {solutions[-1]}') fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) ax.plot(ns, solutions) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlabel('n') ax.set_ylabel(r"Sum, $\bar{N} \left(x = L, t = \frac{T}{2}\right)$") matplotlib.pyplot.title(None) matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout() matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(output_name) return 0
def get_parser(): script_name = pathlib.Path(__file__) default_output_file = f"{script_name.stem}.png" prog = f"python {} " cli_description = "Plot dynamic Abaqus results against an analytical solution" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=cli_description, prog=prog) required_named = parser.add_argument_group('required named arguments') required_named.add_argument("-i", "--input-file", nargs="+", required=True, help="The HDF5 dataset file containing Abaqus results") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-file", type=str, default=default_output_file, help="The output file for plotting") required_named.add_argument("--x-path", type=str, required=True, help="The HDF5 path to the x data") required_named.add_argument("--y-path", type=str, required=True, help="The HDF5 path to the y data") required_named.add_argument("--x-label", type=str, required=True, help="The label (without units) for the x data") required_named.add_argument("--y-label", type=str, required=True, help="The label (without units) for the y data.") required_named.add_argument("--x-units", type=str, required=True, help="The dependent (x-axis) units string.") required_named.add_argument("--y-units", type=str, required=True, help="The independent (y-axis) units string.") parser.add_argument('--diam', type=float, help='Specify the diameter (mm) of the cylinder. This values will be multiplied by 1.e-3 to convert to units of m') parser.add_argument('--height', type=float, help='Specify the height (mm) of the cylinder. This values will be multiplied by 1.e-3 to convert to units of m') parser.add_argument('--material-E', type=float, help='Specify the elastic modulus (MPa) of the material. This value will be multiplied by 1.6 to convert to units of Pa.') parser.add_argument('--material-rho', type=float, help='Specify the density (g/cm^3) of the material. This value will be multiplied by 1.00e3 to convert to units of kg/m^3') parser.add_argument('--total-force', type=float, help='Specify the force (N) applied to cylinder.') parser.add_argument('--duration', type=float, help='Specify the duration of the simulation.') parser.add_argument('--num-steps', type=int, help='Specify the number of fixed time increments.') required_named.add_argument("--csv-file", type=str, help="Name of output CSV file.") required_named.add_argument("--series-plot", type=str, help="Name of the output series convergence plot for summation terms.") return parser if __name__ == "__main__": parser = get_parser() args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() sys.exit(plot(input_file=args.input_file, output_file=args.output_file, x_path=args.x_path, y_path=args.y_path, x_label=args.x_label, y_label=args.y_label, x_units=args.x_units, y_units=args.y_units, diam=args.diam, height=args.height, material_E=args.material_E, material_rho=args.material_rho, total_force=args.total_force, duration=args.duration, num_steps=args.num_steps, csv_file=args.csv_file, series_plot=args.series_plot, ))