Source code for model_package.config_software

#! /usr/bin/env python

import sys
import os
import argparse
import pathlib
import yaml

import subprocess

[docs] def config_software(config_file): '''Configure software paths in a YAML file :param str config_file: The YAML file to write software paths :returns: Writes or updates ``config_file`` ''' # Check if config file exists if os.path.exists(config_file): print(f'Config file found {config_file}!') stream = open(config_file, 'r') program_paths = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) stream.close() else: new_config_file_query = str(input(f'Make new config file at {config_file} (y/n)?: ')) if new_config_file_query == 'y': print('WARNING! To use this new config file, the SConstruct must be modified to use it') print('Generating new config file') program_paths = {'Abaqus': [''], 'Cubit': [''], 'Ratel': [''], 'filter': [''], 'micromorphic': [''], 'constraints': [''], 'Tardigrade': [''], 'LD_PATH': [''], 'mpi': [''], 'paraview': [''], } # Ask for new program paths for program in program_paths.keys(): if os.path.exists(program_paths[program][-1]): print(f'{program} program found') add_program_query = str(input("\tAdd a new program path (y/n)?: ")) if add_program_query == 'y': new_program_path = str(input(f"\tSpecify additional path for {program}: ")) if os.path.exists(new_program_path) == False: print('\tProgram not found!') else: print('\tProgram found! Adding to {config_file}') program_paths[program].append(new_program_path) else: print(f'{program} program not found') add_program_query = str(input("\tAdd a new program path (y/n)?: ")) if add_program_query == 'y': new_program_path = str(input(f"\tSpecify path for {program}: ")) if os.path.exists(new_program_path) == False: print('\tProgram not found!') else: print('\tProgram found! Adding to {config_file}') if len(program_paths[program][-1]) > 1: program_paths[program].append(new_program_path) else: program_paths[program] = [new_program_path] # Write the config file with open(config_file, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(program_paths, f) # Force git to ignore changes to config.yml[f'git update-index --assume-unchanged {config_file}'], shell=True) return 0
def get_parser(): script_name = pathlib.Path(__file__) cli_description = "Configure software paths in a YAML file" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=cli_description) parser.add_argument('--config-file', type=str, required=True, help="The YAML file to write software paths") return parser if __name__ == "__main__": parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() sys.exit(config_software(config_file=args.config_file))