Source code for model_package.xdmf_reader_tools

import sys
import inspect
import os
import argparse
import numpy as np
import h5py
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from scipy.linalg import norm
from scipy.linalg import polar
import argparse

[docs] def get_attribute_data(xml_node, path='.'): '''Collect attribute data from xml formatted file :param node xml_node: The xml child node containing path to attribute data :param str path: a path for locating data within an HDF5 file, default='.' :returns: value and keyname of attribute data ''' if ("Attribute" != xml_node.tag): raise ValueError("XML node is not of type 'Attribute'") value = None for child in xml_node: if "DataItem" == child.tag: value, keyname = read_data(child, path=path) break return value, keyname
[docs] def get_set(xml_node, path='.'): '''Collect set data from xml formatted file :param node xml_node: The xml child node containing path to attribute data :param str path: a path for locating data within an HDF5 file, default='.' :returns: value of set data ''' if ("Set" != xml_node.tag): raise ValueError("XML node is not of type 'Set'") for child in xml_node: if "DataItem" == child.tag: value = read_data(child, path=path) break return value
[docs] def get_geometry(xml_node, path='.'): '''Collect geometry data from xml formatted file :param node xml_node: The xml child node containing path to geometry data :param str path: a path for locating data within an HDF5 file, default='.' :returns: value of geometry data ''' if ("Geometry" != xml_node.tag): raise ValueError( "XML node is not of type 'Geometry'") for child in xml_node: if "DataItem" == child.tag: value = read_data(child, path=path) break return value
[docs] def get_topology(xml_node, path='.'): '''Collect topology data from xml formatted file :param node xml_node: The xml child node containing path to topology data :param str path: a path for locating data within an HDF5 file, default='.' :returns: value of topology data ''' if ("Topology" != xml_node.tag): raise ValueError( "XML node is not of type 'Topology'") for child in xml_node: if "DataItem" == child.tag: value = read_data(child, path=path) break return value
[docs] def read_data(xml_node, path='.'): '''Collect data from HDF5 file using path specified in xml formatted XDMF file :param node xml_node: The xml child node containing path to data :param str path: a path for locating data within an HDF5 file, default='.' :returns: value of topology data ''' if ("DataItem" != xml_node.tag): raise ValueError("XML node is not of type 'DataItem'") shape = [int(v) for v in xml_node.attrib["Dimensions"].split()] if xml_node.attrib["Format"] == "XML": value = np.hstack([np.array(line.split()).astype(dtype) for line in xml_node.text.split("\n")]).reshape(shape) else: filename, keyname = xml_node.text.split(':') with h5py.File(os.path.join(path, filename), 'r') as h5file: value = np.array(h5file[keyname]).reshape(shape) return value, keyname
[docs] def parse_xdmf_output(input_file): '''Parse XDMF and HDF5 file contents into attributes, geometry, topology, and time :param str input_file: The XDMF filename :returns: dictionaries for simulation data, geometry, and topology ''' tree = ET.parse(input_file) root = tree.getroot() data, geometry, topology = {}, {}, {} for domain in root: for collection in domain: if collection.tag != "Grid": continue for grid in collection: if grid.tag != "Grid": continue for child in grid: # Attribute if ("Attribute" == child.tag): name = child.attrib["Name"] value, keyname = get_attribute_data(child) if keyname in data.keys(): data[keyname].append(value) else: data.update({keyname:[value]}) # Geometry if ("Geometry" == child.tag): name = "geometry" value = get_geometry(child) if name in geometry.keys(): geometry[name].append(value) else: geometry.update({name:[value]}) #Topology if ("Topology" == child.tag): name = "topology" value = get_topology(child) if name in topology.keys(): topology[name].append(value) else: topology.update({name:[value]}) # Time if ("Time" == child.tag): name = "time" value = float(child.attrib['Value']) if name in data.keys(): data[name].append(value) else: data.update({name:[value]}) return(dict([(name, np.vstack(data[name])) for name in data.keys()]), geometry, topology)
[docs] def construct_degrees_of_freedom(data, nqp, nel, dim = 3): '''Collect quadrature point data for displacement, displacement gradient, micro-displacement, and micro-displacement gradient from Micromorphic Filter output :param dict data: The data dictionary containing output from Micromorphic Filter :param int nqp: The number of quadrature points :param int nel: The number of elements :param int dim: The number of spatial dimensions, default=3 :returns: dictionaries for displacement, displacement gradient, micro-displacement, and micro-displacement gradient ''' ninc = np.shape(data['time'])[0] displacement, grad_u, phi, grad_phi = {}, {}, {}, {} for qp in range(nqp): #for el in range(nel): # collect the displacement values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim)) for t in range(ninc): root_string = f'displacement_qpt_{qp}_{t}' values[t,:,:] = data[root_string] displacement.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) # collect the gradient of the macro deformation values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim)) for t in range(ninc): root_string = f'current_displacement_gradient_qpt_{qp}_{t}' values[t,:,:,:] = data[root_string].reshape((nel, dim,dim)) grad_u.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) # collect the micro deformation values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim)) for t in range(ninc): root_string = f'micro_displacement_qpt_{qp}_{t}' values[t,:,:,:] = data[root_string].reshape((nel, dim,dim)) phi.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) # collect the gradient of the micro deformation values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim, dim)) for t in range(ninc): root_string = f'current_micro_displacement_gradient_qpt_{qp}_{t}' values[t,:,:,:,:] = data[root_string].reshape((nel,dim,dim,dim)) grad_phi.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) return(displacement, grad_u, phi, grad_phi)
[docs] def collect_stresses(data, nqp, nel, dim=3): '''Collect quadrature point data for Cauchy, symmetric micro-, and higher order stresses from Micromorphic Filter output (all in current configuration) :param dict data: The data dictionary containing output from Micromorphic Filter :param int nqp: The number of quadrature points :param int nel: The number of elements :param int dim: The number of spatial dimensions, default=3 :returns: dictionaries for Cauchy, symmetric micro-, and higher order stresses ''' ninc = np.shape(data['time'])[0] cauchy_stress, symmetric_micro_stress, higher_order_stress = {}, {}, {} for qp in range(nqp): # Collect the Cauchy Stress values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim)) for t in range(ninc): root_string = f'cauchy_stress_{qp}_{t}' values[t,:,:,:] = data[root_string].reshape((nel,dim,dim)) cauchy_stress.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) # collect the symmetric micro stress values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim)) for t in range(ninc): root_string = f'symmetric_micro_stress_{qp}_{t}' values[t,:,:,:] = data[root_string].reshape((nel,dim,dim)) symmetric_micro_stress.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) # collect the higher order stress values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim, dim)) for t in range(ninc): root_string = f'higher_order_stress_{qp}_{t}' values[t,:,:,:,:] = data[root_string].reshape((nel,dim,dim,dim)) higher_order_stress.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) return(cauchy_stress, symmetric_micro_stress, higher_order_stress)
[docs] def get_reference_configuration_stresses(data, nqp, nel, dim=3): '''Map Cauchy, symmetric micro-, and higher order stresses to the reference configuraiton :param dict data: The data dictionary containing output from Micromorphic Filter :param int nqp: The number of quadrature points :param int nel: The number of elements :param int dim: The number of spatial dimensions, default=3 :returns: dictionaries for Second Piola Kirchhoff, Symmetric micro-, and Higher order stresses (all in reference configuration) ''' position, grad_u, phi, grad_phi = construct_degrees_of_freedom(data, nqp, nel, dim=dim) cauchy_stress, symmetric_micro_stress, higher_order_stress = collect_stresses(data, nqp, nel, dim=dim) PK2, SIGMA, M = {}, {}, {} ninc = np.shape(data['time'])[0] for qp in range(nqp): PK2.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim))}) SIGMA.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim))}) M.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim, dim))}) for inc in range(ninc): for el in range(nel): # construct the deformation gradient F = grad_u[qp][inc,el,:,:] + np.eye(dim) Finv = np.linalg.inv(F) J = np.linalg.det(F) # construct the micro-displacement chi = phi[qp][inc,el,:,:] + np.eye(dim) chiinv = np.linalg.inv(chi) # pull back (right??) PK2[qp][inc,el,:,:] = J*np.einsum("Kk,kl,Ll->KL", Finv, cauchy_stress[qp][inc,el,:,:], Finv) SIGMA[qp][inc,el,:,:] = J*np.einsum("Kk,kl,Ll->KL", Finv, symmetric_micro_stress[qp][inc,el,:,:], Finv) M[qp][inc,el,:,:,:] = J*np.einsum("Kk,Ll,Mm,klm->KLM", Finv, Finv, chiinv, higher_order_stress[qp][inc,el,:,:,:]) return(PK2, SIGMA, M)
[docs] def map_sim(stress, ninc, dim=3): '''Map a flattened 2nd order stress tensor to index component notation. This function is used for converting output from ``micromorphic.evaluate_model`` to a convenient form for post-processing against Micromorphic Filter output data. :param dict stress: The dictionary of flattened 2nd order stress tensor :param int ninc: The number of time increments :param int dim: The number of spatial dimensions, default=3 :returns: dictionary with reshaped stress data ''' # ignore m and M for now!!! nel = 1 nqp = len([key for key in stress.keys()]) new_stress = {} for qp in range(nqp): new_stress.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim))}) k = 0 for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): new_stress[qp][:,:,i,j] = stress[qp][:,:,k] k = k + 1 return(new_stress)
[docs] def get_current_configuration_stresses(PK2, SIGMA, grad_u, phi, dim=3): '''Convert Second Piola Kirchhoff and Symmetric micro- stresses to the current configuration :param dict PK2: A dictionary containing Second Piola Kirchhoff stress data :param dict SIGMA: A dictionary containing Symmetric micro-stress data :param dict grad_u: A dictionary containing displacement gradient data :param dict phi: A dicionary containing micro displacement data :param int dim: The number of spatial dimensions, default=3 :returns: dictionaries for Cauchy and symmetric micro-stresses (all in current configuration) ''' # ignore m and M for now!!! ninc = PK2[0].shape[0] nel = PK2[0].shape[1] nqp = len([key for key in PK2.keys()]) cauchy, symm, m = {}, {}, {} for qp in range(nqp): cauchy.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim))}) symm.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim))}) m.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim, dim))}) for inc in range(ninc): for el in range(nel): # construct the deformation gradient F = grad_u[qp][inc,el,:,:] + np.eye(dim) Ft = np.transpose(F) J = np.linalg.det(F) # construct the micro-displacement chi = phi[qp][inc,el,:,:] + np.eye(dim) # push forward, for m use eq. 3.33 in Miller Thesis cauchy[qp][inc,el,:,:] = (1./J)*np.einsum("kK,KL,Ll->kl", F, PK2[qp][inc,el,:,:], Ft) symm[qp][inc,el,:,:] = (1./J)*np.einsum("kK,KL,Ll->kl", F, SIGMA[qp][inc,el,:,:], Ft) #m[qp][inc,el,:,:,:] = (1./J)*np.einsum("kK,lL,mM,KLM->klm", F, Ft, chi, M[qp][inc,el,:,:,:]) return(cauchy, symm)
[docs] def compute_deformations(data, nqp, nel, dim=3): '''Compute quadrature point data for a variety of deformation measures :param dict data: The data dictionary containing output from Micromorphic Filter :param int nqp: The number of quadrature points :param int nel: The number of elements :param int dim: The number of spatial dimensions, default=3 :returns: dictionaries for Green-Lagrange strain, Micro-Green-Lagrange strain, micro-deformation gradient, deformation gradient, micro-deformation tensor, gradient of micro-deformation tensor, Euler-Almansi strain, and Hencky strain ''' position, grad_u, phi, grad_phi = construct_degrees_of_freedom(data, nqp, nel, dim=dim) GreenLagrangeStrain, MicroGreenLagrangeStrain, Gamma = {}, {}, {} all_F, all_chi, all_grad_chi = {}, {}, {} EulerAlmansiStrain, HenckyStrain = {}, {} ninc = np.shape(data['time'])[0] for qp in range(nqp): GreenLagrangeStrain.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc,nel,dim,dim))}) MicroGreenLagrangeStrain.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc,nel,dim,dim))}) Gamma.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim, dim))}) all_F.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc,nel,dim,dim))}) all_chi.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc,nel,dim,dim))}) all_grad_chi.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim, dim))}) EulerAlmansiStrain.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc,nel,dim,dim))}) HenckyStrain.update({qp:np.zeros((ninc,nel,dim,dim))}) for inc in range(ninc): for el in range(nel): # calculate some intermediate terms F = grad_u[qp][inc,el,:,:] + np.eye(dim) Finv = np.linalg.inv(F) FT = np.transpose(F) FTinv = np.transpose(Finv) b =, FT) binv = np.linalg.inv(b) chi = phi[qp][inc,el,:,:] + np.eye(dim) grad_chi = grad_phi[qp][inc,el,:,:,:] # Get Hencky strains through eigenvalue decomposition bw, bv = np.linalg.eig(b) lam = np.log(np.sqrt(bw)) Hencky_p = np.diag(lam) # principal components of Hencky Hencky =,, np.transpose(bv))) # rotate # Store intermediate terms all_F[qp][inc,el,:,:] = F all_chi[qp][inc,el,:,:] = chi all_grad_chi[qp][inc,el,:,:,:] = grad_chi # Store deformation measures GreenLagrangeStrain[qp][inc,el,:,:] = 0.5*(, F) - np.eye(dim)) MicroGreenLagrangeStrain[qp][inc,el,:,:] =, chi) - np.eye(dim) Gamma[qp][inc,el,:,:,:] = np.einsum('iI,iJK->IJK', F, grad_chi) EulerAlmansiStrain[qp][inc,el,:,:] = 0.5*(np.eye(dim) - binv) HenckyStrain[qp][inc,el,:,:] = Hencky return(GreenLagrangeStrain, MicroGreenLagrangeStrain, Gamma, all_F, all_chi, all_grad_chi, EulerAlmansiStrain, HenckyStrain)
[docs] def collect_first_moment_of_momentum_measures(data, nqp, nel, dim=3): '''Collect body couples and micro-spin inertias :param dict data: The data dictionary containing output from Micromorphic Filter :param int nqp: The number of quadrature points :param int nel: The number of elements :param int dim: The number of spatial dimensions, default=3 :returns: dictionaries for body couples and micro-spin inertias ''' body_couples = {} micro_spin_inertias = {} ninc = np.shape(data['time'])[0] for qp in range(nqp): # Collect body couples values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim)) for t in range(ninc): root_string = f'body_force_couple_{t}' values[t,:,:,:] = data[root_string][qp].reshape((3,3)) body_couples.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) # Collect micro_spin_inertias values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim)) for t in range(ninc): root_string = f'micro_spin_inertia_{t}' values[t,:,:,:] = data[root_string][qp].reshape((3,3)) micro_spin_inertias.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) return(body_couples, micro_spin_inertias)
[docs] def get_R_and_U(data, F, chi, nqp, nel, dim=3): '''Calculate stretch and rotation tensors for macro deformation and micro deformation tensors using polar decomposition :param dict data: The data dictionary containing output from Micromorphic Filter :param dict F: A dictionary containing macro deformation gradient information :param dict chi: A dictionary containing micro deformation tensor informaiton :param int nqp: The number of quadrature points :param int nel: The number of elements :param int dim: The number of spatial dimensions, default=3 :returns: R, U, Rchi, and Uchi ''' ninc = np.shape(data['time'])[0] R, U, Rchi, Uchi = {}, {}, {}, {} for qp in range(nqp): R_temp, U_temp = [], [] R_chi_temp, U_chi_temp = [], [] # calculate polar decompositions for t in range(ninc): Rr, Ur = polar(F[qp][t,:,:,:], side='left') Rchir, Uchir = polar(chi[qp][t,:,:,:], side='left') # check orthogonality tol = 1.e-9 if (norm((, np.transpose(Rr)) - np.eye(3)),ord=2)) > tol: print('Error!!! R is not orthogonal!') if (norm((, np.transpose(Rchir)) - np.eye(3)),ord=2)) > tol: print('Error!!! Rchi is not orthogonal!') # append results R_temp.append(Rr) U_temp.append(Ur) R_chi_temp.append(Rchir) U_chi_temp.append(Uchir) # Collect R values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim)) for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): for t in range(ninc): values[t,:,i,j] = R_temp[t][i][j] R.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) # Collect U values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim)) for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): for t in range(ninc): values[t,:,i,j] = U_temp[t][i][j] U.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) # Collect Rchi values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim)) for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): for t in range(ninc): values[t,:,i,j] = R_chi_temp[t][i][j] Rchi.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) # Collect Uchi values = np.zeros((ninc, nel, dim, dim)) for i in range(dim): for j in range(dim): for t in range(ninc): values[t,:,i,j] = U_chi_temp[t][i][j] Uchi.update({qp:np.copy(values)}) return(R, U, Rchi, Uchi)