Python Module Index

    model_package.Calibrate.build_calibration_map Create a yaml file to map calibration results
    model_package.Calibrate.calibrate_element Calibrate micromorphic linear elasticity for a single filter element
    model_package.Calibrate.joint_probability_distributions Create a joint probability distribution plot to summarize calibration results
    model_package.Calibrate.return_minimum_smith_constraint Evaluate the 13 Smith constraints for micromorphic linear elasticity and return the minimum value
    model_package.Calibrate.summarize_calibration_results Summarize results of parameter calibration
    model_package.Calibrate.summarize_calibration_results_ignore_boundary Summarize results of parameter calibration while ignoring elements on the z-boundary"
    model_package.config_software Configure software paths in a YAML file
    model_package.DNS_Abaqus.build_dynamic_elastic_cylinder Create an Abaqus model of an elastic cylinder under dynamic compression
    model_package.DNS_Abaqus.build_elastic_cylinder Create an Abaqus model of an elastic cylinder under static compression
    model_package.DNS_Abaqus.dynamic_analytical_comparison Plot dynamic Abaqus results against an analytical solution
    model_package.DNS_Abaqus.extract_frames Extracts 3D field output from a completed Abaqus simulation to save as 2D image
    model_package.DNS_Abaqus.extract_history Plot Abaqus history output for force versus displacement
    model_package.DNS_Abaqus.modify_input Modify Abaqus input file to output 'COORD' at integration points
    model_package.DNS_Abaqus.ODBextract_to_XDMF Convert Abaqus DNS results to XDMF format
    model_package.DNS_Ratel.build_options_file Write Ratel options file
    model_package.DNS_Ratel.plot_force_displacement Process force-displacement from Ratel DNS results
    model_package.DNS_Ratel.vtk_to_xdmf Convert Ratel DNS results to XDMF format
    model_package.Filter.bounds_from_DNS Create a csv containing the extents of a DNS file
    model_package.Filter.build_filter_config Write the configuration file for the Micromorphic Filter
    model_package.Filter.collect_multi_domain_errors Collect balance equation errors across filter domain studies
    model_package.Filter.collect_multi_domain_stats Collect statistics of a homogenized micromorphic quantity across filter domain studies
    model_package.Filter.force_bounds Create a csv file containing information for a bounding box encompassing all DNS points
    model_package.Filter.parse_balance_errors Parse balance equation errors from Micromorphic Filter standard output
    model_package.Filter.run_micromorphic_filter Run the Micromorphic Filter
    model_package.Filter.single_macroscale Write a single macroscale domain file for the Micromorphic Filter
    model_package.Filter.visualize_results Post-process Micromorphic Filter output
    model_package.Filter.xdmf_local_paths Create a copy of an XDMF file with absolute H5 paths replaced with relative paths
    model_package.Filter.xdmf_tomfoolery Modify an XDMF file by combining elements from separate 'blocks'
    model_package.peta Copy DNS results from the CU Peta library to the output directory
    model_package.Tardigrade_MOOSE.add_element_blocks_to_mesh Take an existing exodus mesh, add element blocks for each element, save with new name
    model_package.Tardigrade_MOOSE.build_dynamic_Tardigrade_input_deck Write a Tardigrade-MOOSE input file for dynamic simulation
    model_package.Tardigrade_MOOSE.build_Tardigrade_input_deck Write Tardigrade-MOOSE input file
    model_package.Tardigrade_MOOSE.cylinder_from_bounds Create a cylinder mesh from the bounds of a DNS file
    model_package.Tardigrade_MOOSE.finite_stVK_calculation Solution for uniaxial stress of a cylinder for finite deformation using the St. Venant-Kirchhoff elasticity model
    model_package.Tardigrade_MOOSE.plot_dynamic_displacement Process displacement vs time from Tardigrade-MOOSE results
    model_package.Tardigrade_MOOSE.plot_force_displacement Process force-displacement from Tardigrade-MOOSE results
    model_package.Tardigrade_MOOSE.summarize_micro_macro_force_displacements Process force-displacement from Tardigrade-MOOSE results
    model_package.Tardigrade_MOOSE.write_elastic_material_card Write elastic Tardigrade-MOOSE input card (.yml)
    model_package.xdmf_reader_tools Functions for reading XDMF files